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  • Overturned Tables PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 1, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the sanctity of worship, sincerity of faith, and our bodies as temples, urging us to honor God in our words and lives.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It's a joy to be standing here, in this sacred space, sharing in the unity of our faith and the warmth of our fellowship. We are gathered here today, not as mere spectators, but as active participants in the grand narrative of God's love and redemption. In our more

  • Overturning Status Quo

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 11, 2023

    We might think Jesus is the "go along to get along" Savior, but He is not. He challenges us to overturn the sins of our lives and nation.

    1. Praying Away the Grasshoppers John Maxwell, Partners in Prayer In the summer of 1876, grasshoppers nearly destroyed the crops in Minnesota. So in the spring of 1877, farmers were worried that the dreadful plague would again visit them and destroy the rich wheat crop, ruining thousands of more

  • The Angry Jesus Is Scary But Necessary

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Mar 3, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus overturns the tables in the temple with a good purpose.

    3.7.21 John 2:13–22 13 The Jewish Passover was near, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers sitting at tables. 15 He made a whip of cords and drove everyone out of the temple courts, along with the sheep more

  • All Is Overturned – The Power Of The Resurrection – Easter Sunday Message Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 20, 2024

    The world sometimes calls Christians “losers” and “suckers” for believing what we do; and for what we are. BUT THERE IS A RESURRECTION, so that the real losers are those who mock Christians and will lose everything. We look at the time after Calvary up to the Resurrection and what it all means.

    ALL IS OVERTURNED – THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION – EASTER SUNDAY MESSAGE [A]. SHATTERED MINDS AND SOULS IN TURMOIL All is overturned. Let us consider the closing hours of what is called Good Friday. Those who had been at the cross had their lives shattered. They followed Jesus throughout more

  • Flippin Tables Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Oct 11, 2021

    Here is my thought: Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple because they were making His Temple a place of selfish wickedness… how much more... will Jesus Christ overturn our lives when we commit ourselves to selfish wickedness.

    ESSENTIAL KING JESUS: FLIPPIN TABLES MARK 11:15-19 #kingjesus USE AUDIO BIBLE: Mark Chapter 11:1-33 [4:05] INTRODUCTION… from ‘33’ by Troy Borst [] They came to Jerusalem and entered the east side of the more

  • God With Us

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    The baby Christ overturned any expectations the world could have about how God works in His creation.

    It’s great to be here with you tonight. Christmas Eve has always been one of my favorite nights of the year … and all the more as it’s become a night in which I get to share it with the “extended family” that come and gather together in this service. It’s a particularly provocative time to more

  • Fig Tree Cursed And Temple Cleansed Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 9, 2018

    In this Passage Jesus performed two acts of judgment: He cleansed the Temple, and He cursed a fig tree. Both acts were contrary to His usual manner of ministry, because He did not come to earth to judge, but to save (Jn. 3:17).

    -Monday- Bethany to Jerusalem (2) Fig Tree Cursed and Temple Cleansed (Jer. 7:11) Matthew 21:10-19 (focal passage), Luke 19:45-48, 10 And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, “Who is this?” 11 So the multitudes said, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of more

  • God's Assassin Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    After a short story based on Judges 3 to introduce the text, this sermon notes how God uses unexpected leaders and how God's leaders overturn idols.

    In an attempt to capture some of the drama of this passage, I want to attempt something different as an introduction to the text. I hope you’ll follow along in your Bibles when I get to the meat of the sermon, but I thought I’d introduce the sermon by reading a short story I’ve more

  • Come And See His Passion

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 13, 2022

    John 2:15 So [Jesus] made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

    Come and See His Passion  John 2:13-25 Introduction John 2:15 So [Jesus] made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. This is familiar but stunning - Jesus turning over more

  • A Comparison Of Adam And Christ Series

    Contributed by Bruce Willis on Mar 5, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon communicates the truth that Christ has completely overturned the effects of Adam’s sin by comparing and contrasting Adam’s death-dealing sin and Jesus Life-giving gift.

    The context of the message today has to do with your justification by faith in which you’ve benefited by receiving peace with God, access to God’s grace, rejoicing in God’s glory which means God will reveal Himself in you for who He really is thereby enabling you to become all that He intended you more

  • How To Build A Church (Spiritually) Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 11, 2023

    We must remember that building any physical structure is a tool to build the church spiritually. You should know the Bible has a lot to say about building the church spiritually too.

    Our church has been thinking a lot about our new building in our new location. Since the month of May three hundred loads of dirt has been delivered to prepare the lot. A foundation has been poured. Volunteers have worked security at the site around the clock. So many of us have given more

  • God Needs Intercessors

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Here are examples of prayers that God answered and saved people from wrecks, overturned war battles, and stopped missionaries from being executed! Intercessory prayer works and God needs more intercessors so His will can be accomplished!

    GOD NEEDS INTERCESSORS Ezekiel 22:30-31 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Country Church Stewardship 1. The pastor of a tiny country church was struggling with a shortage of tithes and offerings. One Sunday he announced, “Now, before we receive the offering, I would like to request that the person who more

  • The Book Of Lamentations – Part 5 – Desolate Pleading Hands As I Admit My Own Guilt- – Chapter 1:16-20 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 6, 2025

    There are 5 more separate laments here. The survivors are desolate and can find none to help or comfort. The nation admits its guilt and isolation as Judah was forsaken. The heart of the people was overturned as was God who had to do this. (Don't dismiss because it is Lamentations).

    THE BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS – PART 5 – DESOLATE PLEADING HANDS AS I ADMIT MY OWN GUILT- – CHAPTER 1:16-20 We are working through the book of Lamentations, a sad and sorrowful book but one that contains much valuable instruction. Currently we are looking at 9 verses of lament. In the last message more

  • Genuine Burial Shroud Of Jesus Found

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 26, 2018

    The Shroud of Turin,the burial shroud of Jesus, contains a photographic negative of the Crucified Savior. A faulty study in 1988 said it was of medieval date. It has been overturned. A new study says that a light source brighter than any put it on there.

    Genuine Burial Shroud of Jesus Found When you see the Shroud of Turin, you are seeing a kind of supernatural photograph of Jesus, taken by God 2,000 years ago, as he lay in the tomb after his death by crucifixion. It undoubtedly happened at the moment of His resurrection. 1. THE IMAGE IS OF A more

  • Turning Your Worst Experiences To Your Best Legacy

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 26, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    God over-turned and overcame the opposition of the Jews and the Romans allowing Paul’s worst time to become His best enduring legacy. Challenge - Can we, like Paul trust and obey God even when our best efforts for Him seem to initially fail?

    Turning Your Worst Times to Your Best Legacy (Acts 22) We see a lot of reality shows on TV today but perhaps my favorite is Bridezilla. It amazes me how what should be the best time of a young woman’s life turns out to be her worst legacy. The show chronicles the life and experiences of young more