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  • The Kind Of People God Wants Us To Be Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 30, 2018

    God wants us to be people: 1. Who have problems for the right reason. 2. Who remember that God is in control. 3. Who rely on God's help. 4. Who risk caring for other people.

    The Kind of People God Wants Us to Be The Book of Acts - Part 62 Acts 18:12-17 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - October 26, 2014 BACKGROUND *In tonight's Scripture, the Apostle Paul was still in the city of Corinth, and some pivotal things had happened. Verse 2 tells us that there more

  • Travelling With Paul: John Mark

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Mar 11, 2018

    Travelling with Paul : John Mark (Learning from failure) - sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Mark the Man: • (1a). His Name. • (1b). His Family. • (1c). His Attitude. (2). Mark the Missionary: • (2a). He Had Church Support (vs 3). • (2b). He Had God's Blessing (vs 4). • (2c). He Had A Smooth Departure (vs 4b). • (2d). He Had An Idyllic Destination (vs 4b). • (2e). more

  • Paul's Authority

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Feb 2, 2021

    This sermon was the first one of a series on the book of Ephesians. It unpacks the first two verses. Specifically Paul's authority to write the letter, and the value of the specific recipients of the letter (i.e., who Paul would refer to as "Saints)."

    Good morning. We are beginning a new series on the book of Ephesians called The Church in Christ and the Church in Culture. In case you are not familiar with the book of Ephesians, it is actually a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the church that he founded in the ancient city of Ephesus. more

  • What Is Happiness? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 11, 2021

    Both Jesus and Paul make it clear that it is more than a right to be happy, it is a duty. It is part of our commitment to Christ to overcome all that would make us unhappy.

    Epictetus, the ancient philosopher said, "If a man is unhappy, this must be his own fault, for God made all men to be happy." A Christian writer, St. Bernard, said something similar. "Nothing can work me damage except myself; the harm that I sustain I carry about with me, and never more

  • Examine Yourself!

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on May 14, 2020

    Paul exhorted the Corinthian Church to examine themselves to see if they were in the faith.

    Title: “Taking Life’s Test” Scripture: II Cor. 13:5-6 Type: Expos. Where: GNBC 5-10-20 Intro: Life is full of tests. I don’t mean the challenges of relationships, financial shortfalls or health failings. I mean, actual, literal tests! We start taking standardized tests of basic skills in more

  • One Anothers #4: Greet One Another Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Sep 1, 2019

    Did you ever attend a church and did not feel welcome? This should be a preposterous possibility if you understand God’s design for the church. This sermon is a reminder that our churches are meant to be places of warmth and worship.

    Greet One Another Series: The One Anothers: The Church’s “Body Builders” Chuck Sligh June 12, 2022 BLURB: Did you ever attend a church and did not feel welcome? This should be a preposterous possibility if you understand God’s design for the church. Yet it is not. This is why Paul commands us to more

  • Everyone Growing Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Spiritual growth is intentional, not automatic.

    EVERYONE Growing 2 Peter 3:17-18 Rev. Brian Bill April 22-23, 2023 Dr. Charles Stanley graduated to glory this week at the age of 90. He served as pastor of First Baptist in Atlanta for 51 years, authored over 60 books. His sermons have aired daily on the internet, television, and radio for many more

  • Intro To I John

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jun 1, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Series on I John

    Title: An Introduction to I John Script: I John 1:1-4 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 6-2-24 Intro: A teacher tells her class of five-year-olds they can paint whatever they like. After twenty minutes or so, she walks around the room to see what they’ve painted. “Ooh, that’s a nice house, more

  • The Power Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Normand Cote on Jun 8, 2001
    based on 101 ratings

    An introduction to the book of Romans with an emphasis on what the gospel is.

    Sermon title: The Power of the Gospel Scripture: Romans 1:1-17 Paul’s letter to Rome- The Bk. of Romans. Introduction: We will be studying the book of Romans in detail for the next while. · Why does Paul write this letter particularly since he did not start the church in Rome? · Why is more

  • Enriched Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Feb 25, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    First in a series on 1 Corinthians focusing on the spiritual position of the believers in spite of their practice.

    Chico Alliance Church September 15, 2002 Pastor David Welch “Enriched” I Corinthians 1:1-9 Introduction to the Book BACKGROUND OF CORINTH--THE CITY Major trade center Entertainment center Two types of games--Olympian/Isthmian. Isthmian held in Corinth. Cosmopolitan population--Greeks, Roman more

  • Set Apart Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 6, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    First in a series from the Book of Ephesians. As belivers, we are set apart for salvation, service and spiritual blessings.

    This morning, we’re going to embark on some basic training. For many of you who have served in our military, the concept is not a new one. Every branch of our military has some form of basic training that new recruits must complete before they are ready for duty. The website more

  • The Do's And Don'ts – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Sep 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    What about ministry and money? Should a man make his living from the ministry? What did Jesus say about it? Today, we will discuss this at length.

    I can just imagine the disciples sitting forward, anxiously waiting for Jesus to finish speaking. He’s just given them power and authority that they’ve only seen; that they’ve only been witness to - they’re anxious to get started. Jesus wants to make sure that they’re prepared before they go out more

  • Climbing Out Of The Hole: Winning Over Depression & Discouragement

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Oct 4, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Message addresses several causes of discouragement & several biblical steps to overcoming it.

    CLIMBING OUT OF THE HOLE: WINNING OVER DISCOURAGEMENT “‘The paper guy’s here!’ Every Monday morning a cashier at Eckerd’s drugstore greets me with these words. A manager gives her a key and she fishes $3 and change from a cash drawer and pays me for copies of the Kansas City Star sold the more

  • What On Earth Am I Here For? Series

    Contributed by Ben Mandrell on Aug 1, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sooner or later we all ask the question, "Why did God create me?"

    Note: This is the sermon manuscript that Ben carried into the pulpit. Feel free to use it in any way to advance the kingdom of God. Christianity 101: What On Earth Am I Here For? Romans 15-16 Englewood Baptist Church Sunday Morning, July 20, 2008 Today is a monumental day. We are finishing more

  • Clearing The Air: Misconceptions About Women Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on May 12, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    There are many common misconceptions about women and their role in the church and the home. The Bible, however outlines women’s responsibility, which is great in the kingdom.

    Clearing the Air: Common Misconceptions about Women Introduction: Today is Mother’s Day. It is a day we set aside to honor our mothers. Mother’s Day just like Father’s Day, but with flowers, cards, gifts, and meals. There is a lot of confusion about women. In fact I am confused about women more

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