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  • Learning To Be A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 20, 2021

    This was a topical message on giving.

    Title: “Learning to Be A Cheerful Giver” Scripture: II Cor. 9:7 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 11-21-21 Intro: When I was in HS one of my best friend’s mother was driving their new car. A warning light came on the dash board: CHECK ENGINE. Now my friend’s mother was a brilliant woman. Professor more

  • The Proof Is In The Tithing!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 17, 2022

    All of us have heard the saying, "The proof is in the pudding." This is an expression that is used when we want to prove something.

    Illus: For example, one of you ladies could make some chocolate pudding, and when you got through it looked good! But just because it looked good does not mean it was good. You never would know that until you tasted it. That is where we get the expression, THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING! Not only more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing

    Welcome to Part 3 of the message entitled 'How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.' God can very well take anything He wants anytime. Isn’t that true? But, He comes to us as either directly, explicitly as He did with Abraham, or through the Holy Spirit working more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.

    Praise the Lord. Here is the conclusion of ‘How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.’ That is the point, which God will come and move us to see, there is something I can give unto the Lord. I thought I had given up everything. But there is something I can give as an more

  • The Book Of Mark #61

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 30, 2022

    This scripture passage takes place on a Sabbath morning in the city of Jerusalem at the temple site.

    Perhaps there is a line of people getting ready to enter the temple for worship. The line leads to a small square room lined with metal collection boxes. The boxes have metal horns extending out of them so the giver can walk by these boxes and drop their coins in these long horns that lead to more

  • The Sacrifice Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Kevin Evans Tay on Aug 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We no longer need to bring an animal to sacrifice in the temple/church, but God does want another sacrifice which is the sacrifice of praise.

    THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE INTRODUCTION • Good morning to all of you and also to those who are tuning in online. • My latest sermon two weeks ago was entitled SOP (Source of Perseverance) • Something that we need to realize in the midst of our storm and challenges. • We need to Persevere in God’s more

  • Why Do We Take Up An Offering

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Apr 9, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon answers the question of the purpose of taking up an offering in the church

    In Matthew, Mark, and Luke 1 out of every 6 verses deals with money. Of the 29 parables Christ told, 16 deal with a person and his money. Giving to the lord was established all the way back in the book of Genesis When abel brought his sacrifice unto the Lord Then under the law the children of more

  • God Loves A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Apr 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The “tithe” is not our money; it’s God’s. When we refuse to trust the church in handling the tithe, and feel that we know the best use for it, then this is contempt for God and His Spirit, and we are treading on dangerous ground!

    I remember when my wife and I first got married that she would tell me stories about the Christian camp she attended as a child, because camp meant so much to her growing up. One of the songs they sang at camp was called, “God Loves a Cheerful Giver,” which was about Ananias and Sapphira; and I more

  • What Do We Do With This Gospel? (Luke, Part 14) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 24, 2022

    The believer, US, is to be equipped and ready to proclaim the good news. The good news that Jesus is alive, and He brings peace to all, and it is why we come to this place, to study and worship – to be equipped - then to be ready to go outside this place and share the truth!

    What do we do with this Gospel? (Luke, Part 14) Luke 24:13-53 Introduction / Recap - Last week, we discussed the most pivotal event in the Christian faith -- The proof that our future is assured because our Savior, Jesus, is alive -- It is why we celebrate Easter – it’s why we rejoice (He more

  • Let Us Offer Up Sacrifices Of Praise! Series

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 188 ratings

    #5 in the "Let Us" Series

    #5 "LET US OFFER UP SACRIFICES OF PRAISE!" TEXT: Heb. 13:15-16; Rom. 12:1-2 INTRO: Mention the word "Worship" to someone and see how they respond! To most people the idea of "Worship" is something that happens on a Sunday morning in a building somewhere called a Church. For some, the more

  • What Does The Bible Offer That I Need? Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on May 29, 2001
    based on 194 ratings

    I briefly look at some of the main reasons why people don’t read the bible then show why those reasons aren’t valid. I conclude with three things the bible will help a person do.

    What Does The Bible Offer That I Need? Two of our greatest presidents said some pretty important statements about the Bible. George Washington said, “It is impossible to righteously govern the world without God and the Bible.” President Ronald Reagan said, “Within the covers of one single book, more

  • Cheer Up - It's Time To Take The Offering!

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 3, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    Message about giving.

    Cheer Up – It’s Time to Take the Offering! 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 September 23, 2001 Introduction Well, I’m sure that the vast majority of the regular attenders of this church have been just bursting with a desire to hear a message about giving in the last year since I started preaching here. You more

  • Offerings That Cost Me Nothing – Give Sacrificially Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 2, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Giving sacrificially, in light of God’s grace, is a great reflection of Who God is and accomplishes more than we can realize at the time

    It’d been a hard winter in the Appalachian Mountains. Snow had piled up deeper and deeper, it turned bitter cold, rivers froze, people were suffering. The Red Cross used helicopters to fly in supplies. One crew had been working day after day--long hours. They were on their way home late in the more

  • '30 Second' Offering Devotions For Church Services!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    Over one year worth of high quality ’30 second devotions’ on the topics of Tithing, Giving and Money, that you (or your service leaders) can present on Sunday without any prior reading or preparation!

    ‘30 second’ Offering Devotions for Church Services! FUll PPT Slides and color booklet available free to download from Compiled and adapted by: Ps Roger Spackman Te Atatu Baptist Church © Research, more

  • Winning With People: Offer Your Very Best Series

    Contributed by John Maxwell on Aug 10, 2006
    based on 158 ratings

    Epaphroditus would be considered one of the “nobodies” in scripture. He never wrote a book in the Bible, nor is he mentioned anywhere else. He never had a statue erected in his honor or became famous for his accomplishments. However, Paul called Epaphro

    “Offer Your Very Best” Epaphroditus PHILIPPIANS 2:25-30 Epaphroditus would be considered one of the “nobodies” in scripture. He never wrote a book in the Bible, nor is he mentioned anywhere else. He never had a statue erected in his honor or became famous for his accomplishments. However, Paul more

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