
Invoking the Movement of the Holy Spirit

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Invoking the manifest movement of the Holy Spirit in the material world is a process. To provoke the movement of the Holy Spirit, we must understand what moves the heart of God...


To provoke the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the world around us is a process. In order to do so, we must understand what moves the heart of God. God desires to be with us and longs for us to seek Him with all our hearts. He wants us to come to Him in worship, to express our love for Him, and to seek His guidance in our lives. When we approach God with a heart full of hunger and a desire for His power to transform us, we can begin to provoke the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

What Moves the Heart of God?

There are three key actions that we must take to move the heart of God:

1. Your Voice Calling Him - Your Worship:

Your worship rises up to heaven and catches the attention of God. Just as a father responds to the intense calling of his child, God responds to your voice. When you call upon Him in prayer and worship, He answers. Your worship is a powerful tool to capture the heart of God.

2. Your Pursuit of Him - Your Spiritual Hunger:

The Holy Spirit observes those who are seeking His attention, those who long to enter into His supernatural dimension and experience His power. The worshipper always desires a new spiritual encounter, not just to "feel something," but to flow under His anointing and impact the lives of those around them. The Holy Spirit invites us to engage in acts of worship that demonstrate our submission and obedience to Him. These acts can be as simple as moving a flag, declaring God's attributes, dancing in His presence, lifting our hands, singing spontaneous songs of love and praise, or initiating a spontaneous act of worship. When we respond with a genuine desire to experience His presence and obey His voice, we can provoke the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

3. Your Obedience:

By obeying God, we can influence His decisions regarding our desires. When we obey Him unconditionally, He responds favorably to our requests, as long as they align with His will. God seeks worshippers who are submissive and obedient, willing to adapt to the changes He desires to make in their lives. He wants us to be hungry for Him and willing to satisfy the thirst of our spirits. When we worship Him with our whole being and obey His voice, seeking His manifestation becomes our priority. Our sincere worship and spiritual hunger move the heart of God, and the Holy Spirit begins to manifest wherever we are. Our worship captures God's attention, and He responds.

How to Create the Right Conditions for the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit:

Let's explore some biblical principles from the lives of individuals who were able to provoke the Holy Spirit's manifestation in their time. These principles are not exhaustive, but they provide a starting point for us:

1. Kill Your Personal Kings:

God cannot be the King of our lives if we submit to other kings. We must not allow our fleshly desires, emotions, or the influence of other people to govern us. God must be the ultimate King and Lord of our lives. A true worshipper submits their life to the will of their King.

2. Kill Pride:

Pride is the opposite of humility. When our pride encounters the holiness of God, two things can happen: we either recognize our faults and seek forgiveness and consecration, or we rebel and distance ourselves from God and those who represent Him on earth. The Holy Spirit cannot flow through a proud person. He seeks worshippers who are humble and obedient, willing to make themselves vulnerable to His leading.

3. Kill Your Personal Dreams:

We must be willing to let go of our personal dreams and plans when God asks us to. We often think that our plans are perfect, but God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours. When God asks us to surrender our dreams or make changes to our agenda, it is because He has something better for us. This applies to all areas of our lives, including personal, professional, relational, and ministerial aspects. We must trust that God's plans are always better and be willing to embrace His will.

4. Kill Your Natural Mind:

As worshippers, we must be able to transcend the natural realm and enter into the supernatural. Our worship should not be based solely on what we see or feel. We must be willing to go beyond our natural understanding and engage in spiritual warfare to create an atmosphere conducive to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. We must capture the spiritual atmosphere and follow the Holy Spirit's leading, even if it seems illogical. Our worship should not be limited by technicalities or external circumstances. We must be willing to step out in faith and initiate the flow of the Holy Spirit's power.

5. Kill Your Feelings:

As worshippers, we must discern the spiritual atmosphere and take action to change it. If we sense a heavy or stagnant atmosphere, we should not passively wait for someone else to provoke the Holy Spirit's manifestation. Instead, we should engage in spiritual warfare through our actions and words. We have the authority to shift the atmosphere and create an environment where the Holy Spirit can move freely.

6. Kill Your Fears - Dive into Deep Waters:

We must be bold and courageous in our pursuit of God's presence. We should not settle for a comfortable, shallow experience with Him. Instead, we should dive into deep waters, seeking a profound encounter with Him. We must overcome our fears and insecurities and be passionate about His presence. Stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing a passionate pursuit of God will provoke His manifestation in our lives.

7. Kill Your Comfort Zone - Be Passionate for His Presence:

We must be willing to step out of our comfort zones and become passionate worshippers. Our focus should not be on our own well-being but on doing God's will and provoking others to desire more of Him. A passionate worshipper longs to be in God's presence at all times, seeks to make the necessary changes to align with His will, and motivates others to experience His transforming power. A passionate worshipper knows the power of their worship and strives for excellence in their expression of praise. They prioritize their relationship with God, meditate on His Word, and apply it to their lives. They are not satisfied with receiving spiritual nourishment solely from others but actively seek to study and understand God's Word for themselves.

8. Kill Ignorance:

A passionate worshipper is zealous for the things of God and seeks to learn and apply biblical principles in their daily lives. They do not take God's statutes lightly but live them out. Those who have an intimate relationship with God are known by Him, and He does not forget them.


The words we speak and the passion we have for God's presence can provoke the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. As worshippers, we must hunger for more of God, persistently seek His presence, and be willing to make the necessary changes to create an environment where His power can flow. We must discern His leading, step out in faith, and be bold in our pursuit of Him. By doing so, we can become catalysts for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the world around us. Remember, there are no good or bad worship services; there are only services with or without the presence of worshippers. God is always present, and it is our responsibility to create an atmosphere where His presence can be felt and experienced.

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