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  • Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on Feb 4, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Where’s your fruit, Church? Maybe the world doesn’t see much fruit from us because we’re hiding out like Moses and making excuses instead of jumping into action. God sometimes asks us to do difficult things. Will we trust Him? Do we respond in faith or with excuses when God calls?

    Last week, we heard a powerful message on the topic of faith and works... about how faith without works is dead. The pastor said, “Focus on God, and then He through you will produce the fruit... You can’t do anything for God... but God through you can do amazing, amazing, amazing things!” He more

  • Sermon: The Call To Reign In Life Through Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 29, 2024

    First, we are created in the image and likeness of God with unlimited potential and creativity and told to have dominion. Second, we can reign in life through Jesus Christ regardless of the environment in the world, country, or the state.

    Sermon: The Call to Reign in Life Through Jesus Christ Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28 “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness. Let them rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the domestic animals all over the earth, and all the animals that crawl on the earth. So God more

  • Divine Interruptions Series

    Contributed by Mason Davis on Aug 21, 2024

    You're going make it through, and God’s going make it for you. All the glory will go to Him when we get home, home to heaven.

    DIVINE INTERRUPTIONS By: C. Mason Davis TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.” You're going make it through, and God’s going make it for you. All the glory will go to Him when we get home, home to more

  • 5 Ways To Speak Without Regret Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Sep 11, 2024

    Words spread easily. Kudzu was introduced from Asia for soil erosion control. But the problem with Kudzu is it easily spreads and suffocates native plants and even trees. Knowing that your words can spread so easily, think before you speak.

    I want to speak to you about 5 Ways to Speak without Regret. Let’s talk about the power of your words for the next few minutes. We continue a series entitled Give Me THAT Attitude. Often, we tell our children, “Don’t you give me that attitude.” This is the exact opposite. These are attitudes we more

  • The Bigger The Destiny The Bigger The Challenge Series

    Contributed by Godsgift Bee Willie on Feb 13, 2025

    Your destiny is waiting—let’s take the first step together With hope and determination. G.B. Willie

    Define Your Purpose or Destiny Your Challenges Do Not Define Your Destiny; Your Response Does. The greatest mistakes most people do is allowing others defined their destiny not realizing that the establishment of that dream in your heart is only assigned for you alone. I have hard many saying more

  • God's Instructions For Victory

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Jun 29, 2023

    This message is about God's instructions that helped me rebound after my job was eliminated.

    Good morning, New Light! Many of you know me, but for those who don’t, I am Barry, your pastor’s brother, and I am honored that he asked me to share the message this morning. My message is a very personal one that resulted from a job loss. It was a difficult and uncertain time in my life, and in more

  • When Leadership Fails A Congregation

    Contributed by Gordon Brownlee on Nov 3, 2023

    When leadership hurts a congregation there has to be a way for the people of God to heal.

    Video Presentation When leadership oversteps their bounds there is a compounded effect upon the lives of the people they once served. Most recently the news has highlighted a minister who has engaged in certain nefarious activities for over twenty more

  • Helmet Of Salvation: Going To Church Is Enough Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 1, 2023

    Settling for the minimum will be the death of the American Church. Satan knows that. Satan introduces a lie in our minds and hearts that “going to church is good enough.”

    THE ARMOR OF GOD AND THE LIES OF THE ENEMY Helmet of Salvation: Going to Church is Enough Ephesians 6:10-18 #armorofGod INTRODUCTION… READ EPHESIANS 6:10-18 (ESV) “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand more

  • The Tenth Commandment + Fulfilling The Great Commandment + Conclusion/How To Begin Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 12, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is taken from the book, "The Ten Commandments - God's Essential Rules For A Happy And Healthy Home" by Craig A. Nelson, and available at Amazon

    THE TENTH COMMANDMENT “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:17 more

  • The Nature Of Christian Fellowship

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on May 6, 2023

    This is a series in the book of Philippians. .

    Title: The Nature of Christian Fellowship Scripture: Phil. 1:3-8 Type: Expository Where: GNBC Intro: “A family went to the movies. On the way in, the young man of the family stopped at the refreshment stand to pick up some popcorn. By the time he got into the theater, the lights were already more

  • Humility Leads To Unity Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jun 13, 2023

    Paul commands the Philippians to make his joy complete by having a unity that comes from humility.

    Technicolor Joy: Philippians 2:1-2 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 6-11-2023 Narcissus The story is told that Echo, a wood nymph, fell in love with a Narcissus. She followed him through the woods but could only repeat back what he said to her. He rejected her and she more

  • "daniel In The Lion's Den"

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This message is a series on the book of Daniel.

    Title: “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” Scripture: Daniel 6 Type: Series/expository Where: GNBC 11-13-22 Intro: The account of God’s miraculous deliverance of Daniel in the lion’s den is one of the most notable stories in the OT. In the story we see how a faithful God delivers His faithful servant, more

  • The New Birth

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Nov 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Millions of people consider themselves to be Christian. Many believe they have converted to Christianity, but is that the case? Just because some may call themselves Christian and have their names written on a church membership list, does that guarantee that they are converted Christians?

    The Truth about Conversion India has six major religions – Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Sikhism, where Hindus form 80% of the population and others are minorities. There are also States in India with majority populations of other religions like in J&K, where we have a more

  • I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life Series

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Aug 29, 2021

    There is a way to the Father, and the way is wide open. There is a truth about God that can be known for certain. There is a life with God that lasts forever. And you can get it all through faith in Christ Jesus!

    Many cities in this land are multicultural. Over the years, people from all over the globe have found their way here. They’ve all brought with them their languages, their traditions, food and clothing—and they’ve also brought their religions. So when you drive around, you see quite a few Christian more

  • 11th Sunday After Pentecost. August 4th, 2024. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 25, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Year B, Proper 13.

    2 Samuel 11:26-27, 2 Samuel 12:1-13, Psalm 51:1-12, Exodus 16:2-4, Exodus 16:9-15, Psalm 78:23-29, Ephesians 4:1-16, John 6:24-35. (A) AMAZING GRACE FOR BACKSLIDING BELIEVERS. 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13. It is not my purpose at this time to go into all the sordid details of David’s sin with more

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