
Summary: Jeremiah recounts what he is seeing in the aftermath of the Babylonian destruction. The elders regret their sin. Mankind is a vile picture of inhumanity and lack of compassion, and that confronted Jeremiah. Babies were suffering and dying. The prophet was greatly stressed and overcome.


We have now finished the series of verses that were attributing blame to the LORD for what happened in Judah. There were many accusations but these were aligned with the permissive will of God, and Jeremiah knew that, for he prophesied to the nation over and over about what would happen if there was no repentance. There was no repentance so what happened to the nation was upon the heads of Judah’s people.


{{Lamentations 2:10 “The ELDERS of the DAUGHTER OF ZION sit on the ground, and are silent. They have thrown DUST on their heads. They have girded themselves with SACKCLOTH. The virgins of Jerusalem have BOWED THEIR HEADS to the ground.”}}

I think from here until the end of the chapter it is Jeremiah lamenting at what he sees. He prophesied it all but it sorts of hits home when it happens and you see the tragedy afterwards.

The daughter of Zion means the nation of Judah, but it is tender term from a tender prophet. Consider these elders who sit silently on the dusty ground throwing dust on their heads. They have wrapped sackcloth around themselves. They must be sitting there in regret, but it is too late. Many, many times, Jeremiah addressed his message directly from the LORD to them, but they arrogantly ignored the LORD and persecuted the prophets. The reckoning had come and it was too late for them.

The elders should have been at the forefront of maintaining the spiritual correctness of the people. They were steeped in the sins of the nation themselves. It is a very sad situation when those with responsibility renege on that responsibility. Elders are held to be very responsible people. In both Testaments elders had/have solemn responsibilities, and they are held to a high accountability.

I said they must have been sitting there in the dust in regret, but I wonder if they gave any thought to repentance for the evil they did to the nation. Throwing dust on their heads according to one is this – [[“The practice of throwing dust upon the head symbolises humility and repentance. By casting the dust over one's head, they are equating themselves to the same level as the dust of the earth and are seeking God's pity and forgiveness.”]] I can only hope that was the case.

Ellicott – [[“The maidens, who had once joined with timbrels and dances in festive processions, walk to and fro with downcast eyes.”]] Everything has gone, hopes for the future, marriage, gaiety, and a lot more. That is what sin does, the cancer that destroys individual lives. Please repent and turn to the Lord who forgives and pardons, and starts you on a whole new journey to the Saviour’s presence. Do not put off the day of repentance and salvation like the elders did, for you will be overthrown as the elders were.


{{Lamentations 2:11 “MY eyes fail because of tears. MY spirit is greatly troubled. MY heart is poured out on the earth because of the destruction of the daughter of my people when little ones and infants faint in the streets of the city.”

Lamentations 2:12 They say to their mothers, “Where is grain and wine?” as they faint like a wounded man in the streets of the city, as their life is poured out on their mothers’ bosoms.”}}

Any war is devastating with the most horrible atrocities and the subsequent suffering. The most helpless are at the greatest risk because in desperate situations, each cares only for him/herself. The elderly, the frail, the ones with disabilities, and the small children and babies are at the greatest risk.

The scene is too much for Jeremiah as he sees the horrors piled up. This is the disgrace man does, one to the other. Mankind is a vile picture of inhumanity and lack of compassion, all because of his continued departure from his Creator. This is bad and Jeremiah is weeping in sadness of the deepest kind.

Tears have affected his sight with so much crying, and within, he is greatly churned up. One expression he uses is that HIS HEART IS POURED OUT ON THE EARTH. Verse 11 is quite an intriguing verse in the original and in the AV translation which is this – {{“Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; because the children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city.”}} That is language we do not use in our time. Translations have bypassed the original mostly.

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