Scott Terrell
Contributing sermons since Jun 24, 2005
Newest Sermons
Comfort More Than Blessing?
Contributed on Mar 14, 2012
Leave your comfort zone to serve God....
Comfort more than blessing. Have you ever had deep thoughts about rubber bands? I have in fact, I meant to bring one up here this morning but I forgot it. I was gonna wrap it across the podium here and leave it here for a reminder. Now before you think I have lost what ...read more
When God Stands Between Us And Our Circumstances
Contributed on Mar 14, 2012
God will deliever.....
When God stands between us and our circumstance!! Once when Alabama was playing Auburn, Coach Bear Bryant sent in his 2nd string quarterback with instructions to run on every play and he had better not pass the ball. Alabama led by three points and only had to run the clock out to win. Three ...read more
Your Thoughts Can Control You
Contributed on Mar 14, 2012
Your mind is a battlefield. Prepare and win the battle.
Your thoughts can control you!!! There is spiritual war fare going every day. Can we all agree on that? We are in the middle of spiritual war fare right now. Where? IN OUR MINDS!! There is a tug of war going on. I don’t care how strong of a Christian ...read more
Slow Down
Contributed on Jan 23, 2012
Slow down
SLOW DOWN!!! It’s good to be home this morning. I want to thank each of your for allowing us some time off last weekend. We were not able to visit my side of the family in North Alabama during all the holidays. And it was good to get away and see ...read more
I Ain't Scared
Contributed on Jan 23, 2012
I ain’t scared!!! Let’s all take a trip back in time. Some of you need to get a head start. Think back to when you were 18 or 19 years old. You have not a care in the world and not afraid of anything. Your buddy’s would dare you to do ...read more