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Sermons on laws of moses:

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  • The Law Of Moses Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 18, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Was the Mosaic law good or bad? Why did God give it to Israel, and what part did it play for His people?

    OPEN: Why do laws exist? Why do we have them? I thought about that a lot this week…and this was my conclusion: “Laws exist to modify behavior and to help us know what is acceptable and what isn’t.” Now, if that’s true, why were these laws written? In Michigan it is illegal to paint sparrows to more

  • The Law Of Moses Versus Christianity.

    Contributed by James Linders on Oct 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Are Christians bound by the Law of Moses? As a result of misinterpretations of God's word, unsubstantiated allegations AND misperceptions that arise from misguided Biblical teachings, the church is MORE divided today than EVER.

    “For it seemed good to the HOLY SPIRIT, AND to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you ABSTAIN from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.” more

  • Are Christians Required To Obey The Law Of Moses? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 18, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the transition from the Old Covenant of law to the New Covenant of grace through Jesus Christ's fulfillment of the law.

    Good morning, dear friends. I trust the Lord has been your strength and your shield this past week. As we gather together in His name, let's take a moment to draw our hearts closer to His word, His promises, and His unending love for us. We gather here today to discuss an important and powerful more

  • Fulfilling The Law

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Dec 17, 2024

    The Great Chicago Fire

    Around 8:30 pm on October 8th 1871, a fire broke out in a small barn in Chicago. Within a few hours it became one of the most devastating fires in American history. Over 2.5 square miles were totally destroyed. 17,000 structures Around 300 lives lost 1000,000 left homeless, which at the time, was more

  • Rejection Of Moses Law Will Mean Death Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 8, 2014

    To show that we don't deserve GOD's mercy, pity and kindness but still GOD has pity, mercy and comforted us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you obtained mercy, pity and comfort from JESUS? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we don't deserve GOD's mercy, pity and kindness but still GOD has pity, mercy and comforted us. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 10:28 (Amplified Bible) 10:28 Any person who more

  • Mount Sinai And The Law Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 12, 2023

    The Mount Sinai and the Law of Moses are inseparable. Both play a vital role in the lives of the Israelites community. Today church claims many good things and they are our milestones to look forward.

    Week 11 (April 10-14) Text: Exodus 19 & 20 Mount Sinai and the Law Mount Sinai: Mount Sinai is called the Mountain of Moses. it is also known as Mount Hareh, in Hebrew as Har Sinai, in Arabic as Jabal Musa. It is a granitic peak of the south-central Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The Sinai is a more

  • We Died To The Law Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 16, 2019

    When a person is a Christian they are dead to sin and they are also dead to the law. In Romans 7:1-6, Paul explains why Christians are no longer under the law of Moses. What a blessing to be under grace not law.

    A. The story is told of an old preacher who was dying. 1. He sent a message for his banker and his lawyer to come to his home, both men were members of his church. 2. When the lawyer and banker arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. 3. As they entered the room, the preacher held out his more

  • Christian Freedom

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 13, 2023

    Are Christians free or still tied to the law of Moses?

    Are Christians free or not? Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1 KJV) Will laws like circumcision make us right with God? Is circumcision symbolic of the whole law? Listen! I, Paul, tell you more

  • Grace And Law

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 18, 2014

    To show that CHRIST is both our Perfection and our Righteousness, that we are declared the Righteousness of GOD in CHRIST.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is CHRIST Your Righteousness? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is both our Perfection and our Righteousness, that we are declared the Righteousness of GOD in CHRIST. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 7:19 (Amplified Bible) 7:19 For the Law never made more

  • The Law Of Love

    Contributed by David Stephens on Sep 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Tim Baylor discusses the following questions: What is God’s definition of Love? How do you love God? How do you love each other? How do you know what the Spirit is telling you to do? What is the Law of Love?

    The Law of Love To Listen to the sermon visit: All you need to know is that Jesus told his disciples these 2 things: John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know more

  • The Law Of Christ (Galatians 6)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 21, 2024

    Is the law of Christ different from the law of Moses? Let's find out in Galatians 6.

    Should we treat each other gently, with the undeserved kindness that we have received from God? Is the law of Christ fulfilled when we bear each other’s burdens? Let’s see. How should we try to restore a wayward friend? Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual more

  • The Jew, The Law, And Then Gospel Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Nov 29, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    You cannot do a fully study of Romans without digging deep into the issue of the relationship between the Law of Moses, Israel, the Church, and Salvation.

    Dr. Bradford Reaves CrossWay Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD It is undoubtedly true that you cannot do a full study of Romans without digging deep into the issue of the relationship between the Law of Moses, Israel, the Church, and Salvation. This is a deep and complex issue more

  • Why The Old Testament Law Cannot Save A Person?

    Contributed by Jesse Roncales on Mar 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Law of Moses, no matter how good, holy, and righteous, cannot bring salvation to anyone!

    Introduction Religiosity is marked with legalism. One of the most serious problems facing many so-called Christians today is the problem of legalism. Legalism puts off the joy of the Lord in the life of those who believe. Nothing is left but fear and guilt that haunt a person all the days of his more

  • Discovering Christ In Deuteronomy

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 6, 2013

    We are to exemplify Christ's life through obedience to God

    Septuagint (The LXX) - Translated OT Hebrew to Greek - Called the first 5 OT books the Pentateuch - From pentad = five & teuchos = tool (The five tools) De. Calls us to remember who God is & what he has done Horton Hears A Who --- VIDEO Clip One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry from help more

  • The Mosaic Law And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There is much confusion about the role of the law in the life of the believer. This "meaty" sermon unpacks this issue decisively .

    The Mosaic Law and the Christian Series: The Old Testament’s Relation to the New Testament Believer Preaching PM Service July 1, 2012 TEXT: Colossians 2:12-14 – “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, more

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