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Sermons on moving of the spirit:

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  • The Instruction And Guidance Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Jerry Bridges on Apr 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as God is intimately involved in orchestrating every detail of every life on earth, He is also intimately involved in guiding your every move, whether you are aware of it or not.

    In our four-part series on the providence of God, we will now examine God’s provision of instruction and guidance. From dreams to talking donkeys, God has historically used a huge variety of means to guide people. Just as God is intimately involved in orchestrating every detail of every life more

  • About The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Feb 2, 2016

    A series of messages on the theology of the Trinity

    Message Notes: January 31, 2016 A.M. Series – “Does It Matter What You Believe?” Luke 1:1 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, KJV “About the Spirit” John 14:15-21 John more

  • How Will We Get From Here To There?

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Feb 13, 2005
    based on 40 ratings

    A set of directions as we move forward as a church.

    How do we get there from here? Pastor Glenn Newton 2-13-05 Text: 1 Chr. 16:7-23 (Read) “How do we get there from Here? Have you ever asked that question? Maybe when your on a trip and your husband, the navigator won’t stop and ask for directions? Maybe you’ve said that when you’ve been at more

  • Restoring The Spirit Of Adventure

    Contributed by John Long on May 20, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    God is working in this church, not because we’re special people, but because we’ve chose to be obedient to His call. That’s our choice. I invite you to become a total part of this family of faith and move ahead with us. We don’t know what the future holds

    Restoring the Spirit of Adventure Genesis 6:1-8 and 22 (John 10:10, Hebrews 11) One of our church members shared with me at one time and she said “I am 100%+ in favor of TIBC moving forward. I have been gravely concerned for several years about the way we have seemed to move only on those projects more

  • Spirits

    Contributed by Jimmy Stewart on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    There are 2 types of spirits: God ones, which liberate, and evil ones, which bind.

    Spirits Psalms 51:10-12 ***READ BEFORE TEXT*** I’m going to preach tonight about Spirits. The Bible says there are many spirits moving around in the earth. (there are some even in this room just going around) In the midst of all these spirits, there are 2 diverse types: good spirits, and bad more

  • Introducing The Acts Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Steve Jameson on Sep 19, 2020

    In this series of sermons, my goal will be to unfold the text, to open the Word for you, to show you the significance of Acts in our lives today, and to demonstrate to you that God is on the move in His Church today.

    Sermon Text: The Book Of Acts Please join me in prayer. God our Elector, Father just and true, we give you thanks for Your Holy Word, inspired, inerrant, infallible. Open our minds to receive your teaching today. God our Savior, Lord Jesus, living Word of God, we give you thanks for showing us the more

  • Burst Forth And Come Down!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    How easy it is to become parched and dry. What we need are fresh showers of blessing to soften our hearts and bring fruitfulness to our lives. The Holy Spirit wants us to understand that we are helpless without Him. The Holy Spirit chose human vessels to

    Burst Forth and Come Down! Isaiah 64:1-4NLT Over 100 years ago, Samuel Chadwick, a great methodist preacher and leader in England, summed it up concisely: “The Christian religion is hopeless without the Holy Ghost.” "If you have the Word without the Spirit, you'll dry up.  If you more

  • Preparing For The New Move Of God

    Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Dec 20, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    Like the First Advent, the Second Coming too will be preceded by a new move of God with miracles, signs and wonders. What can we expect in the new move of God?

    Introduction: As we approach Christmas we remember the First Coming of Jesus and we look forward to His Second Coming. This First Advent was a new move of God coming after over 400 years of silence. We can learn from the First Advent even as we prepare for a new move of God that will usher in more

  • "Blow On Us, O Holy Spirit!”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 2, 2019

    We're glad to hear about the Holy Spirit moving. But what if the Holy Spirit is not blowing in the U.S.A? Are we without any resources? NO! God allowed Ezekiel to "Prophesy to the Wind/Spirit." If he can initiate a Spirit-move, so can we!

    “BLOW ON US, O HOLY SPIRIT!” Ezekiel 37:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Someone reimagined the Burning Bush account as it would be today: "Moses, listen to Me. I have good news, and bad news." Moses says, “Tell me the good news first.” 2. “OK.” The Voice continues: "You, Moses, more

  • Now Is The Time PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 4, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize the urgency of acting now in unity and faith, especially in challenging times, rather than falling into complacency.

    Good morning, Church family. As we gather here today, let's take to heart the words of the Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians. "For he says, 'In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.' Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the more

  • Living By The Spirit Not The Spirits Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Nov 21, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    In a world where alcohol is so prevalent at parties and social gatherings, how should we as Christians react? Is it okay to have a drink every now and then?

    Introduction A few months ago, I was checking my email. And I got this message from a young friend who forwarded a message from a friend who serves in the military. The girl serving in the military had a question that was causing her a great deal of burden. Let me read you the email. more

  • The Spirit’s Gift Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    If we want to be used of God to effectively advance the cause of Christ, we must be careful not to overestimate or underestimate ourselves, but use the Spirit’s gift(s) to serve with all our hearts.

    Just a few years ago, Dave Barry, a columnist for the Washington Post, posted his comments about the typical male in the first week of December. He wrote, “Your standard man, at this point in the Christmas season, has purchased zero gifts. He has not yet gotten around to purchasing an acceptable more

  • Ya'll, Come

    Contributed by David Cramer on Aug 26, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God's invitation and the true meaning of it.

    Put a hand up Close Your eyes and repeat after me. Lord you are welcome in this place. Now say it like you mean it. Let's put the bad things from our week at the door to His house John 4:24 "God Is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and more

  • The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    We are told that when we meet Jesus everything changes. But what should change? This series will deal with the transformation that we are supposed to undergo.

    “Transformers” Pt. 3 – The Spirit We have discussed that we need a transformation in our mind. What we think about, how we think about us, others, and church. Then last week I challenged you to have a transformation in how you use your vessel – your body. Are you silver or Styrofoam? I know more

  • Do Not Confuse Movement With Progress PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages spiritual growth and progress in Christ, emphasizing the importance of seeking eternal sustenance and keeping our focus on Jesus, our Bread of Life. Key

    Good morning, Church family! It's a real joy to see you all here today. There's a certain warmth that fills the room when we gather together to worship and share God's word. Today, we're going to talk about something that's near and dear to all of our hearts, whether we realize it or not. We're more