  • Paul George

    Contributing sermons since May 8, 2003
Paul's church

Church of the Nazarene
Washington, Pennsylvania 15301

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  • The Nature Of God's Sovereignty

    Contributed on May 25, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    The sovereignty of God

    The Sovereignty of God, what do we mean by this expression? The Sovereignty of God refers to the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the Godhood God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the Most High, doing according more

  • The Affairs Of The Earth

    Contributed on May 25, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Who controls the affairs of the earth, God, Satan, or man?

    Who is controlling the affairs of humanity today, God, or the Devil? Professing Christians agree God reigns supreme in heaven. However, in the world today, including many areas in backsliding Christianity, if not directly, then indirectly, the sovereignty of God over this world is denied. Through more

  • Love Increases When Power Decreases

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    How to increase love in a relationship.

    Love Increases When Power Decreases Philippians 2:5-11 Frederick Nietzsche, one of the founders of modern existentialism, analyzed human personality and claimed the basic motivation behind all human behavior is “The Will to Power.” He said that it is the craving and the desire to have power more

  • The Minister's God-Given Goal – Part 3 Of 3

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2006

    Some ministers are nullifying the doctrine that salvation depends on repentance by twisting the doctrine so that it will be compatible with their faulty conception of God’s grace.

    The Minister’s God-given Goal – Part 3 Matthew 28:16:20 Some ministers are nullifying the doctrine that salvation depends on repentance by twisting the doctrine so that it will be compatible with their faulty conception of God’s grace. By their new definition, repentance is a change of the mind more

  • The Minister's God-Given Goal – Part 2 Of 3

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2006

    Biblically speaking, a disciple is a sincere believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, one who is abiding in His Word and consequently being set free from sin.

    The Minister’s God-given Goal – Part 2 Matthew 28:16:20 Biblically speaking, a disciple is a sincere believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, one who is abiding in His Word and consequently being set free from sin. A disciple is one who is learning to obey all of Christ’s commandments, and one who more

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