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  • I Am Crucifed With Christ

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Feb 25, 2016

    We must realize, as the early church did, that Calvary is not merely about how Christ died, but also how we should live.

    INTRO: 1. We must realize, as the early church did, that Calvary is not merely about how Christ died, but also how we should live. a. Modern day Christianity has often limited the Cross of Christ to the doctrinal boundaries of Salvation. b. But it’s clear from the epistles that they more

  • Who? Me?

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Aug 19, 2019

    The Navy SEALs are a pretty exclusive and elite group of men. But you and I are part of the most elite group in the world …. We are Christians!

    Hooyah! Anyone here a Navy SEAL? Anyone here want to become a Navy SEAL? I’m afraid it’s a pretty elite group and none of us would be qualified to enter the training program. First of all, you have to be a man … sorry, ladies. You have to be an active-duty member of the U.S. Navy. You have more

  • From Tragedy To Triumph Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 17, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Easter: Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of salvation and eternal life. But what else did it accomplish? It gave us the promise of renewal and transformation in our everyday lives and over our trials and troubles.

    Easter is upon – the day when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and at Easter time we wish to hear why the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is significant to us. We want to hear of the hope that we no longer have to be condemned to an eternal spiritual death, more

  • The Wide Mix Of Emotions At The Cross – Easter Message For Good Friday Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 16, 2024

    What would you have felt if you were at Calvary? So many emotions were displayed there and today we investigate some of those and the people connected with them. Especially we will look at the emotions pertaining to the Saviour, and rely on the Old Testament for that. Place yourself there!

    THE WIDE MIX OF EMOTIONS AT THE CROSS – EASTER MESSAGE FOR GOOD FRIDAY [A]. INTRODUCTION Crucifixion was not an unknown event. The people in the Roman Empire were familiar with this cruel means of execution. That day outside Jerusalem’s city wall when three men were crucified at Golgotha, did more

  • Making The Best Out Of Life

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    There are Biblical principles which can help us make life better.

    INTRO.- ILL.- A man by the name of George owned an apartment complex and had just completed the exterior brick work on the 2nd floor. He had some bricks left over and was trying to decide the best way to get the load of bricks back down to the ground level without breaking them. He noticed a more

  • Stand Firm

    Contributed by Thomas Baird on Jun 8, 2004
    based on 12 ratings

    Stand Firm For God

    Stand Firm! Today, I am going to use quite a bit of scripture, I do not want to confuse anyone or get you frustrated by having to turn back and forth to keep up with what is going on, but I want you to leave here today, not knowing what I have had to say, but more

  • Tender Warriors

    Contributed by Steve Malone on May 15, 2001
    based on 388 ratings

    In this message we will see the awesome design God has for men. Forget about what the media says here is God’s kind of man.

    "GOD’S KIND OF MEN; TENDER WARRIORS..." {Top 10 lists...} I. OKAY LET’S TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEM; "THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN" Do you remember years ago watching the movie The Incredible Shrinking Man? In the movie the main character is a man who because of an exposure to a chemical more

  • When Life Tumbles In

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 76 ratings

    Job wanted to know: What is the benefit in being good? Where is God? What should my response to God be?

    The most difficult part of being a pastor is regularly walking into situations which are filled with tragedy and brimming with raw emotion. The added pressure for a pastor is that there is a silent expectation in some people’s minds that you are supposed to have some answers — or at least some more

  • No Pain, No Gain

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Life is not without pain but even though we go through painful experiences God can take them and use them for a great gain in our life.

    No Pain, No Gain Leave the past and move into the future! Thesis: Life is not without pain but even though we go through painful experiences God can take them and use them for a great gain in our life. Text: I Peter 1:1-9 1 Peter 1:1 (NIV) 1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect, more

  • A Royal Funeral

    Contributed by Mack Armstrong on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The death of Jesus was more than bringing salvation to a lost world; it involved an international situation which only God was able to solve.

    JOHN 19:38-42 A ROYAL FUNERAL I. THE REALITY: * A. Romans. B. Retainer. C. Receivership. II. THE RICH: ** A. Risk. B. Respected. C. Remorseful. III. THE REPOSE: *** A. Royalty. B. Restful. C. Rush. The death of our Lord is now a fact of more

  • Funeral

    Contributed by Clyde White on Nov 22, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    I’ve been asked for some of my funeral messages. Because each funeral service is personal, I don’t feel it proper to give the actual message. Instead, I am posting a "compilation" as a generic message, part of my own making and some from the expression of

    Funeral Message for a Believer ____ was a grand lady(gentleman), and her(his) life was unusual in many respects. She(he) faced death in the same manner she(he) faced life. Both were challenges to be met head on. Death to the Christian is, in many ways, like GRADUATION DAY. Both involve years of more

  • Let Go Of Bitterness Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Bitterness is a dangerous thing in the life of the Christian that simply needs to be let go of.

    “Let Go Of Bitterness” Introduction: In Southeast Asia many years ago someone developed an ingenious method to catch monkeys alive and unharmed. The “Monkey Trap” which was developed was very simple; the hunter would take a pot with a wide bottom and narrow opening and bury the pot in the ground more

  • Jesus, Our City Of Refuge! Series

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Feb 23, 2014

    The Cities of Refuge in the Book of Joshua are not only a portrait of Christ, but they are also a picture of the Church, the Body of Christ. We have a refuge in Christ to give to all who are in need of a Savior.

    JESUS, OUR CITY OF REFUGE! Dr. Larry Petton Great Chapters of the Bible #7 Text: Joshua 20 _____________________________________________________________________________________ THINK ABOUT THIS Homelessness is skyrocketing in America. Over 3.5 million Americans live on the streets. Of the more

  • The Spiritual Discipline Of Christian Submission Series

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Aug 29, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon examining the importance of submission in the Christian Life.

    The Spiritual Discipline Of Christian Submission I Peter 2:13-20 Listen online at - or Roger Staubach, led the Dallas Cowboys to the World Championship in 1971. But he faced a great struggle that year. Staubach said more

  • Real Influence Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 14, 2014

    If we want to live lives of real influence, then we must fear God, not people.

    One day, a bus driver was driving along his usual route. He didn't encounter any problems for the first few stops; a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well. At one stop, however, a big hulk of a man got on. He was 6' 8" tall, built like a wrestler, and his arms hung down more

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