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  • Responding To The Real Jesus Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    To see Jesus for who He really is opens the door to eternal possibilities. But that revelation also requires a response to either reject Him or serve Him as Lord of all.

    Responding to the Real Jesus Fortifying the Foundations #2 John 1:1-18 3-9-03 Intro: John 1:1-18 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. more

  • Isra-'el. Part 1.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on May 29, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Israel, the land of God, the Land of Prophecy. We always pray for Israel and Her people. We must also look at the facts concerning Her and Jesus rejection.

    Isra-’el. Israel, the land of God, the Land of Prophecy. We always pray for Israel and Her people. We must also look at the more

  • Desert Survival Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Will look at this teaching from Jesus to show how acceptance of the death of Jesus in place of our own is the bread of life that all men ought to crave for, not reject.

    I was a Jr. High student from CO. We were visiting Artesia Christian College, near Carlsbad, NM. They told our group that we were going to take a desert hike – that it would be fun. So, we piled into vehicles and drove south to the Chihuahuan Desert. You know, from an air conditioned car, the more

  • What Is Going On Here...why America Is In The Shape She Is In

    Contributed by Kevin Bockus on Nov 13, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Why is America in the shape she is in? Paul helps to give an understanding in Romans 1:18-32 when he deals with the rejection of God in the Roman society.

    Text: Romans 1:18-32 Title: What Is Going on Here: Why America is in the shape it is in. Subject: Salvation Proposition: Rejecting God brings dire consequences. Interrogative: What are the consequences of rejecting God? Objective: Therefore, be convinced that God is real. Transition: Lets more

  • How To Overcome The Fear Of What People Will Think Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Feb 8, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Every one of us will face criticism and rejection if we start really doing something for God. Here are 5 steps to dealing with fear of men. *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    How to overcome fear of what people will think: Read Acts 4:1-31. (Tell the story. . . review Acts 3 briefly) One of the most natural things that humans do is be afraid of what other people will think. You may not think this affects you. . . you might not be a part of something like this: The more

  • Cain & Abel

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Why Cain’s offering rejected, Abel’s accepted, why Cain killed Abel, how God responded, how we should live in the light of this

    Children’s Talk • Sisters: Carol (13, going into year 9) & Abbie (10, going into year 6) • It was day before Mother’s Day • Both girls got a card for their Mum  Abbie went and bought the nicest… coloured card, glue, glitter, colouring pens…made the card (drew some sheep- Mum likes more

  • Gideon - "The Cycle Of Sin Of The Nation" Series

    Contributed by Don Jones on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 35 ratings

    The message reviels the Cycle of sin. 1. Rescued by the Lord 2. Rejection of the Lord 3. The Reaping of Sin 4. Remember Who He Is 5. Return to Him

    Gideon - "The Cycle of Sin of the Nation" Judges 6:1-10 Introduction “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest His correction; for whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights” (Proverbs 3:11-12) A loving parent will not allow their more

  • How Does God Deal With Saints Who Sin?

    Contributed by Wesley Byrd on Oct 6, 2013

    How marvelous is the grace of God. Eternal Security is a truth that lies at the heart of doctrine. We're not caste out but cleaned up, not cursed but chastened, not rejected but renewed.

    HOW DOES GOD DEAL WITH SAINTS WHO SIN? Ps. 51:11 INTRO: In the case of a bride murdered on her wedding day by her ex-lover, the defense tarnished her name, said she invited violence and argued for a lesser charge of 'passion provocation' murder. On Oct. 23, a jury rejected a "crime more

  • What Was Jesus Saying (Wwjs)?

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 13, 2014

    The Word of God speaks with a clear and loud voice. When we reject the Truth, then it is all riddles and parables. When we believe, the Truth is heard clearly again.

    What Was Jesus Saying (WWJS)? John 7:25-36 Introduction In our last several messages from the seventh chapter of John, we have noted that it happened at the Feast of Tabernacles about six months before the crucifixion. His brothers wanted Him to go and make a public show of his super powers to more

  • Christ’s Real Family Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to be part of Christ’s real family, then don’t reject Him as a lunatic; don’t revile him as a devil; receive Him as Lord.

    For years an elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems, and for years his family tried again and again to persuade him to get a hearing aid, but he always refused. Then finally, one day, he gave in. He went to the doctor and was fitted for a set of one of those nearly invisible hearing aids more

  • Why Are There So Many Hypocrites In Church? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 19, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Many skeptics use Christian hypocrites as an excuse for rejecting Christ. In this sermon, we make the distinction between sinners and hypocrites. Everyone in church is a sinner, but not everyone is a hypocrite.

    Introduction: A. One day Robert Redford, the famous actor, was walking through a hotel lobby, when a woman recognized him and ran over to him. 1. With great excitement, she gushed, “Are you the real Robert Redford?” 2. As the doors of the elevator closed, he replied, “Only when more

  • Not Abandoned Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 9, 2011

    Thought Israel rejected Jesus, God did not abandon them. He continues to move drawing them back to him--just as he does in our lives.

    Romans 9:1-5 “Not Abandoned” INTRODUCTION One of the fundamental questions with which we struggle so often is, “Can God be trusted?” Or, to put it another way, “Is God true to his promises, or has there been an example of a time when God failed to keep his more

  • 10-23-11 Romans 9 Thru 11 It's All About Gods Plan (Romans Lesson)

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Oct 23, 2011

    In chapter 9 of Romans Paul expressed concerned about Gods people coming to Christ...many rejected Him and still believed in their own religion and that goes on today.

    10-23-11 Romans 9 thru 11 It's all about Gods plan The next three chapters deal with Israel’s spiritual history: past (chap. 9), present (chap. 10), and future (chap. 11). Paul’s purpose is to explain how God could set aside His chosen people and save the Gentiles, and how He will more

  • What Are Wicked People?

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 21, 2014

    To show what are wicked people like. To learn that wicked people are not wicked because they do wicked things, but because they rejected the LORD JESUS who is the solution to the wickedness.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you wicked? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show what are wicked people like. To learn that wicked people are not wicked because they do wicked things, but because they rejected the LORD JESUS who is the solution to the wickedness. John 3:19 (Amplified more

  • A Tectonic Collision: Truth Confronts Hatred Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2021

    Sometimes lost people reject the Gospel because they do not understand, sometimes because they do. We must be faithful and recognize the results are in God’s hands, not ours.

    A Tectonic Collision: Truth Confronts Hatred (Acts 22:1-29) 1. We have had our embarrassing social situations. 2. One woman writes, “This is my favorite story… and it’s a true one. I’ve made my mother tell this story so many times she’s got to be sick of it. “My mom, Rhonda Willeford, has a more

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