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Sermons on obedient men:

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  • What Did Joseph Know? Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 9, 2019

    Circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.

    A. WHAT DID JOSEPH KNOW? MATTHEW 1:18-19 “These are the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus. His mother Mary was legally engaged to Joseph before they came together. But Joseph found out she was pregnant. Being a good man, he decided to break the engagement privately, not publicly” more

  • Results Of Obedience To God

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Jan 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Obedience is pleasing to the Lord and will bring powerful results in our lives individually and corporately.

    Results Of Obedience To God Text: John 14:21 Introduction: Early on in life, we become aware that we are to obey. We soon learn that obedience brings smiles of approval and that disobedience is met with frowns and often harshness. Parents tell their children, "You had better mind us!" Teachers: more

  • Traditions Of Men

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Oct 29, 2012

    We must not allow our traditions to supersede God’s commandments or replace loving God.

    Traditions of Men October 28, 2012 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must not allow our traditions to supersede God’s commandments or replace loving God. Focus Passage: Mark 7:1-13 Supplemental Passage: And He said to him, " 'YOU SHALL LOVE more

  • Fishers Of Men Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    If we do not allow anything to get in the way of following Jesus Christ, we will be “fishers of men” as well, leading them to be saved from their sins!

    A couple of questions to start out with: Who was the first person that Jesus called to be one of the 12 Disciples? Open your Bibles briefly to John 1:37….. Now, what was the big Lake or Sea near Nazareth where Jesus grew up? Of the original 12, how many were fishermen? = at least 7 (John more

  • Fishers Of Men

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 16, 2017

    Jesus calls us to fish for men? How do we do this?

    Fishers of Men Mark 1:16-20 It was the morning after a bad night of fishing if we read in from Luke 5. The disciples were tired. Simon and Andrew were in one boat, and apparently James and John were in another. They were near shore and casting their nets. We get more details in Luke, but for more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Leonard Davis on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God saved you and me for a purpose. Most of the time we concentrate on How to be saved, we also need to discover Why we are saved.

    OBEDIENCE When I was in school, the thing that could strike fear in the hearts of almost every student was the Pop Quiz. The unannounced examination is a great way for the student to know, “am I getting what the teacher is teaching?” In our evangelism studies, we were given a question that would more

  • Obedience Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Apr 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Yes, obedience can be a big, difficult and sometimes bitter-tasting bill to for us to swallow. It costs us, sometimes richly, in pride, preference, personal control and self-sufficiency. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary if we are to maintain our

    OBEDIENCE Series: “7 Spiritually Healthy Habits” Perth Bible Church Sunday, November 1, 2009 AM Rev. Todd G. Leupold INTRODUCTION: Ron Dentinger warns: “Health care is getting far too expensive. I just got a prescription. The instructions read: 'Take one every more

  • Obedience Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    Obedience is a sign of conversion, commitment and conviction

    OBEDIENCE Imagine if you will, that you work for a company whose president found it necessary to travel out of the country and spend an extended period of time abroad. So he says to you and the other trusted employees, “Look, I’m going to leave. And while I’m gone, I want you to pay close more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on May 21, 2012
    based on 19 ratings

    Anything short of absolute obedience to God is disobedience. Saul’s life points out the seriousness of disobedience and the nature of obedience

    Obedience 1 Samuel 15:22-23 Someone has said that obedience is the practical acceptance of the authority and will of God. It includes both submitting to Him and then expressing that submission in actions, words and thoughts. Anything short of absolute obedience to God is disobedience. Saul’s life more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 18, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    Parable of the two sons

    Obedience: Introduction: Parable of the two sons: Matt. 21:28-32. As Christians we are adopted Sons of God and this does bring with it responsibility. Obedience is essential for belonging to God’s family: Matt.12:50 For whoever shall do the will of my Father, which is in heaven, the same is more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Troy Walker on Mar 20, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    What is obedience? A comphresive analysis of obedience in your christian walk

    I heard a story of a teacher who wrote a phrase on the board at the beginning of class, which stated: “I know everything I teach; however I don’t know everything.” Now I’m not going to pretend to know everything on the subject, but I do know everything in this teaching to be true and in more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    "Whoredom and wine and new wine" (v. 11) are the sins that commonly accompany idolatry. These sins dull the sensitivity and understanding so that the people no longer wish to even retain God in their thoughts. Instead of consulting the God who made the tr

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: I once talked with General Charles M. Duke, a former astronaut who went on the Apollo 16 mission to the moon. I asked, “Once you were there, weren’t you free to make your own decisions and carry out your own experiments. He smiled and said “Sure, if I didn’t want to more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Scott Terrell on Jun 24, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Are we obedient enough?

    Obedience -How many here tonight made a New Years resolution? -How many have already been broken? -Do you know what the #1 resolution is every year? -lose weight/get in shape -Some others are to quit smoking, call grandma more, more

  • Obedience

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Aug 27, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    A message demonstrating the necessity of obedience to God.

    OBEDIENCE 1 Samuel 15:1-23 INTRO: There is a wicked and foolish philosophy going around that teaches you can be Christians and do not need to be under the discipline of the Church, the Bible or anything else. The philosophy teaches that more

  • Be Obedient

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Jan 9, 2013

    The actions of Saul gives classic lesson on obedience by his disobedience.

    Obedience 1 Samuel 15:1-24 In this passage of scripture Saul as the king of Israel is given a clear command from God (ref. 1 Sam. 15:3) to carry out concerning the Amalekites. In the actions of Saul we see a classic lesson on obedience by his lack thereof. Vs.22 to obey is better than more

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