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  • How Jesus Turns Trash Into Treasure Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 29, 2021

    1. Jesus finds us (vs. 9). 2. Jesus urges us to follow Him (vs. 9). 3. Jesus fellowships with us (vs. 10). 4. Jesus functions as a doctor to heal us from our sin (vs. 11-13).

    How Jesus Turns Trash into Treasure The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 9:9-13 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared September 29, 2021) BACKGROUND: *Today in Matthew 9, we will see how Jesus called the man God used to write this book of the Bible. His name was Matthew Levi, and he was a much-hated tax more

  • Follow Me

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Feb 19, 2022

    Jesus calls all of us to follow him. And if he could use a hated tax collector named Levi, he can use us.

    Where do you turn to find wisdom today? We now have access to incredible amounts of information, but how do you sort out what is important? We have the technology to do so many things, but how do we decide which of those things are worth doing? We can travel very fast, but as we race through more

  • Showcase For Saints Or Hospital For Sinners?

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Feb 19, 2022

    There is a temptation for us to put on our best front in church, a false front, and to especially welcome those who looked really good. But Jesus saw the church as especially for those who don't have it together and we will be wise to follow him.

    When I was a boy, my mother used to tell us to be careful about the friends we picked. If you pick a study partner at school who doesn’t want to do school work, you won’t get much done. If you start going out at night and roving the town with kids who like to make trouble, it won’t be long before more

  • Hidden Gold

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Feb 19, 2022

    This sermon follows a short skit describing the reality TV show, American Pickers. They scanned junk and found value in it. Jesus did the same when he found Matthew, the hated tax collector.

    Jesus was a picker. He travelled the back roads of Israel looking for rusty gold. He saw amazing things buried in people's hearts. What most people saw as junk, he saw as disciples who could change the world. Each person had a history all his or her own. There was no such thing as a nobody more

  • Transformed From Trash To Treasure

    Contributed by Hans Krause on Oct 19, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    We cannot go back in time to change the course of our lives up to this day. But we can go to Jesus to be transformed and to have our future re-directed. Jesus takes what is trash and turns into his precious treasure.

    [Sermon preached on 17 June 2018, 4th Sunday after Pentecost / 3rd year, ELCF Lectionary] Have you ever wanted to go back in time? To go back to a point in time in your life just before something bad happened to you—something that you could have avoided? And you think: “If I had only thought more

  • I Desire Mercy Not Sacrifice Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God values mercy and compassion over religious rituals and rules. As followers of Jesus, we are called to extend mercy to everyone we encounter, regardless of their circumstances.

    Hey guys! Ever wondered what gets God really pumped? What makes Him say, 'Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!'? Well, today we're going to dive into that. Spoiler alert: It's mercy. So, what's mercy? Think about when you're playing a video game, and you're totally crushing your friend. You could more

  • Tolerating Tolerance

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Aug 9, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Last week's sermon was on acceptance. So with a follow-up sermon on tolerance you might be wondering if it's going to be redundant. Though it's common to use the words interchangeably, they are different for a reason.

    TOLERATING TOLERANCE Last week's sermon was on acceptance. So with a follow-up sermon on tolerance you might be wondering if it's going to be redundant. Though the words accept and tolerate are often used interchangeably there are times when they're not. You've heard the phrase, more

  • "god Calling: Matthew"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 13, 2019

    A Sermon about God seeking us out.

    “God Calling: Matthew” Matthew 9:9-13 I know that I’ve got problems. I’m a sinner like everyone else. I often find that I am a slave to ways of being that I want to change. I am sick and in need of healing. So, Jesus has come for me. And that is what Jesus does. And that’s what more

  • The Least Of These

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 27, 2021

    The title is taken from Jesus' words in Mt. 25 when he said, 'whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine you did for me'. Let's look at how Jesus ministered to the less fortunate.

    THE LEAST OF THESE The title is taken from Jesus' words in Mt. 25 when he said, 'whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine you did for me'. Jesus didn't use that phrase to indicate that the people he was referring to were the least important. In fact, in Luke 9:48 more

  • The Blessing Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 13, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    The Blessing of Salvation, reminds us that salvation through Christ is a free, transformative gift that fulfills our deepest yearnings, freeing us from the fleeting pursuits of this world and securing our place in God's eternal kingdom.

    The Blessing of Salvation Ephesians 2:4-9; Titus 3:3-7; Matthew 28:20 Online Sermon: Life is a mysterious and yet profoundly beautiful journey. In our youth, we feel invincible, filled with dreams of freedom, independence, and the excitement of adulthood. more

  • Constantly Repenting To Follow Christ

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 4, 2024

    Do those things well and the government will be respected. Do them badly and the people get angry and one way or another dismantle that government.

    Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Course 2024 There are several basic and critical functions of any government, once a region of the world has established one. Israel–the northern Kingdom after the breakup of David’s kingdom after the terrible mess Solomon left–was such an area. A successful more

  • Marvels Of Mercy

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Apr 28, 2024

    Mercy is marvelous. God showed His great mercy to us as He sent Jesus to come and die for our sins. How can we then show mercy to those around us? This is our charge as believers. To uncover the marvels of mercy for those who do not yet believe.

    In Matthew 9:9-13, Jesus has just called Matthew to follow him. He is then seen reclining at a table with many tax collectors and sinners along with his disciples (Matthew 9:10). In verse 11, the Pharisees question Jesus to his disciples, asking “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and more

  • Matthew 2024 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 28, 2024

    Matthew is a converted tax collector and obsessed with details about Jesus and gives details about Jesus’ teaching, he especially focuses on the subject “The Kingdom of Heaven.”

    Video transition: The Chosen and the calling of Matthew! Series: Never Seen Before in 2024! Thesis: To see something we have never seen before in 2024 requires us to do something we have never done before! So, what is the “One Thing” you need to do that you have never done before to see your more

  • I See Dead People PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Good morning, family! I am so thrilled to welcome you all to this blessed gathering. Today, we'll be diving deep into the book of Matthew, chapter 9, verses 9-13. We're going to explore three powerful truths: The Power of Jesus to Heal, The Faith of the Paralyzed Man, and The Authority of Jesus to more

  • 2nd Sunday After Pentecost. June 11th, 2023. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Year A, Proper 5.

    Genesis 12:1-9, Psalm 33:1-12, Hosea 5:15, Hosea 6:1-6, Psalm 50:7-15, Romans 4:13-25, Matthew 9:9-13, Matthew 9:18-26. A). THE CALL OF ABRAHAM. Genesis 12:1-9. Our history begins in Ur of the Chaldees, in what is now Southern Iraq, a predominantly pagan city of about 250,000 people, with a more

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