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  • The Small Seed

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The Kingdom of God will grow because God is working. Growth comes from Him and it has nothing to do with the size of the seed.

    Both parables set out to teach us, "What the Kingdom of God is like." Note two things,(1) Growth is taking place because God is working, (2) Growth has nothing to do with the Size of the Seed Growth comes from God. Jesus uses the illustration of a farmer to emphasize this point. • The farmer more

  • The Parable Of The Four Soils Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    Only one of the four soils produces. Three of the four soils reject the seed. The problem isn’t with the seed but the soil. It’s the same seed that produces a great crop in the fourth soil that goes away in the first three soils.

    Jesus’ message was designed for religious outsiders. There’s something beautiful in the way those on the outside react when they first hear the gospel. One person when he recently began to comprehend the message of Jesus, recently asked me: “Do you mean to tell me that Adolf Hitler could receive more

  • The Mustard Seed Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 12, 2014

    Jesus uses a living illustration to tell us about being productive in the Kingdom.

    Over 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to find the source of the Missouri River, and from there to discover a relatively easy water route west to the Pacific. Such a waterway, they discovered, doesn't exist. But they did succeed in mapping the Northwest more

  • Grow Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Christian growth is a complex process involving God's Word, fellowship, prayer, and worship, but ultimately, it is God who causes the growth, similar to a farmer who prepares the soil and plants the seed, but relies on God for the growth.

    Last week we began a new 4-week series called Rooted. The agricultural imagery is strong with this series, and we will be talking a lot today about seeds, soil, and growth. After a seed is planted, what do you expect it to do next? (GROW!) That’s right, we expect the seed to grow and ultimately we more

  • Seeds On The Hard Path Series

    Contributed by Eric Lenhart on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Being hardened by life, or free in Christ.

    Seeds on the Hard Path (Matthew 13:1-23) 1st in a series on: “The Parable of the Soils” Introduction: An old farmer who was about to die called his two sons to his bedside and said, "My boys, my farm and the fields are yours in equal shares. I leave you a little ready money but the bulk of my more

  • Parable To Ponder

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on May 28, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Three parables of Jesus. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: • Parable 1: The Light (vs 21-25) • Parable No 2: The Growing Seed (vs 26-29) • Parable No 3: The Mustard Seed (vs 30-34) SERMON BODY: Ill: • Often on our Camps & Houseparties; • The young people often want more than the norm when it comes to food more

  • Parable Of Th Esower Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 25, 2013

    Start a new series detailing the importance of sowing God's Word into good soil and allowing God to nurture it so you accomplish all that God desires from your life. Which results do you desire? How much of your life are you willing to commit to the Lord?

    Sowing Seed; Life, Faith, Service Matthew 13:1-9 Sermon one- Parable of the Sower Introduction- This morning we start a new series study called sowing seeds; Life Faith, Service. We will be looking at: Where we throw our seeds How we throw our seeds. What can we expect to happen when and where more

  • The Mustard Seed

    Contributed by Paul George on Jan 29, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    "He presented another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field;

    "He presented another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all seeds; but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest more

  • The Word Is Not Void Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When we share our faith, we don’t know ahead of time whether or not the soil is fertile; but if we are faithful at broadcasting the seed of God’s Word, then if it happens to land in fertile soil, it will take root and begin growing.

    This evening’s sermon is entitled, “The Word Is Not Void,” and it’s taken from what is called “The Parable of the Growing Seed.” So, what message does this parable speak to believers? It appears to address the fear of failure in evangelism. Allow me to share from the church statistical more

  • The Stolen Seed

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Jun 19, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon deals with how hearts are harden by pride and lack of conviction toward the gospel and as a result the gospel seed is stolen before it ever had a chance to germinate in our souls. Good in a series of the 4 soils in mark 4.

    THE STOLEN SEED Mark 4:4 4:15 The Sower - Jesus and his ministers or preachers who deliver the word The Seed - the Word of God, the gospel, the Truth. The Soil - The heart of the unbeliever We are given a parable of the different types of hearts of men who the gospel seed is sown upon. You are more

  • Seed Of Faith PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the plea for increased faith, emphasizing faith as a continuous journey of seeking, growing, and surrendering to God.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to this gathering of hearts and minds, united by our shared love for our Savior and our desire to grow in our understanding of His Word. We find ourselves here, not by accident, but by divine appointment, called together to examine the profound message more

  • The Mustard Seed

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    In the parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus predicts the growth of the Church from small beginnings - from Israel to Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world

    NR 24-07-05 Story: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. They set up their tent and fell asleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions of stars." "What does that tell you?" more

  • Plant The Seeds

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jun 17, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The church is growing by leaps and bounds in Africa. At the same time, it is dying here. How can we change the trend? Sermon for Pentecost 2, Proper 6, Series B.

    2nd Sunday after Pentecost (Pr. 6) June 18,2006 “Series B” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the redeeming grace we have received through your Son’s death and resurrection. By the more

  • Famous Parables Of Sower, Seed, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pea Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The parables of Jesus are given in three of the Gospels; John is the only Gospel that doesn’t record any of His parables. Jesus used things that people were familiar with as the subject for the parables.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- By Sea of Galilee (27) Famous Parables of Sower, Seed, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pearl, Net, Lamp (Joel 3:13) Matthew 13:1-52, Mark 4:1-34, Luke 8: 4-18 Introduction The parables of Jesus are given in three of the Gospels; John is the only Gospel that more

  • The Seed And The Sower - Part 2

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The parable of the seed and the Sower is a snapshot of any society and most likely any congregation. How a person responds to the Word of God indicates what type of soil they are. The seed is perfect. The Sower is generous. What type of soil are you?

    Please take your Bibles and turn to Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 NIV When I was a young teenager I actually did some broadcast sowing of seed. We were renting a field which was only a couple of acres and my Dad had plowed and dragged the field but we did not have a broadcast planter so we filled up more

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