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  • A Response Of Saving Faith-11

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 20, 2013

    11 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-XI—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: People we recognize as spiritually standing above others. Faith’s response to life’s challenges We indeed bring something of value to the table when we are saved! The Hebrews writer sought to encourage & exhort his readers(hearers) by more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 13, 2012

    7 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-VII—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Lucky Saucer A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store & he does a double-take. He recognizes that the saucer is extremely old & very valuable, so he more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 24, 2012

    1 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-I—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Faith’s response to life’s challenges Personal attempts to honor God in my work before entering pastoral ministry. Handing out Bibles to managers, etc. We indeed bring something of value to the table when we are saved! Need: The Hebrews more

  • The Last Supper: A Table Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Matthew 26:17-29 recounts the poignant moments when Jesus shared His final meal with His disciples before His crucifixion. It's a meal filled with deep symbolism and a message of grace.

    "The Last Supper: A Table of Grace" Introduction: Today, we gather around God's Word to explore the profound significance of the Last Supper, a meal that transcends time and culture. Matthew 26:17–29 recounts the poignant moments when Jesus shared His final meal with His disciples more

  • The God Of Hope

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Man needs to live with hope and only God can give us a sure and enduring hope in life. The Psalmist inspires hope in God as he recounts God’s past deeds and their experience of God’s deliverance.

    In “Point Man”, Steve Farrar tells about a photographer for a national magazine who was assigned to take pictures of a great forest fire. He was advised that a small plane would be waiting to fly him over the fire. The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. Sure more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-9

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 15, 2013

    9 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-IX—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Faith’s response to life’s challenges. We indeed bring something of value to the table when we are saved! The Hebrews writer sought to encourage & exhort his readers(hearers) by recounting the very practical responses more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-10

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 5, 2013

    10 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-X—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Lost Loot A little boy came home with a $10 bill he claimed to have innocently found. “Are you sure it was lost?” asked his mother. “”Oh yes Ma’am, I’m sure,’ said the boy. “I saw a man more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-8 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 26, 2012

    8 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-VIII—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Faithfulness The front door was accidentally left open & our dog was gone. After unsuccessfully whistling & calling, my husband got in the car & went looking for him. He drove around the neighborhood for some time with no more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 4:12-20 - Message 15 – Paul’s Heart Was Outpoured For The Galatians Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jun 1, 2024

    Paul recounts his own bodily illness and looks again to labouring in birth to deliver the Galatians from the bondage of false teachers. Paul’s sensitivities are at the fore in this letter, and his love for the Galatians was yearning for their deliverance from error.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 4:12-20 - MESSAGE 15 – PAUL’S HEART WAS OUTPOURED FOR THE GALATIANS PART [A] - HUMBLED TO BECOME AS THE GALATIANS WERE {{Galatians 4:12 “I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong”}} Paul tells them more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 2:1-10 - Message 4 – Paul’s Strategic Position As Apostle To The Gentiles Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 9, 2023

    The Galatians had been seduced into error by false teachers trying to put them under Law instead of grace. Paul writes decisively to them and recounts his own involvement in the gospel dealing with this error and his visits to Jerusalem.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 2:1-10 - MESSAGE 4 – PAUL’S STRATEGIC POSITION AS APOSTLE TO THE GENTILES [A]. INTRODUCTION TO THIS MESSAGE (a). Let’s look at the background so far we have covered in the previous messages. Paul had been commissioned by God to preach to the Gentiles the gospel more

  • Peter Speaks - A First Person Narrative Series

    Contributed by Jamie Bogaard on May 2, 2017

    Peter speaks about some of his experiences with Jesus over the past three years. He recounts the struggles and emotions of what happens during Holy Week. Where is Jesus? Is he really alive? What does the mean?

    Peter Speaks Various accounts from the gospels about Holy Week EASTER – April 16, 2017 You are welcome to use this first person narrative. It was a joy to write and a joy to share. I was just finishing a series on Peter but it could be used anytime but especially around Good more

  • The False Prophet At Bethel Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 14, 2025

    Just because one claims to be an old prophet doesn't mean he's a true prophet. This message recounts what happened to a true prophet who listened to an old but false prophet. The true prophet paid dearly.

    Introduction: Bethel was the scene of some good encounters between people and the LORD. Sadly it was also a place where Jeroboam established a false religion, centering on the worship of a golden calf. The background for this message comes from 1 Kings 12-13 Full disclosure: Sermon Central has more

  • You Are Our Father Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 19, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Isaiah has just recounted some past experiences with God when He moved & acted on behalf of His people. He now pleas with God to remember that He is their Father. It is a call for their God of power & love to take action on their behalf. In spite of the

    ISAIAH 63: 15-19 YOU ARE OUR FATHER Isaiah has just recounted some past experiences with God when He moved and acted on behalf of His people. He now pleas with God to remember that He is their Father. It is a prayer elicited out of their sorrow and desertion. It is a call for more

  • Adoration Of God Series

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on Sep 22, 2008

    We read in this verse the writings of Moses as he recounts the story of receiving the second set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments. The Israelites had just crossed the Red Sea, approached Mount Sinai, Moses met with God and received the first Ta

    Adoration of God Sermon by CH(CPT) Keith J. Andrews All scripture marked ESV: The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society. This morning we turn to the book of Deuteronomy 10 and verse 12. The verse reads: “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require more

  • What Is Your Name

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Sep 23, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    Who of us have never known an experience that we’d sooner forget; an experience of theft or maybe deception; or recounting those times when we were selfishly motivated, yielding to sin’s tempting tug and losing to its hold and persuasion.

    The unknown author of the following story captures the value of a name. “After the American Civil War the managers of the infamous Louisiana Lottery approached Robert E. Lee and asked if he’d let them use his name in their scheme. They promised that if he did he would become rich. Astounded, Lee more

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