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Sermons on christians and the law:

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  • Christians Dead To The Law

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 24, 2022

    This chapter seems to be in the wrong place.

    WHY? In chapter 6 Paul told us clearly that Christians do not continue in sin, because when Christ died to sin, so did we. We are no longer "in Adam." Our victory over sin is established through the death of Christ Jesus. Now you would think that after this tremendous victory we have more

  • The Law Of Liberty Series

    Contributed by Tim George on Apr 19, 2001
    based on 97 ratings

    What is it that motivates us to live the Christian life? It is the Law of Liberty.

    So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. (James 2:12) Once when Alabama was playing Auburn, Coach Bear Bryant sent in his 2nd string quarterback with instructions to run on every play and he had better not pass the ball. Alabama led by three points and only had to run more

  • The Law Of Moses Versus Christianity.

    Contributed by James Linders on Oct 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Are Christians bound by the Law of Moses? As a result of misinterpretations of God's word, unsubstantiated allegations AND misperceptions that arise from misguided Biblical teachings, the church is MORE divided today than EVER.

    “For it seemed good to the HOLY SPIRIT, AND to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you ABSTAIN from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.” more

  • The Christian And The Law Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jul 24, 2011
    based on 18 ratings

    In Romans 6, Paul dealt with those who think they can do whatever they want now, even live sinfully. Now Paul turns to those who think they need to follow “the rules” in order to be a Christian. What we find is that our only hope for living is a relatio

    The Law and the Christian The Law does not have authority over us (v. 1-6) The Law does still have purpose for us (v.7-13) The Law does not have power to change us (v.14-25) Slide Intro It has been hot out there! We have been facing extreme heat this past week. On Thursday, while driving, my car more

  • The Law And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Christians have recognized what observant men of all ages have noticed, and that is, that law that is a respecter of persons is an instrument of evil, whereas, law that treats all men equally is an instrument for justice.

    An angry group of citizens shouted at their small town mayor-"Every city car that passes through here breaks the law by breaking the speed limit. You've got to do something about it, and do it fast." "Don't you worry," said the mayor with confidence. "I'll more

  • Christians And The Law

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 16, 2023

    'Christians and the Law' - Romans 7:1-25 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Two Husbands (vs 1-6). (2). Two Discoveries (vs 7-14) (3). Two Principles (vs 15-25) SERMON BODY Ill: • In 1965 the United Kingdom set up The Law Commission, • Their job was to update the country’s legal system, • And push for reforms where needed. • Since its more

  • Should A Christian Keep The Law? (Pt. 1) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 1, 2021

    Many Christians are confused as to why Christians keep part of the Old Testament commandments but don't keep others. This series of two messages helps them find answers to their questions.

    Today we will tackle the question: Should a Christian Keep the Law? The answer to that question significantly affects the way we live our Christian lives. If I read the Bible with a legalistic mindset, I will live under the bondage of the law—a perpetual effort to measure up and always coming more

  • Should A Christian Keep The Law? (Pt. 2) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Why do Christians seem to keep all Ten Commandments except the Sabbath? This message addresses the difference in the way New Testament deals with Old Testament moral versus ceremonial laws.

    We are answering the question: Should a Christian Keep the Law? The biblical answer is yes and no. We should keep the moral commandments that are rooted in the immutable nature of God. God is holy. God is a moral being who holds people morally accountable. God does not change. So, the moral more

  • Law

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Dec 28, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    The Law cannot set you free. The Law cannot deliver us from the old nature. While the inward man may delight in the Law of God (Psalms 119:35) the old nature delights in breaking the Law of God.

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: A man is driving with his wife at his side and his mother-in-law in the back seat. The women just won’t leave him alone. His mother-in-law says, "You’re driving too fast!" His wife says, "Stay more to the left." After ten mixed orders, the man turns to his wife and more

  • We Christians Are Under Law Or Under Christ Or We Are In Rebellion.

    Contributed by David Leach on Jan 6, 2014

    What is the difference between seeing God’s words as Law and seeing them as Grace?

    1 We Christians are under law or under Christ or we are in rebellion What is the difference between seeing God’s words as Law and seeing them as Grace? LAW: The Law demands that we do our utmost, using our unrighteous human nature, to comply with the righteous requirements of the written more

  • The Law And The Christian, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 11, 2014

    Jesus gave the ultimate commentary on the Old Testament law, yet it is not very well understood in the Christian community. In this the first of several sermons, we will explore the law and the Christian.

    Intro In the sermon on the mount Jesus called us salt and light, then condemned whoever sets aside the least of God’s commands. Does that mean that Christians should put to death idolaters, Sabbath breakers, adulterers and those who dishonor their parents, sacrifices animals, be more

  • The Law, The Christian And The World

    Contributed by David Richardson on Apr 28, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    We can learn from Paul the importance of relying upon Jesus. We can rely on Him to provide us the life testimony that He desires to be put in front of His people at the appropriate time and place.

    Title: The Law, The Christian, and the World… Scripture: Acts 24 I would like to use some scripture to use as a sort of prelude to Acts 24. Then, with that in our minds, we’ll be better able to understand a short discussion on Acts 24. (2 Timothy 3:1b-5) There will be terrible times in the last more

  • Christianity And The Law Of God Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Apr 15, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    What does it mean when Christ said that He came to "fulfill" the Law?

    “Christianity and the Law of God” Matthew 5:17-20 We continue this morning in our study of the Sermon on the Mount. Last week, we saw how Jesus proclaimed the truth that His followers are the Salt and Light of the world - agents of change, meant to be ambassadors of Christ in the more

  • The Mosaic Law And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There is much confusion about the role of the law in the life of the believer. This "meaty" sermon unpacks this issue decisively .

    The Mosaic Law and the Christian Series: The Old Testament’s Relation to the New Testament Believer Preaching PM Service July 1, 2012 TEXT: Colossians 2:12-14 – “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, more

  • Law And Grace

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Dec 22, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    Sets forth our Lord Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law making us free from the law of sin and death through faith in Him.

    LAW AND GRACE “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17 I. WE HAVE MOSES AND THE LAW: 1, The law includes: the moral law (Exodus 20); the ritual law (Leviticus) and the statutes given to Moses concerning governing Israel. 2. more