  • Larry Breeden

    Contributing sermons since Sep 29, 2006
Larry's church

First Southern Baptist
Arcadia, Oklahoma 73007

About Larry
  • Education: BS in speical Education and some upper level in Educational Counseling. Approx 30 hours of seminary including Biblical Languages.
  • Experience: I've been pastoring since 1986. Three churches, I have been at the current one since 1994. Before pastoring I preached at a rescue mission in Okla. City and the County Jail. Of course pulpit supply.
  • Family: Family of five. Wife Julie, daughter Hannah married to Cameron living in Washington State with my grandson, Daughter Amanda and son Joel both in college.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Don’t get in a hurry when going in the ministry. Timing is up to God and the practice helps.
  • Hobbies: Fishing, boating with my kids. Love to watch sports, specially University of Oklahoma. I use to play sports a lot, softball, volleyball and basketball but I am slowing down.
  • What I want on my tombstone: saved by grace
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Newest Sermons

  • Scars Of Easter

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    He lives but there are scars to remind us of the price paid for our salvation

    SCARS OF EASTER Jn 20:24-31 INTRO: 2000 years later & we are still talking, singing about Jesus 1. Movies, TV news, media, magazines newspaper articles politicians 2. He is the Central figure of ALL Human History a. His crucifixion & Resurrection is the crucial events of more

  • Remember Freedom

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The price of Freedom is high and worth it

    Remember Freedom Exodus 12:14-14 INTRO: We celebrate Memorial Day Decoration Day. 1. Begin with 2 versions of how Memorial Day came to be a. The first story In April 1863, in Columbus, Mississippi after decorating the graves of her two sons who served during the Civil War as more

  • Jonah Or Ninevah?

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Who’s responsible for revival?

    Ninevah or Jonah? Jonah 1 INTRO: Eventually ask 2 important questions. 1. How we answer will dictate our fellowship with God, & effect our future rewards 2. See God’s Call on Jonah’s life to go reach out to those in Ninevah I. Ninevah’s Predicament A. Ninevah the more

  • Looking For Camels

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Looking for the Promise and being ready when it comes

    Looking For the Camels Gen. 24 INTRO: Do you love a Love Story? “chick flicks” not the guy thing, But I still enjoy the love stories of the Bible 1. Jacob & Rachel, Ruth & Naomi Ruth & Boaz 2. David & Jonathon (brotherly love) friendship 3. Isaac & Rebekah B. Story: Abrahm is more

  • Wasted Watch

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006

    The Resurrection of Christ was unpreventable

    The Wasted Watch Mt 27: 57 - 28:15 INTRO: Military Term: Guard duty, Duty, Post or Watch *Something that all military personnel has to do sometime or another, stand watch They start you out in boot camp given us a stocking cap & flashlight saying watch for what, anything. Unauthorized more