  • Charles R. Peck

    Contributing sermons since Jul 11, 2012
Charles's church

Flint heights Terrace
Flint, Michigan 48503

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  • Are You Ready For The Rapture

    Contributed on Jun 26, 2015

    Dealing with the coming of the Lord,

    ARE YOU READY FOR THE RAPTURE? The events that are taking place in our country, and around the world, politically, socially, economically and in the church, are moving us toward the final days of all things, beginning with a war that will produce the “Man of Sin”, the Antichrist. I more

  • Breaking Free From The Past

    Contributed on Jul 17, 2014

    Many are looking for something, but are unaware of what they are looking for.

    BREAKING FREE FROM THE PAST Colossians 3: 1-11 In an old Candid Camera episode, an actor is on a busy sidewalk and begins looking at the ground. He walks around a bit and continues to look down. People are passing by him and a few give him strange looks. After a couple minutes, he decides more

  • Adoption As Sons

    Contributed on Jul 17, 2014

    The believer has received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abby, Father

    Adoption as Sons 2 Corinthians 6:14/18 Romans 8:14/15 “For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” In these verses more

  • Who Are You Looking For

    Contributed on May 4, 2014

    The church age wat not known by the prophets, they were looking for something better.

    Of which salvation the prophets have inquired 1 Peter 1 10/13 When we begin to examine the Word of God we see men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses who lived before or in the dispensation of the law. “And these all having obtained a good report through faith, did not receive the more

  • Transforming Grace

    Contributed on May 4, 2014

    There is no other word for grace, but amazing. This grace will save to the uttermost.

    TRANSFORMING GRACE Titus 2: 11/14 I believe that it was The Talley Trio that sang the song, “No other word for grace, but amazing.” And then we sing the song, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now more

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