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  • God's Word Believing, Acting And Confessing!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jan 28, 2016

    In our Christian lives we need God's Word Believing, Acting and Confessing the Word.It will bring the blessings of God.!

    God's Word Believing, Acting and Confessing! I. Believing God's Word - Acts 27:25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. A. We should not just look at circumstances. Do not just look at the mountain. Look also to the promises of God! - more

  • The Spirit Sealed Believers In Their Personal Past

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 15, 2017

    The “gift” of the Spirit is to be distinguished from the “gifts” of the Spirit. The latter are special endowments given to men by the Spirit; but the former is the Spirit himself, given by the Father through Christ.

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 1/9/17 Title: The Spirit Sealed Believers in their Personal Past (1:13-14) Series: Paul's Letter to the Ephesians Ephesians 1:13-14 (NIV) 13 And you also were included more

  • Three Great Skeptics . . . Who Believed Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Apr 19, 2017

    The very people we only think of as being great believers in Jesus in the first century were actually absolutely skeptical about Jesus' promise that He would be resurrected. The 3 resisted belief despite multiple supernatural evidences.

    Three Great Skeptics . . . Who Believed Selected Scripture The TV Progam Sixty Minutes was recently did a feature on Sesame Street, the pre-school educational program that involves the Muppets. After explaining that it was originally an experiment to see if under-privileged pre-school children more

  • Faith Is Believing What God Said Series

    Contributed by Curtis E. Nester on May 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A man's faith is tested and proves to be genuine and enduring.

    SERIES: Miracles with a Message #2 TITLE: Faith is Believing What God Said TEXT: John 4:46-54 INTRO: Someone once said that the key to writing a good story is not only knowing what to put in the story, but what to leave out. John knew that if he included every miracle which Jesus did, in his book, more

  • All Things Are Possible...only Believe!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jul 3, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    It's like this...sometimes the need may seem monumental to you, “Guess What” its not monumental to God! And since your not the one who is going to have to meet the need, it shouldn’t be to you either! Praise God!

    A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are stuck on an island. One day, the three of them are walking along the beach and discover a magic lamp. They rub and rub, and sure enough, out pops a genie. The genie says, "Since I can only grant three wishes, you may each have one." The brunette says, more

  • Lesson 3: The Son Redeemed Believers Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 25, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God plans to bring this fallen world, governed by apparently random and sometimes, chaotic events and disruptions in nature and human life, into a unified cosmos over which Jesus Christ will be King.

    Commentary on the Book of Ephesians By: Tom Lowe Date: 12/21/16 Lesson 3: The Son Redeemed Believers in the Historical Past (1:7-12) Ephesians 1:7-12 (NIV) 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, more

  • Why Believe The Good News Of Easter

    Contributed by Paul Sizemore on Sep 28, 2016

    Our Easter joy is not always immediate. It certainly wasn't immediate for Jesus' first disciples either. Even the empty tomb and the angel's proclamation left them bewildered. It was in remembering Jesus' own words that the Spirit brought them to faith.

    “Why Believe the Good News of Easter,” Luke 24:1-12, Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 Brothers and sisters, you probably know that this coming Friday is “April Fools’ Day;” a day that is always celebrated every year on the first day of April. It’s a day, when more

  • Who Has Believed Our Report Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Oct 8, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    WE have great benefits guaranteed by God's Word and we want to increase our faith to receive them.

    September 25, 2016 Morning Worship Text: Isaiah 53:1-12 Subject: Healing Title: Who Has Believed Our Report One of the things that we claim to believe as a Bible Believing church is that God still heals today. It’s not something that Jesus did and then the early apostles just to jump more

  • Do You Believe Jesus Or Doubt

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Dec 6, 2017

    Let others see Jesus in your speech and works

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. TOPIC: DO YOU BELIEVE OR YOU DOUBT? John 10:22-25King James Version (KJV) 22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said more

  • The Ten Bridesmaids Represent Christian Believers

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Sep 29, 2017

    The message is that apathy and carelessness are a much greater threat than any external force.

    32A Fr. Murphy was visiting one of his elderly parishioners whom he hadn’t seen at church for a few months. “You know,” he said, “you are not getter any younger and you should start thinking more of the hereafter.” She replied, “Thank you, Father, but I am always thinking about the hereafter; more

  • All Things Are Possible, "Only Believe!”

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Sep 26, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    God is very aware of how much power His Words and Promises possess, when you proclaim them and speak them over your life! The question is, are you?

    All things are possible, “Only Believe!” How many here this morning believe God can answer prayer, no matter what? John 14:12-14 MSG 12-13 “In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the more

  • Who Hath Believed Our Report?

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 15, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Wilful refusal to believe.

    WHO HATH BELIEVED OUR REPORT? John 12:37-43. It is apparent from what John says here, that witnessing “many miracles” is not what converts people. In fact, the result is quite often wilful unbelief! DESPITE the fact that Jesus “had done so many miracles before them” (in the presence of them, more

  • How To Treat The Believers We Disagree With Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Sep 26, 2023

    This sermon delves into Romans 14 and brings out the point that we are to accept each other and how to do that.

    - Sermon series: “How to Disagree.” Last week we established that there are disputable matters, which is an important category to understand. There may be theological issues about which sincere believers can have honest disagreement. - Having established that, we move today onto the next logical more

  • The Believer's Hope Is........

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 1, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The believer's hope is found throughout the Bible and in this outline we share a few very important examples of hope.

    The believer's hope is........ Titus 2:13 (KJV) Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 1. Encouraging hope. John 14:3 (KJV) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that more

  • Belief, Believing And Faith - Interchangeable Terms?

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jul 23, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The word “believe” is broad and is open to all kinds and variations of meaning depending on what the person has in mind. What does the Bible say about belief, believing and faith?

    Belief, Believing and Faith - Interchangeable Terms? Today we will be reading from Hebrews 11:1-6 We live in the era of cheap grace and easy salvation. “Just repeat after me.” “Did you mean that with all of your heart?” “You’re saved! Write that date down in your Bible and make sure you tell more

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