  • Mack Armstrong

    Contributing sermons since Mar 28, 2006
Mack's church

Cloverdale United Methodist
Bowling Green, Ohio 45606

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  • John Wilkes Booth Was A Die Hard American. His ...

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2008

    John Wilkes Booth was a die hard American. His sympathy was with the Southern cause. Slavery was only a side line to the many who opposed the Union in the years leading up to the Civil War. The real issue was the rights of individual states to conduct their business under the umbrella of a national more

  • His Return

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2007

    His Return He was a young book peddler. Back before the days of numerous public libraries, book stores, the Internet and various other places from where one could buy or borrow a book, the book peddlers made their living by “peddling books.” These men would begin their livelihood by acquiring more

  • Gordon Was A Skinny, Underweight Lad Of 17 When ...

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2007

    Gordon was a skinny, underweight lad of 17 when he talked his mother into signing him up so he could join the Marines. The week he left for "Boot Camp" he was in my office and told me the following. He said he wished for one thing only in this life. And, if he could get his wish, he would never ask more

  • Ah, What An Easy Job Is His

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Ah, what an easy job is his, The man who’s in the preaching biz! He has but little work to do, For all he does the whole week through Is just to call upon the flock As regularly as the clock; To cheer the sick who groan in bed, To preach a sermon for the dead; To teach the sinner more

  • Anastasia's Father Lost His Job-Not Through A ...

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2006

    Anastasia’s father lost his job-not through a direct fault of his own. As a result of losing his job, the entire family had to leave their nice home and go live in an apartment. After a few weeks living in this rental, they were moved far away and made to live in a small town where it was extremely more