Obedience! Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Since Christians are saved by grace, does it matter if we disobey?
We continue our study of 1 Samuel. We’re almost done; we’re halfway!! Hahahaha… maybe by Christmas we’ll be on Chapter 31. I really did not think it would take us this long; but I hope you have been learning a lot as I have been. And so, let us continue; this is our Creator God talking to us; let us listen very attentively to what our Holy God wants to teach us today. Now I know there are times when we seem to be hearing the same lesson; do you know why that is? Why would God repeat a lesson for us??
Like King Saul of old, we say we believe in God; we say we listen to God; but then we don’t do what Gods says! God was grieved by Saul’s disobedience. Today we will note that obedience to God’s Word is better than public worship. A person or a group can have the most wonderful worship music or say we don’t need music at all; or they can speak in tongues or not speak in tongues; or they can have the most ornate worship building or not come to a church building at all; or go through all the rituals of baptism, communion, reciting a certain prayer or not do any “religious rites” at all; or be very well dressed or not really care for dress for church; and all really thinking they are pleasing God! But if obeying God is not the first priority, all public worship is meaningless!
Obedience to God’s Word supersedes public worship!
What does disobedience look like? Let us learn from God through Samuel and King Saul. Turn to 1 Samuel 15….
read along with me v12-35…..
As I indicated earlier, the main lesson for us is in v22-23. Let us look at those verses a bit more then let’s note the other points.
Look again at v22…..
What are burnt offerings and sacrifices? – turn briefly with me to Leviticus 6:8-13…..
A burnt offering and sacrifice is a serious and deliberate act of worship commanded by God!
But what does God say here in 1 Samuel? No matter how serious and deliberate an act of worship is done, if there is disobedience, there is no delight to God! To obey is better than sacrifice!
And what does v23 tell us about disobedience? Disobedience to God = is rebellion and arrogance!
• rebellion is like the sin of divination = I am my own God!
• arrogance is idolatry!
This all makes sense doesn’t it! If one disobeys God, they are basically saying “I don’t need God!”
If one does not need a God, worship of God is worthless!
Now, let’s take a quick glance back to Saul and see the indicators of disobedience to God. Since obedience is critical to believing in God, let us note if we have to check ourselves of any indicators to disobedience.
In v12: we noted this last week that Saul was more interested in honoring himself than God!
v13?? Saul was so arrogant, he thought godly Samuel needed God’s blessing through him and Saul either lied or thought he knew better than God!
I love v14! Samuel, basically God spoke, “Really Saul, you obeyed God? God told you to destroy everything including all the animals! Why are all these animals making noise around you?” you know how the sheep sounded don’t you? The sheep were saying, “llliaarr! lllliar!”
v14: Saul was publically caught in his sin! Now, you’d think Saul would be embarrassed enough to have his hand caught in the cookie jar, what did Saul do next in v15??
v15: Saul blamed someone else for his sin!
And what can we note from v16-21? What did Samuel do in v16-19? As if giving Saul a chance to confess and repent, Samuel reminded Saul of what he did!
But what do we note in v20-21?
In his stupidity, I mean stubbornness, Saul was still in denial of his sin!
But something interesting happened in both v24 and v30! Saul confessed his sin! Now, I think in both instances we can see why Saul was confessing his sin! Why did Saul finally confessed his sin??
Saul finally confessed his sin and pleaded for mercy because he did not want to lose his kingship!!
Was Saul really humbling himself before God? Look again at v30… Do you notice anything wrong with what Saul said??
Saul may have confessed but Saul was not really accepting God as his God!
And we read the chapter ending, Samuel showed Saul how to truly worship by obeying God, then Samuel left Saul.
Now, what does this all mean to us who have God Jesus Christ who died for all our sins past, present, and future?
As Believers of Jesus Christ we are forever forgiven of our sins; does it really matter if we disobey? Does it matter if we sin since we are saved by grace? And there is no question about it – grace is a free gift from God! And so, does it matter if Christians sin?