Studying Biblical Prophecy Is The Correct Thing To Do – The Bible Is Relevant Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 25, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: We hear of prophecy teaching and biblical prophecy, but is there any value in teaching and studying biblical prophecy? This address looks into that question with reasons why it is very important to study prophecy.
May the Lord bless our time today. We are going to look into an important subject. There are those who think the prophetic books of the Old Testament, and the New Testament for that matter, are not meaningful and people who deal with prophetic events and the study of future things (eschatology) waste their time on trivia.
The purpose of this message is to throw the biblical perspective on the study of prophecy. What do we gain from delving into prophetic events and do we gain from it or waste our time?
Those who consider this study of prophetic subjects meaningless are encouraged to listen to (now read) what is to follow. I know the neglect of prophecy is a position shared by some people in the wider, professing Christian community. If I had to write one pivotal statement about the whole issue it is this – “The fact that in the Christian community, there is so much ignorance of prophetic issues, along with corresponding confusion, it is an abysmal reflection on the Christian church that professes to preach the bible but it does not. It preaches pet areas and dismisses others.”
We are going to consider this morning 6 reasons why the study of eschatology, or if you like – prophetic events and the “last things” – is important, and has been a critical part of biblical preaching and teaching. Let us begin.
1. WRITING OF MATERIAL TO BE FULFILLED BEYOND ONE’S TIME. Sometimes I have tried to put myself in the position of the Old Testament writers and try to imagine what it was like for them to write under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, when they often did not understand what they were writing except, in a dark shadow. I am impressed with what Peter wrote – {{1Peter 1:10-11 “As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful search and inquiry, seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.”}} Peter understood the problem the prophets faced as they tried to tease all this out. They tried really hard to understand the times ahead and who was the person (Person), and the events they were writing about.
Now the cynic could have accused the prophets of wasting their time as what they wrote was not pertaining to their time. No! That was not the case. Peter commends them for searching and trying to understand better. The verse says {{“careful search and inquiry”}} and this is the way we should all treat scripture. God does not honour a careless, rushed approach to His word. This is particularly so when a minister might rush to throw together some things for a sermon on Sunday . It is a disgrace. It is slap-happy, and it is scraps you throw to the congregation. Is that the way a shepherd feeds his sheep?
We are the same as the prophets in regard to searching out these things relating to future events like we do. Some researchers come to different conclusions but the careful searching is important (not the regurgitation of others, but careful, personal inquiry). As the prophets did not understand what it was they were seeking, and knowing it was not for their age or times, that did not stop then carefully seeking and searching scripture, and no doubt comparing scripture with scripture; so we too do the same thing and that is commendable to God. I would urge upon you all to delve, dig, discern and discover!
For that reason it is correct to do so, even though events we write about and teach about, are not always for our time.
Just before we close this first reason there is a relevance Peter mentions that connects with the study and teaching of prophecy – {{1Peter 1:12 “It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven - things into which angels long to look.”}}
Peter gives the reason we should study and listen to, AND PREACH AND TEACH prophetic events (those not of our time) – it is “serving others” as verse 12 says. That can also mean serving the members of our church, your church. If we have joy in the “blessed hope” which is the Rapture, then we desire that for others. In that way we serve others.
2. PROPHECY LEADS TOWARDS GODLY CONDUCT IN EXPECTATION. We come to the second reason. This reason is very important. Let me quote Peter again – {{2Peter 3:10 “but the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 2Peter 3:11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness . . .”}}