  • Peter Mcinnes

    Contributing sermons since Jun 1, 2010
Peter's church

Anglican Independent Communion Australia
Capalaba, *Province/Other 4157
0419 716 296

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  • Hero For Jesus

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2010

    World War I Chaplain Fighting MacKenzie, researched by Pastor Col Stringer

    Heroes from WWI, William “Fighting Mac” McKenzie (12/1869-26/7/1947) Pstor Col Stringer reveiled the Australian Heros to us by his research, today I share it with you. Who are your personal heroes? Who do you look up to/want to be like? Why did Aussies want to go to WWI? It was more

  • Mentoring

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Mentoring-a Biblical example

    Mentoring – A way to Discipleship… When we look at the word of God, we see in numerous times where a man of God linked with another to learn from them and be a partner in what they are doing. Examples are: Elijah & Elisha, David & Jonathan. Naomi & Ruth and ultimately learning from the life of more

  • Understanding Post Traumatic Stress

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    For military Veterans & families to help understand how PTSD is developed & some ideas on how to deal with it.

    This is written with the aim of explaining to both veterans & their families the reasons behind this major problem & to give some advice as to how to manage it successfully. Post traumatic stress disorder is not necessarily for war veterans, but can be caused by stressful experiences in life such more

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