Sermon Series
  • 1. The Background Of The Apostle Paul

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    In this lesson, we will study the background of the apostle Paul, so that we might obtain a greater appreciation of his unique ministry.

    Background of the Apostle Paul Introduction 1. In Acts 9:1-6, we read about the salvation testimony of the Apostle Paul. 2. Paul was on his way to Damascus to find and arrest Christians. On the road to Damascus, Paul has a face to face meeting with the risen and glorified Redeemer. This is more

  • 2. Paul The Pattern (Part 1)

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2013

    The apostle Paul was a sinner like everyone else, yet his life is said to be a pattern to those who believe on Christ. How is Paul a pattern to us today?

    Paul the Pattern (Part 1) Introduction 1. Many people today are looking for someone to pattern their life after. Teens try to dress and act like their favorite singer, ladies imitate the hair styles of Hollywood, men attempt to look like their favorite T.V. or sports star. 2. But who could be more

  • 3. Jesus, Offering Grace To His Enemies (Part 1)

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2013

    Christ can save anybody, but every person must accept the truth about Jesus Christ if he or she is to be saved. What did Paul learn about Christ on the road to Damascus?

    Jesus, Offering Grace to His Enemies Acts 9:1-7 Introduction: 1. In our Bible, we see several appearances of Jesus Christ. All of these appearances were prophesied beforehand. But did you know that Christ made a surprise, unprophesied appearance? He appeared in Acts 9 to a man named Saul of more

  • 4. How To Talk To Others About Jesus Christ

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How do we overcome our fears and actually open our mouths to talk to other people about Jesus Christ? There are three action steps that we can take in order to effectively talk to others about Christ.

    How to Talk to Others About Jesus Christ Acts 9:19-29 Introduction: 1. As we learned last week, when we trust Christ to be our Savior, Christ’s Spirit comes to live within us, and our life changes. When salvation occurs, there is a natural, internal desire to want to share our faith more

  • 5. I’ve Become A Christian – Now What? (Part 2)

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2013

    How did Paul’s life change after He was saved? Paul said he was a pattern to those who would be saved after him, so I believe we can look at what happened to Paul and learn a lot. After you become a Christian, what can you expect?

    “I’ve Become a Christian – Now What?” (Part 2) Acts 9:19-29 Introduction: 1. How did Paul’s life change after He was saved? Paul said he was a pattern to those who would be saved after him (1 Timothy 1:16), so I believe we can look at what happened to Paul and more

  • 6. Israel: Sick But Healed - Dead But Alive (Part 1)

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2013

    Peter performed two miracles, both of which are striking illustrations of the nation that Peter was ministering to – Israel. These miracles sent a message to Israel and many did in fact believe in response to these miracles.

    Israel – Sick, but Healed, Dead, but Alive Acts 9:32-43 Introduction: 1. In this chapter we have the glorious salvation of Saul of Tarsus who would become the apostle Paul. This man will end up being the central figure in the book of Acts. • To him would be revealed the more

  • 7. A Kind Of Love Nobody Should Desire

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2013

    The Bible is replete with warnings concerning greed, covetousness, and materialism. Money itself is not evil, but when a love for money is born in a person’s heart, there is no limit to how low a man can plunge.

    A Kind of Love Nobody Should Desire Acts 19:21-41 Introduction: 1. Have you ever been a part of a mob scene, or seen one? It’s not a pretty sight. 2. The apostle Paul had been teaching the Bible and preaching the gospel in Ephesus for two years. There had more

  • 8. Breaking The Strongholds Of Satan (Part 3)

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Did you know that all people can break the strongholds of Satan in their lives? How? Let’s learn from this incredible text.

    Breaking the Strongholds of Satan (Part 3) Acts 19:1-20 Introduction: 1. In Acts 18:23, Paul left his home church in Antioch and began his third missionary journey. Over 1,000 miles later, his travels landed him in the city of Ephesus, the capital city of Asia. It more

  • 9. Learning To Walk With God Day By Day

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    We will examine Paul’s travels from Ephesus to Miletus and derive three essential ingredients as to how we can walk with God day by day, over the long haul.

    Learning to Walk With God Day by Day Acts 20:1-16 Introduction: 1. How many of you have had times of discouragement and disappointment in your Christian walk? Sometimes it is not easy to “keep on keepin’ on,” is it? 2. The apostle Paul had spent more

  • 10. Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 1)

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 1) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more

  • 11. Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 2)

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2013

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 2) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more

  • 12. Living Your Life For Maximum Impact (Part 3)

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How can you live your life for maximum spiritual impact?

    Living Your Life for Maximum Impact (Part 3) Acts 20:17-35 Introduction: 1. How many of you have a DVR on your television? People are acting, or players are running around in a game, and you can simply hit “pause” and everything stops. You can also push more