  • Thomas Baird

    Contributing sermons since Dec 15, 2002
Thomas's church

Midway Baptist Church
Melbourne, Arkansas 72556

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Newest Sermons

  • Redeemed

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We spend so much time looking back... wishing we could change the past... feeling that others only remember us for who we WERE... and not what we are today... But we have been redeemed..

    Redeemed 10/16/2012 Take your Bible if you would… and turn to Galatians chapter 3… And when you get there I want us to start in verse 26… and we will move on into chapter 4… as I see this as a continued thought… Galatians 3:26–4:7 (NIV84) 26 You are more

  • God Inhabits The Praise Of His People

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    God inhabits the praise of His people

    God inhabits the praise of his people. “Lord what can I do?” Have you ever said that? Have you ever cried out to God in that way? I have said that on numerous occasions in my life… as I am sure most of us have… if not word for word… still we have made more

  • Are We The 95%

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2012
    based on 44 ratings

    Comparing the "Occupy Movement 99%" to the Church in America today... the 95%... and how so much of the Church today is like the occupy protestors

    Are We the 95% 10/4/2012 Take your Bibles if you would and turn to James chapter 1… starting in verse 19… I actually did not plan it this way… but we are going to begin this message basically… where we ended the message 2 weeks ago… James 1:19–27 more

  • A Community Worth Taking For God

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A call for us to carry out the Great Commission and Take our land back for God.

    A community worth taking for God 5/31/2007 This message was inspired by a message by Frank Page. The overview of the message is similar to the overview of his inspiring message. Read numbers 13:17-33 Introduction… Frank Page… the current president of the Southern Baptist Convention… more

  • Who Are We?

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Used at the annual meeting of our association.. telling the Church in America, its time to RISE UP! and do the Work the Lord has for us.

    Who Are We? 10/15/2004 Introduction… I would like to thank the First Baptist Church of -------for having us here this evening, and I thank the association as well, for allowing me to be a part of this service. And I want to thank my daughter, Katy, for more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Our Daughter, Little Kelsey, Turned One Year Old ...

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2004

    Our daughter, little Kelsey, turned one year old a little over a week ago… and she is not walking yet… All of our other kids were walking by her age… and Kelsey is not even trying. I told Derek yesterday that I know why she is not trying… Because we will take her wherever she wants more