
Summary: When the LORD transforms a person, they should witness for HIM

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Transformed to Witness

Acts 3:11-26

Most people think Christians are a group of people who share moral standards and meet at a specific building on Sundays.

They think Christians are formed by meeting with other like-minded people and sharing religious beliefs. But Christianity is something that happens to a person.

If you have received Christ, He has come to live within you by His Spirit and He wants to radically change you.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, “Christianity is essentially something that has happened, something that is happening, and something that is going to happen.”

• "Something that has happened":

This not only refers to the events of Jesus' birth, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection but it also points to the time a person received Christ by faith.

• "Something that is happening":

This is the ongoing experience of Christians living out our faith through prayer, worship, community, and applying Christ’s teachings to our lives, as we persevere and mature in Christ.

• "Something that is going to happen":

This refers to the Second Coming of Jesus where He will return as judge, and He will bring about a new heaven and earth.

Something that is going to happen also refers to our continued faith until He takes us home.

Please open your Bibles to Acts 3 as we continue that study.

We have been going through the Book of Acts, and last time we witnessed Peter and John Heading to the Temple to worship.

We discovered the lame man’s ultimate need was not found within the world’s resources, but the Holy Spirit knew this man’s real need was freedom from sin and bondage.

In the same way, we must never forget what God has saved us from. Today, if you are a Christian, you have been changed.

Some of us have a more radical change because of our past, but if you are in Christ, you are a New Creation and as a result, our priorities and desires will begin to change as well.

So, today we will see how the radical transformation of this crippled beggar attracted the people there that day, which provided an opportunity for the proclamation of the Gospel.

I. Give God the Glory!

Read Acts 3:11-12

Solomon's Porch was a covered walkway on the eastern side of the Temple's Outer Court in Jerusalem, named after Solomon.

The people were gazing at this former lame man because something very strange had just happened.

As the crowd wondered what this man was doing walking around, Peter received boldness to proclaim God’s greatness.

Within Peter’s sermon, he asked two very telling questions

1. Why do you marvel at this?

Peter reminded the crowd that the LORD is more than able to perform this miracle, after all, there are thousands of testimonies in Israel’s history about the LORD’s miracles.

• Creation, Abraham, the birth of the nation of Israel.

• David and Goliath

• Parting of the Red Sea and the Exodus out of Egypt

• Manna from Heaven

• Elijah calling down fire and also withholding the rain

Peter was saying, “You know that the LORD is the same yesterday, today and forever. Why are you shocked that He healed this lame man, our God is a supernatural God!”

The LORD always keeps His promises because He is Faithful!

Now that the LORD has changed us, we must be faithful and tell others about these things as well.

2. Why do you look so intently at us?

Peter said he was just a man and shouldn’t be on a pedestal.

Peter redirected their admiration to Jesus, Who is the only One worthy to be praised.

Christian, it doesn’t matter what ministry you are in, the quickest way to lose favor with the LORD is to accept self-exaltation and steal His glory.

Pointing people to yourself and your accomplishments is blasphemy and idol worship! Don’t steal God’s glory!

II. You denied the Holy One.

Read Acts 3:13-16

Notice that Peter doesn’t give a feel-good, Jesus saves, message.

Peter was very bold and explained to them that their sin and rejection was responsible for what happened to Jesus, as Peter gave a three-point sermon.

1. You rejected the Holy One!

Peter directly connected Jesus as the Promised One from the Old Testament. The God of Abraham, the God of your forefathers, Promised and sent God the Son, Jesus!

But the people rejected Him, so Peter held nothing back.

a. The message of rejection is personal.

Peter told the crowd the part they played in crucifying Jesus.

• You handed Jesus over to the Gentiles.

• You refused to acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

• You killed the Prince of Life.

• You demanded a murderer to be set free, in place of Jesus.

Peter gave them an old-fashioned pulpit pounding message.

Peter wanted this crowd to understand what a big deal the crucifixion of Christ was, just as we also need to understand what a big deal rejecting Jesus is.

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