#1 Sermon for Ash Wednesday
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This text provides us with ways to minister to righteous men and women who have moments in life where they are seen at their worst.
In our text we are introduced to the reality that sometimes good people can face moments of indecent exposure. This is the case in the life of a man named Noah. Noah was a righteous man. He was a follower of God left on the earth. The Bible says he was blameless among the people of his ...read more
Scripture: Genesis 9:20-23
Denomination: Baptist
1) The Prohibition (Ephesians 5:18a), 2) The Product (Ephesians 5:18b), 3) The Principle (Ephesians 5:18c)
A common summer event is the music festival. Located on large public venue's, they are a mixture of music, food and crowds. Naturally festivals differ one from another, but some of the more extreme bear little difference from ancient pagan rites. Drugs, psychedelic lighting, ear–pounding ...read more
Scripture: Ephesians 5:18
Denomination: Other
1) The Prohibition (Ephesians 5:18a), 2) The Product (Ephesians 5:18b), 3) The Principle (Ephesians 5:18c) to avoid intoxication as a believer in Christ.
Ephesians 5:18a [18] And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, (but be filled with the Spirit), (ESV) If you have been following what has been deemed essential and non-essential by government officials during this COVID season, there has been some surprising designations. Corporate ...read more
On the Day of Pentecost, some thought that the disciples were intoxicated...and they WERE!! They were intoxicated by the Holy Spirit!
June 11, 2003 Title: The Intoxication of the Spirit Text: Acts 2:14-47 Introduction We’ve been studying through the book of Acts on these Wednesday evenings... last week we looked at the beginning of Acts chapter 2, We saw how the church was weak and ineffective... the disciples weren’t really ...read more
Scripture: Acts 2:14-47
Denomination: Nazarene
Dr. Wood used this sermon to show his listener that the first church was totally consumed with God and they did great things in His power. Unbelievers cannot understand the happenings of Christianity until they give their heart and life to Jesus Christ.
When we hear the word intoxicate we instantly think of drunk with alcohol. Another definition: - To excite or Stimulate - To fill with High Spirits or fill with enthusiasm We will see a type of intoxication like never seen before. An Example Would be: Like the silver and the dross Dross must ...read more
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21
A contrast of Wine and the spirit Alcohol gives artificial exhilaration The Spirit Gives Holy elevation Alcohol excites evil The spirit points men toward good Alcohol will give you a hangover The spirit will give you power over Alcohol will cause a man to act foolishly The spirit will incite ...read more
Scripture: Acts 2:14-36
Noah is the tenth and final pre-Flood (antediluvian - of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood) Patriarch, son of Lamech and an unnamed mother, Noah is 500 years old before his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth are born.
Noah Most people probably thought Noah was crazy. Why would anyone build a great ship in the desert? And How about all those animals. What does he plan to do with them? Noah and His Family Venerated in Judaism Christianity Islam Mandaeism Druze faith Bahá'í faith Noah is the tenth ...read more
Scripture: Habakkuk 2:15
Noah was just a man who lived like a just man.
Noah: Just a man who is a Just man Genesis 6 At a burning building in NYC Harlem district, a blind girl was perched on the fourth floor window. The firemen had become desperate. They could not fit the ladder truck between the buildings, and they could not get her to jump into the net, ...read more
Scripture: Genesis 6:1-15
Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ
A demonstration of faith plus works
I. NOAH’S BELIEVING THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GOD’S WORD 1) HE BELIEVED IN SPITE OF THE MAJORITY The majority are not always right! You will find, apart from Him, that nearly all the trust you place in men is a total loss. Therefore, neither confide in, nor depend upon a wind-shaken reed, for "all ...read more
Scripture: Genesis 6:9-17
Denomination: Independent/Bible
No matter the storm, when you are with God there’s always a rainbow waiting
Stiffkey 01-06-03 The story of Noah (Genesis 6: 1-8:22 Story: It is not often that I turn to the Lynx magazine (our local nine parishes magazine) for theological input, but I was inspired by the article: “Everything I need to know about life I learned from Noah’s ark”. Did any of you read it? ...read more
Denomination: Anglican
Noah found himself alone in the world. A place where most Christians actually find themselves. Is it so bad to be in the minority on matters of morals? Not for Noah
NOAH Let God be true and all men be liars (Hebrews 11:7 and Genesis 6-7) INTRODUCTION 1. Noah showed great perseverance in preaching for 100 years a. Though all the world disagreed with him he kept preaching b. Things he had never seen he kept warning c. Noah is an example of endurance and ...read more
Lessons from the life of Noah
Noah Genesis 6:1-9 Ross Cochran tells the story of attending Hillsong Church's Vision Night for leaders with his daughter and son-in-law. Hillsong is a mega church in Melbourne, Australia. They were seated in the third row and the music was awesome as they were led into singing about God’s ...read more
Scripture: Genesis 6:1-9
Denomination: Methodist
When life is at its worst God is at His best
ENGAGE Contrary to what some teach, Jesus never promised us that if we would follow Him we would have an easy life. So as we gather here this morning, it’s pretty likely that all of us are experiencing some kind of difficulties or trials in our lives – obviously some much more severe than others. ...read more
By faith Noah built the Ark
May 07, 2022 Today we begin a new series entitled, “Bible Stories”. The story of Noah is vital for us today because it is more than just a story about a man who built a boat. Here’s why……….. At the end of Genesis 1, we read: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good….” All was ...read more
Scripture: Luke 17:26-27, Hebrews 11:7, Genesis 6:5-9
Denomination: Seventh-Day Adventist
To encourage believers to emulate Noah's complete obedience to God, even in the face of worldly opposition.
Good morning, church family! Today, we're diving into the deep waters of Genesis 6:22, where we witness Noah's faithful obedience, God's unfailing guidance, and the challenge of living in an unbelieving world. Opening Scripture Reading – The Scripture reads, "Noah did everything just as God ...read more
Scripture: Genesis 6:22
Topics: Noah, Genesis 6:22