Sermon Series
  • 1. Flesh And Spirit: Love And Patience

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2009

    Patience reaches four layers: relational, emotional, sexual, and spiritual. At each level to be impatient is to fail to trust God to be God.

    I know you’ve heard this old line, but I just can’t resist repeating it. It concerns the fellow who had realized that he was impetuous, compulsive, and impatient. And so he decided to ask the Lord to help him settle his personality problem. "Lord," he prayed. “Lord, give me the gift of patience and more

  • 2. Flesh And Spirit: Love And Self-Control

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Self-control is difficult for us because we are afraid of responsibility. But to have no form of control is to choose chaos. The answer is to build a relationship with Christ so close that His will becomes ours.

    Scene One: You are standing in front of your freezer. You opened the door just to explore, nothing particular in mind, just to see what’s there. In front of you is a container label1ed, "Gourmet Ice Cream: Cherry Almond Fudge". Lifting the lid, again just to explore, just to see what’s there, you more

  • 3. Flesh And Spirit: Love And Peace

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2009

    Achieving peace in the world must come from those who have achieved peace with themselves. That in turn comes from achieving peace with God. For the Day of Prayer for World Peace, for baptism, and for Communion

    My mother-in-law made an arresting comment the other day. She had been reminiscing about what it was like to take care of two small children in a British bomb shelter, and then our conversation turned to the present situation with Iraq. "Oh, you men", she said. "You men, always getting us into more

  • 4. Flesh And Spirit: Love And Gentleness

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2009

    Treating others with gentleness begins with understanding that God uses gentleness with us, and then moves to our being gentle with ourselves. Gentleness does shape the behavior of others.

    Why is it that some situations cause us to lose our tempers? Why do we sometimes lose all sense of reason and just get angry all over? Why is it that when we are trying to get someone else to do what we want them to do, we can barely control our rage? A few weeks ago I introduced you to our new more

  • 5. Flesh And Spirit: Love And Joy

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We cannot manufacture joy by trying to be good, nor can we survive game-playing. Joy comes from knowing that without Christ we would not be good at all, but that in Him we are freed from guilt.

    The happiest people I know are not necessarily the most moral people I know. And the most unhappy people I know are among the most moral people I know. I’ll bet you didn’t follow that. Let me try again. The happiest people I know are not necessarily the most moral people I know. And the most more