Sermon Series
  • 1. I Met Him When I Was Dry And Thirsty

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2021

    Jesus showed God’s love to one of His lost sheep beside a well in Samaria and then He showed His love for all of His lost sheep on the cross.

    Ahhh … small town country living! Where everybody knows everybody …and everybody knows everybody’s business, amen? Sychar was your typical small country town where everybody knew everybody … and everybody knew everybody’s business. Sychar’s only claim to fame was that it was located a half more

  • 2. I Met Him At The Top Of My Game

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is my “treasure” in Heaven and He is my way to Heaven. I can only reach my treasure in Heaven by putting my full and complete trust in Him. It cannot be Christ plus something else. It can only be Christ plus nothing … period.

    If you had to had to have surgery, who would you want to perform the operation? Some surgeon that you randomly picked out of the phone book or looked up on the internet? An intern fresh out of medical school? Or an experienced surgeon whose done this particular procedure a thousand more

  • 3. I Met Him When I Was Hopeless

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2021

    With every pound of the nail, the leprosy of our sins disappeared. With every drop of his blood our spirits became whiter and cleaner and brighter. When He walked away from the empty tomb we were spiritually new creations with hearts and souls as pure and clean as the day that we were born, amen?

    Hello … my name is Joram. I was born and raised in the sleepy little Samaritan town of Shiloh. Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. It’s about a 100 miles south of nowhere. The only people who know about Shiloh are the people like me who live there or the occasional stranger who is lost or more

  • 4. I Met Him When I Was In The Dark

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Why is spiritual birth necessary? God’s Word says that unless a person be born again, they cannot see the Kingdom of God. So, the question before us today is this: How can you tell if you have been spiritually born again from above?

    John Wesley was a very religious man. For those of you who don’t know it, John Wesley was our founder … along with his brother, Charles. As I said … John Wesley was a very religious man from a very religious family. His father was an ordained Anglican priest. His brothers Samuel and Charles more

  • 5. I Met Him When I Had No Choice

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2021

    Jesus stands before Pilate. It seems that Jesus is being swept away by the events surrounding Him but the TRUTH is that Jesus is the only one in control. It is Pilate and the Jewish leaders who are being swept up in a battle that they cannot see or control.

    Governor Pilate stood on the balcony of the praetorium, his headquarters, and looked down at the mobs milling around in the streets below. “Ugh!” he thought. Jewish pilgrims, priests, vendors, thieves, rebels, beggars, prostitutes … rabble! … all crammed into Jerusalem’s narrow streets … and it more

  • 6. I Met Him On The Cross

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2021

    The Perfect Lamb of God can and will make you into a new creation by the power of His blood and He will do this because He wants to be with you in your heart and in your life in the here and now … and He wants you to be with Him in Paradise forever.

    The three men struggle as they carry their cross beams through the Jerusalem streets. Two of them wear signs around their necks that say “kakourgos” (kaw-coor-gos). The third prisoner lags behind … beaten and broken and so badly torn up that someone has to help Him carry His cross beam. His more

  • 7. I Met Him And He Gave Me A New Heart

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2021

    Saul’s conversion into Paul is an example of the fact that no one is too far from God or too far beyond God’s reach or God’s power to save, to transform a person, and give them a new heart … a heart for Him alone.

    Today, doctors can literally give you a new heart … well, new to you at least. It once belonged to someone else. Someday medical science may be able to give us a mechanical heart … but I truly believe that only God can give you a change of heart. When I say that, I’m not talking about this more