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Sermons on love your neighbor as yourself:

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  • In | Out

    Contributed by John Ong on Sep 22, 2017

    If we want to learn about planting churches that grow and achieve the mission of Jesus, we don’t have to look any further than to the examples of the churches in Acts.

    Before God sends us out, He sends us in. Since time immemorial, the church has discovered that in order to fulfill God’s plan and purpose, we need to grow numerically. If we want to learn about planting churches that grow and achieve the mission of Jesus, we don’t have to look any further than to more

  • Selfless Love

    Contributed by Greg Tabor on Oct 21, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Loving your enemies?? What??? Yep. That’s truly showing genuine love.

    Selfless Love Read Text: Matthew 5:43-48 "You have heard that it was said, ’Love your neighbor…”(Matt 5:43). Heard from whom? Their teachers. Where did their teachers get it from? Leviticus 19:18 NIV says, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your more

  • Mile Marker 0

    Contributed by Catherine Davis on Dec 5, 2006

    Jesus tells us that if we love God and neighbor, then we are close to the kingdom.

    Title: Mile Marker 0 Scripture: Mark 12: 28-34 Theme: If you love God and neighbor, then you are close to the kingdom. 28One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most more

  • God Loves Them To

    Contributed by Larry Breeden on Oct 3, 2006

    God’s Loving desire to save all people

    God Loves Them To Jn 3:16-21 INTRO: A. Who has dressed up in school colors, painted face, or yelled at a sporting event. Is it exciting listening to announcer call the game, shouts through the microphone, ‘He shoots He Scores!’ or “10, 5, Touchdown!” or “Its over the fence! Homerun!” We get more

  • "Love Your Enemies" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 5, 2016

    I do not write out sermon manuscripts. This is a brief outline of the first message in the series "Say What? (Some Head-Scratching Statements of Jesus)."

    INTRO: It’s Valentine’s Day, so let’s start with a quick survey: Has anyone here every broken-up with someone before Valentine’s Day so you wouldn’t have to buy them a present? (Don’t tell me I’m the only one!). Yes, I have done that. When I was single, more

  • Love Of Neighbour

    Contributed by William Baeta on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law an

    Theme: Love of neighbour Text: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thess. 1:5-10; Matt. 22:34-40 Jesus encountered opposition from the people we would least expect to oppose Him. He was opposed of all people by the religious leadership of the Jews. His critics were always trying to trap Him without success. In more

  • Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

    Contributed by Charles R. Peck on Aug 19, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Loving God is the first and great commandment.

    Thou Shall Love thy Neighbor as Thyself Matthew 22:34/40 Man that is not born again is spiritually bankrupt an unable to love his neighbor. He cannot fulfill the first and great commandment of the law. Yet he is morally responsible, working in a threefold relationship, with God, himself and with more

  • Loving Our Neighbor: Breaking Down The Walls Series

    Contributed by Tim Harrison on Feb 6, 2001
    based on 87 ratings

    Jesus shows us how Grace can lower the emotional walls of the unsaved, so His truth can set them free.

    Tim Harrison Senior Pastor, Crescent City Foursquare Church February 4, 2001 Title: Loving our Neighbor: Breaking down the walls If you have your bibles, turn to John chapter 1 My son Tyler is 4 and ½, and my daughter Lacie is 18 months old My wife and I are thoroughly enjoying this stage more

  • The Heart Of Faith: When Love Transcends Duty Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Oct 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We are called to let love guide our actions, even when it takes us in unexpected directions.

    The Heart of Faith: When Love Transcends Duty Intro: We are called to let love guide our actions, even when it takes us in unexpected directions. Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:2-6, Hebrews 7:23-28, Mark 12:28-34. Reflection Dear Sisters and Brothers, In a quiet town, an older woman named more

  • As Perfect As God? Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jul 11, 2014

    How can we be as perfect as God?

    As Perfect as God? Matthew 5:43-48 Jesus now makes His last demonstration of the deficiency of the Pharisees teaching. Again Jesus reminds them of a part of the Scripture “You shall love your neighbor from the Old Testament book of Leviticus. Why the words “as yourself” is left more

  • What Jesus Teaches Us About Loving Our Enemies

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 26, 2015

    No matter how hard we try, we know that there are going to be flaws & blemishes in our life. We know that we are not without sin because the Bible tells us so. So let’s take a look at the subject of love.

    If there is one thing the world really needs to know more about, & to put into practice, it is "love." How often Jesus tells us to love one another. In John 15:12 He commanded us to love one another. In fact "love" is so important that Jesus devoted a whole section of the Sermon on the Mount to more

  • Love, Love, Love

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God's children will abide in love from God and love for God, for God is love. The response of the children of God, then, should be to love one another, that God’s love may be reflected in them.

    Love, Love, Love 02/14/10 AM Text: 1 John 4:16 Introduction 1 John 4:16 “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” The Greeks had four words which we translate as love: Eros more

  • Do Not Be Afraid To Use Your Time Wisely

    Contributed by Noah Balcombe on Aug 26, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    we are all given the same amount of time each a good steward of yours

    Stewardship World definition: The management of another persons property, finances, or household affairs Christian deffinition: The management of one’s life Matt 25:14-23 14 "Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15 To one he more

  • It's A Mess

    Contributed by Marc Phillips on Jun 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    It is not too late to shift our focus to The One that can clean up our mess. Ask Him what your next step is.

    Our world is a mess. Let’s take that a little closer to ourselves… our nation is a mess. We can go closer than that, our state is a mess… do we agree? Are we still on the same page? How about this? Our city is a mess… how about now still got agreement? Our neighborhood is a more

  • "God's Return On Investment May Not Be The Same As Your 401 (K)"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 1, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon about investing in people.

    Matthew 25:31-46 (Reading from The Message) James 2:1-13 Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor Grace United Methodist Church, Soddy Daisy, TN “God’s Return on Investment May Not Work the Same as Your 401 (k)” The following is a brief meditation written by Claudia Burney: “Jesus lives more

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