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  • Playing Ptifall: How We Get Into And Out Of Sinful States

    Contributed by Justin Hatfield on Aug 8, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    Luke 15:11-16:1 By looking at the story of the prodigal son, we can see how we fall into sinful states, what it means to be in a siful state, and how we get out of the sinful states we are in.

    “Playing Pitfall” “How we get into and out of sinful states.” When I was younger my family owned an “Atari,” how many of you remember those? It was great state of the art technology! You had this joystick and just one little button to mash. I thought it was great. Even more

  • A Fine Balance: Fulfilling Our Obligations To Both God And The State

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 29, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    Render to Caesar Caesar’s image, which is on the coin; and to God God’s image, which is on man.

    FULFILLING OBLIGATIONS TO GOD AND STATE. Matthew 22:15-22. 1. Wickedness finds strange bedfellows. The Pharisees denied the Emperor any right to demand tribute money - and whilst they no doubt used the common money for common purposes, they questioned the validity of the coinage (which more

  • What Is Our Identity As Christians

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 26, 2014

    If we are Christians our STANDING irrespective of how we fall REAMINS that of a Child of God. Hallelujah!! However our STATE may change when we make wrong choices and refuse or neglect to follow Jesus.

    Who am I in Christ Intro: When Maddy and I led a pilgrimage to Israel in January this year, we met a Roman Catholic priest at the Parable house in Taybeh, the only Christian village in the Occupied Territories. The priest started his talk to us by saying: I am, first of all, a Palestinian I am more

  • No Traitor, But Servant Of God Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 25, 2014

    St. Thomas of Canterbury lived a life in service to God, a service in love and defense of His Church and people.

    St. Thomas of Canterbury Mass (December 29) Thirteen Days of Christmas There is no doubt what happened on December 29, 1170, but what one thinks of it depends very much on a connection to the people and places of twelfth century England. On that day, four English knights of Norman descent came more

  • Whose Flag Are You Flying?

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Jul 4, 2023

    a message about the relationship between Christianity and and state.

    Title: Whose flag are you flying? Text: Jeremiah 29 Church and culture series – part 1 Introduction Canadian immigration is rising … we are a desirable country! O. & A. received their “PR” notice this week! ...People are arriving from Ukraine and other places! • Loss of life in the more

  • What Does The Bible Say About The Christian’s Relationship With The Government?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jan 25, 2021

    What do Paul and Peter have to say about the Christian and government? Is the church allowed to pursue the violent overthrow of secular governments? What should be our focus if it's not the accumulation of earthly power?

    - We are going to dig into a subject this morning that is challenging. We are going to be talking about church and state. It’s one we don’t talk about particularly often. - As we start, I want to acknowledge up front that these passages are difficult. I want to say that I don’t like everything more

  • Christian Mental Health: Strategies For Developing Personal & Relational Security

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 1, 2021

    Jesus Christ, during his time on Earth was once asked, “What is the greatest commandment?”

    Jesus Christ, during his time on Earth was once asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” (Mark 12:28 English Standard Version). His response was very powerful: “29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God more

  • "It's Not About Me"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 22, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about going from a consumer mentality to a "not about me" mentality.

    Isaiah 61:1-4 “It’s Not About Me” There can be no doubt that we are living in a consumer culture. If we don’t like the service at a certain restaurant—we go to another one… …or if they change their menu we might move on. We don’t shop at a more

  • Breaking The Yoke Of Slavery

    Contributed by Rev Oke Omezi on Apr 17, 2013

    The yoke of slavery is not merely removed when you accept Christ until you begin to walk in the reality of your salvation especially in the midst of affliction

    BREAKING THE YOKE OF SLAVERY Is 50: 1 Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away. 2 more

  • The United States, A Dream Realized: Natural Law, Legal Positivism, & The Founders Views Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 20, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    I’d like to take you back in time to the birth of this nation. The year is 1775, and the British are marching in the dead of night to capture the guns of the colonial militia.

    I’d like to take you back in time to the birth of this nation. The year is 1775, and the British are marching in the dead of night to capture the guns of the colonial militia. Four riders launch into the night to awaken the minute men. The colonials succeed, and beat the British to their supplies more

  • Fortalezas En La Mente. Batalla De La Mente Series

    Contributed by John Cuentas on Nov 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Podemos tener la mente de Cristo. Entender y poner en práctica los datos de creador nos ayudan a ser libres de preocupación depresión angustia.

    PREDICACION NOV 10 2013.     Romanos 12:1 Así que, hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios, que presentéis vuestros cuerpos en sacrificio vivo, santo, agradable a Dios, que es vuestro culto racional.  2 No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de more

  • How To Defeat Depression Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 8, 2016
    based on 9 ratings

    Tips to defeat depression. 1. Focus On FACTS Not Feelings 2. Don’t COMPARE Yourself To Others 3. Don’t Exaggerate The NEGATIVE 4. Take Care Of PHYSICAL Needs 5. Take Your PROBLEMS To God 6. Have A Fresh ENCOUNTER With God 7. Get New DIRECTION From God

    How To Defeat Depression Depression is one of the greatest problems in the world today. It has been called the common cold of mental illnesses. Everybody gets depressed at times, but some people are depressed nearly all the time. Even people in the Bible got depressed – Elijah is an more

  • Victor Or Victim?

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Dec 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.

    Victor or Victim? December 7, 2014 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Focus Passage: Romans 8:31-39 Supplemental Passage: I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 more

  • Set Free In Our Minds

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Mar 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In today's world we find that more and more people including Christians are becoming enslaved to "prisons of thinking". Here is a sermon that will set you on the road to freedom.

    Psalm 124:1-8 If the LORD had not been on our side—let Israel now say—if the LORD had not been on our side when people rose up against us, they would have swallowed us alive because of their burning anger against us. The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us. Yes, the more

  • Yolo

    Contributed by Rev. Timothy Porter on Jan 19, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    What are you worried about today? What’s strangling you today? Worry strangles the peace and purpose right out of our lives. You only live once – don’t worry yourself to death.

    YOLO: You Only Live Once, So Don't Worry Yourself to Death Proverbs 12:25 Proverbs 12:25 (NKJV) 25 Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25 (NLT) 25 more

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