Sermon Series
  • 1. First Light

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2018

    God predicted the Messiah would come eons before He did, in the darkness that followed the Fall--giving hope to mankind even after everything had gone wrong. It was the "first light" that shown in the darkness, and the light still shines, and the darkness has yet to overcome it.

    The Divine Advent(ure) First Light Genesis 3:14—4:1 This morning, we kick off for the Christmas season, believe it or not, a Christmas series, since Jesus Christ is what the Christmas season is all about. I’m calling it The Divine Advent(ure). We’ll have six messages to consider the Greatest more

  • 2. How To Handle The Unexpected

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2018

    Mary serves as an example of how to handle life when life doesn't go as expected--a great example. We all experience this sort of thing, and we find out--life doens't go as expected all the time. How would God have us respond?

    The Divine Advent(ure) How to Handle the Unexpected Luke 1:26-56 Have you ever noticed how life never seems to going exactly, or sometimes, even close to your plans? One of my favorite quotes is this one, apparently from an unbeliever: “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.” And more

  • 3. All You Could Want For Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2018

    God gave some incredible, unmistakable signs about who would save, and how he would save. It's important not to miss the signs concerning the most important event in all of history, and the most important person in all of history--the signs that show us that God came to save us through Jesus!

    The Divine Advent(ure) All You Could Want for Christmas Matthew 1:16; 18-25 After many failed attempts in November and December of 1803, Orville and Wilbur Wright finally got their flying machine off the ground. The airplane was born. In their excitement, they sent a quick telegraph to their more

  • 4. Toward A Kinder, Gentler Creation

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2018

    The Humility, Gentlness and Kindess of God was displayed in how he entered this world--as a gently, humble baby who would eventually deal with our sins with the same humility, gentleness and kindness in order to reconcile us to Himself. What an Awesome Savior and God!

    Toward a Kinder, Gentler Creation Luke 2:1-20 This month our nation mourned the passing of George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st president of the United States. The thing that I remember most about the first George Bush was a theme that he wanted to characterize his presidency. He wanted us to be more

  • 5. What Christmas Is All About--From An Authority

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2018

    Though not one of the traditional Christmas stories we refer to when we consider Christmas, the prologue of John's Gospel perhaps offers the most complete explanation found anywhere about what Christmas is really about--the God-man came to earth to rescue us from this present darkness.

    Christmas: What It's All About—From an Authority John 1:1-14 Christmas Eve, 2018 I know most of you this evening came expecting to hear another repetition of the Christmas story, focusing on the angels visit to Joseph or Mary, the virgin birth in Bethlehem, or even the Magi's visit. And more