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  • The Post-Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus made many appearances after His resurrection to prove both who He was and what He said was true.

    The post-resurrection appearances John 21:1-12 Three men were sitting on a park bench one day, when a faith healer asked if any of them had any physical problems. Well, the first guy said, ‘I’ve suffered from back pain ever since I was in the war. Is there any way you can more

  • Post Spiritual High Syndrome Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 1, 2019

    We all have times in life when we have had a spiritual high. Invariably the high is followed by challenges that lead to frustration and frustration that leads to distraction. This distraction can lead us away from serving God in full strength. That is the definition of Post-Spiritual High Syndrome.

    Jexit - Judah Comes Home Post Spiritual High Syndrome Ezra 4:1-5 In your life, most of us, maybe not all of us, have gone through this experience is what I call the Post-Spiritual-High-Syndrome. Ok … so this isn’t a technical description … but it is a legitimate experience It happened to more

  • The Illusions Of Modern Society And The Gospel

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 30, 2021

    Let's look at the illusions and presuppositions within the culture around us, and ourselves. Then we'll look at the cultural progression, media movements, and the gospel's power to transform cultures.

    "If we as Christians do not speak out as authoritarian governments grow from within or come from outside, eventually we or our children will be the enemy of society and the state. No truly authoritarian government can tolerate those who have a real absolute by which to judge its arbitrary more

  • Modern Miracles For The Nation Of Israel

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 10, 2018

    God is still intervening today to help His people Israel. The wars fought by the Israelis have had unexpected conclusions each time. People chock it up to their extreme good luck, but the true drift is that God's hand is at work!

    MODERN MIRACLES FOR THE NATION OF ISRAEL INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: GOOD TIMING 1. Morris owned one of the most popular menswear shops in Houston. But one night, his shop is broken into and a lot of his best items of clothing were stolen. 2. Morris's best friend, Arnold, when he heard what had more

  • The Post-Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus restores Peter and comforts the rest of the disciples after His resurrection.

    The post-resurrection appearances John 21:13-25 An eighty year old man was out fishing one day when he heard a voice. Knowing no one was around he just thought he was hearing things. Once again he heard, “Psst-psst hey you.” The man looked around and saw a frog in the water. more

  • Post Election Prayer Guide

    Contributed by Justin Ford on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    This is a Post Election Prayer Guide designed to be used for a Prayer Meeting or Bible Study

    POST ELECTION PRAYER GUIDE (The first part of this is the teaching notes with suggested answers. The second part is the participant guide with fill-in-the-blanks) • The election is an anxious time • for a lot of people in our country • People are often very passionate • about their political more

  • Dealing With The Post-Christmas Blahs

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 30, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    After the crescendo of Christmas, some of us are back to our complicated and chaotic lives. Message looks at three post-Christmas scenes and then three lessons to help us beat the blahs.

    Dealing with the Post-Christmas Blahs Matthew 2:13-23 Rev. Brian Bill 12/30/07 Dave Veerman has written a poem called, “Many Happy Returns.” See if it resonates with you: ‘Twas the day after Christmas And all through the room Strewn wrappings were crying For use of a broom The children were more

  • What's The News Post- Christmas?

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Dec 26, 2013

    There is a lot of hype around Christmas this message is a challange to engage after the main event. Or is it the main event?

    Christmas 2013 was one of those interesting times, our first Christmas in Dunedin, and our first Christmas alone as a couple without the boys. As I mentioned last week Rochelle and I were really keen to go somewhere for a picnic and between torrential downpours we managed to find a lovely spot more

  • Disciple In A Post Christian World

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 29, 2013

    We no longer live in a Christian culture. We are living in a post Christian world and people today are living like God doesn’t exist or at the very least, as if God doesn’t matter.So how can we be a disciple?

    Being a Disciple in a Post Christian World 1 John 2:6 and Ephesians 5:1-2 We might as well finally admit it. We no longer live in a Christian culture. We are living in a post Christian world and people today are living like God doesn’t exist or at the very least, as if God doesn’t more

  • Understanding Post Traumatic Stress

    Contributed by Peter Mcinnes on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    For military Veterans & families to help understand how PTSD is developed & some ideas on how to deal with it.

    This is written with the aim of explaining to both veterans & their families the reasons behind this major problem & to give some advice as to how to manage it successfully. Post traumatic stress disorder is not necessarily for war veterans, but can be caused by stressful experiences in life such more

  • Door Post Moving Sunday

    Contributed by Ken Crow on Feb 19, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    the Glory of God moves things and situations.

    Door Post Moving Sunday Isaiah 6:1-4 (King James Version) Pastor Ken Crow Isaiah 6 1In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2Above it stood the more

  • Narnia: The Light Of The Lamp-Post Series

    Contributed by Ron Hammer on Nov 28, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    One of the most enduring images from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the Lamp-Post. This sermon uses that image as a springboad into the theme of light in the story of redemption.

    The Light of the Lamp-Post Selected Texts “Not for me” said Peter; “I’m going to explore in the house.” Everyone agreed to this and that was how the adventures began… And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe; the sort that has a more

  • From Pearl Harbor To Post

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Feb 18, 2020

    Gods redemption

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, preemptive military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States (a neutral country at the time) against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, just before 08:00, on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Ninety minutes more

  • Welcome To The "Post-Truth” World!

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Mar 31, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Those with discernment know that we have been living in a spiritual “Post Truth” world for a millennia. God's facts and truths have been less influential in shaping individual public opinion than have appeals to emotion, personal reason and perspectives.

    Welcome to the “Post-Truth” World! You may have heard that, back in December, the Oxford Dictionary announced that "Post-Truth" is its 2016 word of the year. According to the Dictionary's website, the word is "an adjective defined as 'relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts more

  • The True Corner Post Of The Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 23, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores knowing God personally, encouraging energy to serve Him, boldness to share Him, and finding contentment in Him.

    Good morning, dear friends. It is always a joy to gather with you, to share in the warmth of our fellowship, and to open the rich treasure chest of God’s Word together. We are not here by accident. We are here by divine appointment, called together by the One who has written our stories and holds more

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