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  • Maximum Impact

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Dec 7, 2010
    based on 84 ratings

    Warning ( may contain some provocative material), read at the risk of becoming uncomfortable, hungry and passionate for more of God.

    My Text reading: 1 Sam 1:1-2, 6-7, 19-20 Elkanah had two wives: You know there’s going to be trouble right there. The name of The one was: Hannah (Grace-favor) And the name of the other was: Peninnah: (Jewel, ruby, precious, valuable) Hannah (Grace, Favor, was unfruitful, unproductive, barren, more

  • A Church Of Maximum Impact Series

    Contributed by Troy Walliser on Nov 10, 2020

    Christian missions at its most basic level is one BEGGAR telling another BEGGAR where to find BREAD.

    A Church Of Maximum Impact Acts 11:19-30 Several years ago Time magazine carried a story about a controversy that once raged in a Waterloo, Iowa courthouse over a perplexing question. The question at hand was this: “What is a Christian?” It all started when a local doctor who had been very wealthy more

  • Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 4) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 8, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul had lived his life for maximum impact (with no regrets), and this text shows us how he did it. How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 4) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit ìpauseî and everything stops. You can also push ìrewind,î go back, more

  • Rooted And Built Up For Maximum Impact PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize the importance of a godly childhood, being rooted and built up in Christ from an early age, and the role we play in living and imparting this godly life.

    Good morning, family. Today we're going to dive into a subject that's near and dear to my heart - the foundation of a godly childhood and the immeasurable benefits of being rooted and built up in Christ from an early age. We'll also discuss how we can maximize our impact and influence by living a more

  • Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 1) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more

  • Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 2, 2013

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 2) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more

  • Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 3) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more

  • Impacting Our World

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 3, 2015

    HP (High Potency) + CP (Close Proximity) + CC (Clear Communication) = MI (Maximum Impact) (Outline and material taken from Bill Hybells & Mark Mittelberg's book, Becoming a Contagious Christian)

    HoHum: One of the most frustrating experiences in life is to be told what to do without being given a clear idea of how to go about doing it. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens all the time. The boss sets a sky high sales quota and lets everyone know clearly that he expects everyone to meet more

  • Why Doesn’t The American Church See More Changed Lives?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Apr 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A look at Jesus' selection of the twelve disciples and what that means for the way that we should organize our efforts if we want to have maximum impact.

    THE BEST STRUCTURE: Does the American church have the best structure for changing lives? - Matthew 10:1-4. - Here I have a golf club. If I need to dig a hole, I can make it happen with a golf club. Now, it certainly will not be particularly efficient, but I will eventually get the job done. A more

  • Making Positive Impact In The Journey Of Life

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Aug 28, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God does not want us to pass through life aimlessly, but to make positive impact as we journey through life. This is achieved by living for the glory of God and for the blessing of others.

    Making Positive Impact in the Journey of Life Study Text: Philippians 2: 18 - 24 Introduction: - Life is a journey. We are all travelling inevitably towards the end of our lives. We will either journey through life with no sense of direction or we will live with purpose and fulfilment. - more

  • The Power Trinity

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Dec 2, 2024

    There are things that God has joined together for maximum impact in the kingdom. In this sermon we will examine the power trinity of Faith, Anointing, Authority.

    The Power Trinity Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and more

  • A Formula For Impacting Our World Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The simple formula Jesus has given us for impacting our world is that we are salt and light.

    Introduction: A. I wanted to start today’s sermon with a funny story of a science chemistry experiment gone wrong. 1. So I went on line and searched for quite a while, thinking surely there must be some great stories out there. a. I stumbled on one that didn’t have a lot of details, which would more

  • Maximum Sex

    Contributed by Robert Stephens on Oct 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Teenagers are bombarded with sexual messages every day. This message shows them how God intends for them to have maximum sex!

    How to have Maximum Sex!! I. Introduction a. Swat Video II. Understand God’s view of sex a. God is pro-sex i. This is news to many of you! ii. Unfortunately over the years the church has given sex a bad rap, especially to young people. iii. In an attempt to keep you from engaging in pre-marital more

  • Maximum Participation Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 21, 2011

    Ministry that Matters must have maximum participation by the people of faith. Maximum participation that is intentional, interdependent, intergenerational, and inspirational.

    Sunday, September 28, 2008 Head Start Sunday 40th Anniversary of Head Start Program Maximum Participation Nehemiah 3: 1 – 5 God has blessed us to witness a faith community’s commitment to early childhood education. For 40 years Union Baptist Church with dutiful and diligent more

  • Maximum Living

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Aug 30, 2011
    based on 20 ratings

    Introduction Now, take your Bibles and turn to Joshua.

    Introduction Now, take your Bibles and turn to Joshua. How did you know that? All right, chapter 17—Joshua chapter 17. We’re on a journey with Joshua, conquering Canaan, and Canaan pictures to us the fullness of the believer’s life, the victory that we have in the Lord Jesus more

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