Maximum Sex
Contributed by Robert Stephens on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Teenagers are bombarded with sexual messages every day. This message shows them how God intends for them to have maximum sex!
How to have Maximum Sex!!
I. Introduction
a. Swat Video
II. Understand God’s view of sex
a. God is pro-sex
i. This is news to many of you!
ii. Unfortunately over the years the church has given sex a bad rap, especially to young people.
iii. In an attempt to keep you from engaging in pre-marital sex, we have focused solely on the negatives of sex! All you hear is “DON’T DO IT!!!”
iv. Many believe that sex is for pro-creation only and is thus a necessary evil! That is a lie! There are certain parts of our anatomy that have NO other function except pleasure.
v. But I want you guys to understand that God is very pro-sex!
1. He created sex!
a. Obviously our bodies are designed for sex.
2. He commanded sex!
a. He said… “Be fruitful and multiply…”
vi. Genesis 1:27 says that God created man in His own image… including the sexual side of man!
1. For God to be opposed to sex, would be for Him to be opposed to His very nature!
b. Sex is more than a physical act in God’s eyes (Unitive)
i. There are many purposes for sex… procreation, pleasure… but one purpose is to reflect the intimacy God desires to have with us!
ii. Genesis 2:24 says, “… a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
1. This idea of becoming one flesh entails more than sex… but there is NO single act in marriage that reflects this more than sex!
iii. This is why God commands us to wait until marriage to have sex and to only have sex with our spouse!
iv. True intimacy with God is when He is our only God… the only object of our devotion!
v. Sex is the ultimate reflection of that!!
vi. The Israelites would often worship God… and Baal… or other Gods. This cheapened their “relationship” with God and outraged the Lord!
1. When we have sex with someone other than our spouse, we cheapen that incredibly spiritual act! It becomes a meaningless act.
2. I’m here to tell you that when we have sex on God’s terms it is nothing less than an act of worship! It is a deeply spiritual event!
vii. When we choose to not wait for marriage for sex, then we are selling it short!
1. It’s like eating a bunch of bologna sandwiches before we go to Outback Steakhouse or Ruth Chris’!
2. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!
III. Understand the purpose for God’s boundaries (boundaries meaning only in marriage)
a. You experience wholeness
i. Have you guys ever seen that Juicy Juice commercial where these moms are in the grocery store and they are looking at fruit and it has a sign that says… “50% artificial persevatives” on it.
ii. No one wants to buy fruit like that… in the same sense, when we give our purity away to others, we loose that sense of wholeness!
iii. I’ve never met anyone who says, “my idea of the dream wife is a girl who has slept around a lot!” or “my idea of a dream husband is a guy who has given himself to other women!”
iv. When you commit to God’s plan to purity, you commit to living a life of wholeness!
b. You avoid physical dangers
i. It should go without saying, but sex outside of marriage carries extreme physical dangers!
ii. I’ve read of people who have had sex with someone just one time and contracted HIV or some other sexually transmitted disease!
iii. There are a multitude of STD’s out there… some that cause pain, some that cause cancer, some that could keep you from ever getting pregnant, and yes… some that kill you!
iv. The catch phrase in the media and in our educational system is not teaching abstinence, but “Safe sex!”
v. “Safe Sex” is an oxymoron!
vi. Here is some facts concerning condoms
1. They fail in preventing pregnancy at least 10% of the time
2. They fail to prevent disease more than 10% of the time
vii. The only true safe sex is abstinence!
c. You avoid the emotional dangers
i. Here is another truth about condoms… they do not cover your mind, heart, and soul!
ii. Sex outside of marriage is like Diet Coke!
1. Do a taste test!
2. What does Diet Coke claim? It looks and tastes like the real thing!!
3. However, when you drink it… you realize it is definitely NOT the real thing… why?
a. Though it may taste like the real thing when you first drink it… there is always that nasty after taste!!!
b. Terry’s Testimony
iii. Listen, when we do not follow God’s plan for sex… we get that aftertaste!