Gordon Brownlee
Contributing sermons since Sep 19, 2012
Newest Sermons
Getting Back To One Lord, One Faith, And One Father Over All
Contributed on Mar 16, 2025
The most valuable moment in time is found at the Cross of Christ. His death, burial and resurrection not only redeemed us by the blood of the Lamb but also made us a new creation. Its time to Let Jesus make us new all over again.
If you had an OFF switch how many ways would you want to use it? What attitudes and actions would you want to escape? How many bad choices in life would you want to leave behind? How many ways would you want to separate from improper ownership, unnecessary obligations or faulty thinking? We have a ...read more
What To Do If Salvation Stops Saving (Updated)
Contributed on Mar 6, 2025
Many can mark the day of their salvation. At some point they saw the need to ask for help from above and Jesus Yeshua heard their prayer and sent the gift of the Holy Spirit. However life doesn’t always provide us safe passage and a worldly or even religious mindset can interrupt a sure salvation.
The Contract Welcome Mr. Ross. How can my legal office be of service to you? I have signed my name to a contract and would like to be released from it. What is the contract pertaining too? Well…ah…it’s my salvation contract. Your salvation contract? That’s very interesting; do you have the document ...read more
Agenda 21 Was Our Introduction To The Tribulation Of Revelation
Contributed on Feb 23, 2025
A lot of signs are pointing to us living in the last days, but what events have been speaking the loudest? Since 2020 we saw a number of events confirm where we reside in the time line.
We are living in interesting times. More specifically we have come to the end of the age and bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Current world events are aligning themselves with Scriptures that were once written thousands of years ago. These events that we are experiencing are ...read more
Dancing With Those Behind The Curtain
Contributed on Jan 23, 2025
WHAT IF ONE REQUEST OF GOD COULD TOPPLE A WHOLE EMPIRE THAT’S BEEN HIDING IN YOUR HEART? That's how Salvation works Read it or Watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKMukMvXxKw&t Without Jesus, man is a religion unto himself. His body is his temple, his soul is his doctrine and his ...read more
The Divided Mind
Contributed on Nov 20, 2024
We cultivate learned responses in life that we call upon as the need arises. This is a gift from God and represents the way in which we become productive people. However this same process also teaches us how to be a casualty of life. Renewing the mind is then found at the Cross of Christ.
Read it or watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa-2TCf28HM&t The following information presents a biblical point of view and is provided only for educational and entertainment purposes. It represents the opinions of its author alone. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional ...read more