Robert's church

Little River church of Christ
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240

About Robert
  • Education: Doctorate of Ministry
  • Experience: Preaching for 26 years
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Copy and paste and use any way you want to glorify and praise God.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Bloom where you are planted
  • Family: Married 44 years
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Stand up, speak out ,sit down and shut up
  • Hobbies: Reading and writing
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Newest Sermons

  • Rapture- True Or False? What Will Happen At The Lord's Second Coming

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2025

    There is cause for reservation about the popular conception of the rapture, especially in regard to the time element and manner in which it is commonly believed it will take place.

    The rapture is an intriguing subject and at the forefront of much thought. What is it? This is the teaching that the church will be "caught up" or raptured in the clouds with Jesus and the resurrected believers and be with the Lord forever. That much is taught very plainly in 1 more

  • Taking On A New Year By Doing My Best!

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2024

    Are we doing our best? As a friend, a soul winner, encourager, servant and if not why?

    Taking on a new year by doing my best! I will never forget Field Day at Elementary school! I was the fastest runner in the 100 yard dash that day, brought home the blue ribbon, but I wasn’t the fastest runner at the school. Every day Philip beat me at recess and I was always second. The day of the more

  • Tell Me The Story Of Jesus

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2024

    In the birth of Jesus Heaven met earth and Deity became clothed with humanity. We do not know when Jesus was born, but the world pauses to reflect on it at this time of the year.

    Tell me the story of Jesus In the birth of Jesus Heaven met earth and Deity became clothed with humanity. We do not know when Jesus was born, but the world pauses to reflect on it at this time of the year. I feel it is very important and we should reflect on it all through the year, because the more

  • Peace

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2024

    The principal reason people don’t have peace in their lives is because they don’t include God in solving their problems.

    Some time back the Gallup organization polled Americans about their most important criteria for judging personal success. They apparently gave them a list of 20 or 30 different options, and these were the top 5 results: 1- Good health 2- an enjoyable job 3- a happy family 4- A good education more

  • A Total Commitment

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2023

    The first two verses of Romans 12 are the general commands on how to live out our faith in the world. The rest of chapter 12, along with chapters 13-15 are the details as to how to obey the exhortation given in Romans 12:1-2.

    Romans 12 transitions from teaching about what God has done for his people to what God expects from his people. How are the new people of God (the true Israel) supposed to live out their faith in the world? It appears that the first two verses of Romans 12 are the general commands on how to live more

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