Results Of Obedience To God
Contributed by Clarence Clough on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Obedience is pleasing to the Lord and will bring powerful results in our lives individually and corporately.
Results Of Obedience To God
Text: John 14:21
Introduction: Early on in life, we become aware that we are to obey. We soon learn that obedience brings smiles of approval and that disobedience is met with frowns and often harshness.
Parents tell their children, "You had better mind us!"
Teachers: "Obey the rules in order to receive good grades." Employers: "Obey our job requirements in order to receive a paycheck." Our Lord says, "Obey and live with me eternally." God declars that true freedom comes from obedience.
Theme: Obedience is pleasing to the Lord and will bring powerful results in our lives individually and corporately.
I. Abraham - Gen. 12:1
A. left Ur of Chaldees
B. Result-a great nation was made of him
C. Result-He was blessed by God
D. Result-He was a blessing to others.
E. Result-Name became great; father of the faith-
ful; friend of God (James 2:23)
II. Nehemiah and his followers
A. Nehemiah 4:6 - "had a mind to work"
B. Jeursalem’s wall rebuilt in 52 days
C. Those obeying God’s directions can accomplish
seemingly impossible tasks.
D. Results of their obedience
1. Mocking enemies were defeated.
2. An eternal record was made of their
3. They overcame-
a. ridicule - 2:9; 4:2
b. fear - 4:7-23
c. deceit - 6:2-4
d. false accusation - 6:5-9
e. corrupt friends and associates - 6:17-19
III. Disciples in the Boat
A. At Jesus’ command they let down their nets
on the other side - Luke 5:5
B. Results of their obedience -
1. An abundance of fish the nets could
not contain.
2. Disciples became more willing to listen
and respond to the Lord’s voice.
3. Disciples’ approaches, attitudes, and
actions reorded for our learning.
IV. Saul/Paul obeyed the heavenly vision -
Acts 26:16
A. Resulting in three fructiferous missionary
B. wrote a substantial part of the New Testament
C. We will never know all God can do for us
until we allow Him to have all that we are!
V. Martin Luther
A. confronted the entrenched Roman Catholic tradi-
tions of his day
B. Thousands now understand that we are justified
by faith.
VI. Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Billy Graham, The
Wesleys, A.J. Tomlinson, F.J. Lee, and W.S.
Lattimer, and others
A. obeyed the call to preach and minister (There
is a difference in the two.)
B. results
1. souls won to the Lord
2. denominatiions established
3. churh buildings built
4. Word of God
a. published
b. propagated
c. dispensed
VII. We must be obedient personally and collectively
A. the Word of God
B. minister to the needs of
1. our brothers and sisters in Chirst
2. church buildings and grounds
3. communities in which we live
4. our spheres of influence in the world
C. results
A. our good and God’s glory
B. satisfaction in having given our best
C. A realizatiion that in overcoming rut,
rot, counter-productive traditions and
habits; room for quality growth has
been opened.
Conclusion: We demonstrate our love for God by our obedience to His instructions and persuasions.
Love is more than lovely words--it is commitment de-
monstrated by fruitful efforts.
A paraphrase of 1 Samuel 15:22 concludes this sermon:
"The Lord has greater delight in our obedience than
in burnt offerings. To obey is better than sacri-