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  • Lust For Power - Adonijah Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 19, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a fierce lust for power in every sphere of life these days, that includes the Christian circle as well.

    Adonijah ! 1 King 1:50”Now Adonijah was afraid of Solomon; so he arose, and went and took hold of the horns of the altar.” There is a fierce lust for power in every sphere of life these days, that includes the Christian circle as well. The society is awash with brazen disregard for more

  • The Power Of Lust Series

    Contributed by Jeff Krist on Apr 7, 2015

    Lust is a powerful animal that makes people do stupid things. Everyone is tempted in this area, but not everyone is honest about it. It's time to fuss up and be accountable.

    I want to talk to you about a very POWERFUL subject today LUST PRO – LUST CUE - LUST PRO – 2 PICS OF CHOCOLATES, 2 OF PIZZA, 1 OF PIZZA/CHOCOLATE CUE - PASTOR A. Most of the time when you hear the word LUST 1. It refers to SEXUAL LUST. B. You can be the GREATEST AJ on the more

  • Love And Lust Have Different Agendas Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Feb 16, 2016

    Love, Lust, Motives, Power

    Love Like You Mean It – Love and Lust Have Different Agendas 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 (pg. 800) February 21, 2016 Introduction: Proverbs 4:23 is a scripture we should absolutely commit to memory...even more than that, we should embed it in our souls... “Above all else guard your more

  • Lust At First Sight Series

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Mar 7, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Lust is more than sex. It is about power. It is about the overwhelming desire for power. Sex was not the main issue in David’s sin with Bathsheba. It was the lust for power and control.

    Lust at First Sight II Samuel 11:2-5 March 6, 2005 This fellow had a dream in which he was transported to heaven. In his vision, St. Peter was showing him around the place when the guy noticed that there were clocks everywhere. Everywhere he went there were clocks…thousands of them, hundreds of more

  • The Power Of Lust

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Lust does not discriminate it wants the Preacher, Pastor, Buisnessman, Executive,The President,etc...... Lust doesn’t discriminate it craves passion, affection,fulfillment,the right words,money,power,cars,credit cards,sex,etc..... The person or in

    Lust 1 Peter 2:11 Comes from the Greek word Epithumeo which means to set the heart upon i.e. long for rightfully or otherwise): covet desire would fain, lust (after). Epithumetes - a craver; lust after Epithumia - a longing (especially for what is forbidden),desire,concupiscence,lust more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Merv Budd on Aug 22, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    I look at the power, lure and dangers of lust from the story of David and Bathsheba.

    Intro I need you to think way back to July 23rd we began a series, do you remember what it was? We began a series looking at the seven deadly sins. Allow me to do just a little bit of review for you. The Seven Deadly Sins are not found listed in the Bible, but they are a list of sinful attitudes more

  • Dough And Bucks

    Contributed by Terry Melton on Aug 4, 2019

    Looking at “dough” and “bucks.” I am not referring to the kind of “deer” that God created, but rather the "dough" and "bucks" that man created, and hold too "dear" to our hearts, for the love of money is the root to all kinds of evil.

    When my daughter was little, we were driving along a country road, and she spotted a deer. She asked, “Does the deer have any doe?” I said, “Ya. Two bucks.” Today, we will have a look at “dough” and “bucks.” I am not referring to the kind of “deer” that God created, but rather when we hold the more

  • Lucifer’s Lust For Power Polluted Heaven And Earth

    Contributed by James Linders on Jul 21, 2015

    The FIRST heavens and earth were created WITHOUT sin and death. When Lucifer, God's Head of ALL angels became power hungry and revolted AGAINST his Creator, man AND a THIRD of God's angels became sinful. God was FORCED to take precautionary measures.

    Revelation 20:10 “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Revelations 20:12 “I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the more

  • The Cause And Cure Of Divorce

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    Where lust is in power divorce will rise. Where lust is controlled by love divorce will subside. There is a direct connection between lust control and divorce.

    Jo Fleming in her book His Affair reveals that almost every sinful emotion and action known to man is kindled by lust that is not controlled. Her husband of 26 years went to the apartment of a woman he worked with to return some books. This was an action he could have avoided, but he chose not more

  • Why Power Blinds Us Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Apr 9, 2021

    The Pharisees desire for power blinds them to the point where they acknowledge Jesus is doing miracles but still want to kill Him! What can we learn from their lust for power?

    THE PHARISEES WANT TO KILL THE GUY DOING MIRACLES: Power creates blind spots. - John 11:47-48, 53. - The connection between v. 47 and v. 53 is almost unbelievable. - In v. 47, the Pharisees admit that Jesus is doing many miraculous signs. - Yet in v. 53 they plot to take Jesus’ life. - What in more

  • The Lust Trap PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 5, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Address the issue of lust, its destructive consequences, and the path to freedom that God provides.

    Good morning, Church family. Today, we're going to tackle an issue that's as old as humanity itself, yet as relevant as the latest headline. We're going to talk about the lust trap – the seductive allure that's snagged many a soul, the destructive consequences it brings, and the liberating path to more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Klaus Mehrl on Jul 10, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    A continuation of a series on unfortunate behaviors dealing with the issue of sensual lust. The sermon is rated PG.

    In one movie some shipwrecked men are left drifting aimlessly on the ocean in a lifeboat. As the days pass under the scorching sun, their rations of food and fresh water give out. The men grow deliriously thirsty. One night while the others are asleep, one man ignores all the previous warnings and more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 9, 2021

    You can be Joseph. The Holy Spirit in you empowers you to transform your sexual appetite. You may have walked here more like Potiphar’s wife but you can leave like Joseph.

    Next series up for us is Abraham. This morning is one more special morning for our church for we bury a time capsule to commemorate the beginning of Cross Church’s new building. Today, we arrive at the last of 7 Deadly Sins of Family. Today, I want to speak to you about the deadly sin of lust. more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Nov 3, 2005
    based on 84 ratings

    The second message in a series on the seven deadly sins.

    Virus – Hidden Infections in the Spiritual Life Lust – 1 Th. 4:1-8 Intro: Video Clip – It’s Just Sex Trans: Last week we started a new series on the (7) deadly sins – Virus. Our goal is to place these deadly sins under the microscope of God’s Word to understand their infectious tendencies more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Lust was considered to be the least deadly of sins though when you look at the church’s discussion of sexuality, you would think that it would be much higher. But it wasn’t. Our sexual desire is a gift from God. The problem is that when we change sexual i

    Lust 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 Three ministers and their wives went out to dinner and were in a terrible accident, and all six were killed. They came to the Pearly Gates of Heaven and were greeted by St. Peter. "I know you are all men of the cloth," said St. Peter, "but as a matter of protocol I need more

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