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Sermons on Kefa II 3:10: showing 196-209 of 209

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  • Function In A World Gone Mad Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    To function in a world gone mad, remember that God sent a world-wide flood, resist the urge to submit to the world's demands, and submit to God alone, your sovereign savior.

    Once upon a time, there was a family of mice who lived all of their lives in a large piano. Often, the music of the instrument filled the dark spaces of their world with beautiful melodies, countermelodies and harmonies. At first, the mice were very impressed. They drew comfort from the thought more

  • What Manner Of Person Ought Ye To Be

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 20, 2022

    Why did Peter say, “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be...”

    Let me show you. These words appear in Peter’s great chapter on the second coming of Christ. Peter was telling us some of the things that would occur before Christ’s second coming. -In verses 3-4 he tells us there will be scoffers. We read, “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the more

  • A New Heaven And New Earth Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 29, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    What does it mean that God is going to create a New Heaven? And what difference can it make to my life that He has promised that to me?

    A little boy got on the elevator in the Empire State Building in New York City. He and his daddy started to the top. The boy watched the signs flashing as they went by the floors: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. And the boy began to get nervous. He took his daddy’s hand and said, “Daddy, does God more

  • Any Day Now Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Mar 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Both Peter and Paul raise the same question: what should we be doing when … not ‘if’ but ‘when’ … the Lord appears? How do you want Him to find you? Vigilant? Full of hope and expectation? Prepared? Ready to greet Him? Or scoffing? Asleep?

    [Hold up cell phone.] Yep … we talked a little bit about this handy device last week. More accurately, we talked about one of the apps … the GPS. But there is another little handy app that I use all the time to help me plan my day … The Weather Channel’s Ten Day Weather app which, as the name more

  • The Day Of The Lord, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 5, 2022

    This topic has fascinated many – even in the 1st century. But, know this: fascination is not what God is after from you and I. What God wants from us is understanding -- which leads to submitting to Him and being prepared for the day Jesus returns!

    The Day of the Lord, Part 1 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 4 2 Peter 3:1-10 Introduction - Purpose: Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- As a disciple maker his desire is to see others grow in knowledge of Christ -- Promise he stands on: the Gospel we/they are more

  • The Lord’s Patience Is Only Giving Us Extra Time To Be Saved

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on May 17, 2021

    This is an exposition of 2 Peter 3 as we learn not to become swayed by scoffers who cast doubts in our minds about the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming as He promised; what seems like a delay is only a chance for us to repent. In the mean time, we should live godly as we await His return.

    1. In the last days, there will be scoffers (v. 3) 2. The scoffers will be following their own evil (sinful) desires (v. 3) 3. They will mock the promise of the coming of Jesus Christ saying “Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything more

  • We Believe In The Second Coming Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    If the Bible were not to teach the Second Coming of Christ, then you would be left with a potentially endless cycle where things would simply go round and round. Your view of the end of time can have a profound effect on how you live your life in the present.

    We conclude this sermon series entitled Creed by examining the Bible’s teaching of the Second Coming of Jesus. If you were to travel to Rome to see Michelangelo’s fresco in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican City, you would no doubt gaze at the iconic and best-known picture of the Sistine Chapel – more

  • Zechariah's Second Vision Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 1, 2021

    Message focuses on the sovereignty of God, divine retribution on nations that oppress God's people, and God's vindication of his elect. This word of comfort and assurance has timeless application for God's people of all ages.

    Life is not fair! The godly suffer unjustly, and the wicked seem to get away with their evil deeds. Unbelievers point to all the pain and suffering in the world and defiantly say, “If God is a just, loving God, why does he allow war? Why does he allow disease and famine? Where was he during the more

  • It's Getting Closer All The Time

    Contributed by David Nolte on Apr 11, 2021

    Of all people, we are nearest in point of time to Jesus' Reeturn

    People who are ordinarily rational, reasonable, relaxed individuals seem to lose those characteristics and become contentious, aggressive, hostile and belligerent, with red faces, snarling lips and bulging eyeballs when it comes to disagreement about Bible versions or translations, interpretation more

  • The Disciple’s Hope Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Aug 23, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We follow Jesus daily in the shadow of our hope: that Jesus Christ is coming again. Banowsky: “From Genesis to Revelation scripture shouts that he is coming again - personally, visibly, audibly, unexpectedly, and imminently.”

    The Disciple’s Hope Introduction As we conclude our Summer Series called Journey With Jesus: The Daily Trek of Discipleship, I hope we have been reminded of the “daily-ness” of Christianity. The Christian life is… - Built on the principles of Kingdom viewpoint: The Beatitudes - Submissive to the more

  • What Manner Of Person Ought You To Be?

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 26, 2023

    Knowing that God is planning judgment should bring us all into a sobering reality of what we should be doing as Christians.

    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons more

  • Progressive Christianity In Scripture

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 3, 2023

    Under the cover of social justice and love, the Progressive Christianity movement rejects New Testament doctrine, substituting its own standards for the moral standards taught by the apostles. This message addresses the error and calls God's people to remain true to Traditional Christianity.

    Intro Today we will address a popular movement known as Progressive Christianity. Its adherents describe this movement as being “characterized by a willingness to question tradition, acceptance of human diversity, a strong emphasis on social justice and care for the poor and the oppressed, and more

  • That Day PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize the certainty of Jesus Christ's return and the urgency of preparing for it, as guided by the scripture from 2 Peter 3:10.

    Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters. We are gathered here today to delve into the heart of a powerful promise from the scriptures. It's a promise that has been passed down through generations, one that stirs our hearts with both anticipation and a sense of urgency. It's the promise of our more

  • Rapture- True Or False? What Will Happen At The Lord's Second Coming

    Contributed by Robert Webb on Feb 3, 2025

    There is cause for reservation about the popular conception of the rapture, especially in regard to the time element and manner in which it is commonly believed it will take place.

    The rapture is an intriguing subject and at the forefront of much thought. What is it? This is the teaching that the church will be "caught up" or raptured in the clouds with Jesus and the resurrected believers and be with the Lord forever. That much is taught very plainly in 1 more

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