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  • Jesus Wept - Part One (Covid) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Sep 11, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    A full third of Americans are wrestling with depression and anxiety. Maybe you're one of them. It might help you to know that the Bible records three separate times that Jesus was so overwhelmed with emotion that he broke down in tears. How can the tears of Jesus help us wipe away our own?

    Jesus Wept (1) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 9/13/2020 Ella Wilcox once witnessed a strange phenomenon in the middle of a train car. Sitting quietly by herself, Ella noticed a woman near the front of the car who was crying. There was nothing subtle about it either. This more

  • Be Loosed Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Sep 13, 2020

    A message in the series of the miracles of Jesus. Deals with Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and how we can have freedom in Christ.

    Title: Be Loosed Theme: A message about how God can loose us from our doubt, our impatience, and our issues. Text: John 11:1 – 44 Note: I used the commentary on John from Jon Courson as a reference. Opening Text Miracles of Jesus Joh 11:34-44 And He said, "Where have you laid him?" more

  • I Am The Resurrection And The Life Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Oct 18, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus raises Lazarus and tells us that we must be resurrected to be with Him in heaven.

    I AM the Resurrection and the Life John 11 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 10-18-2020 An Impossible Request [Slide] On December 12, 2014, Kimmy Blair was in a one car accident coming back from a funeral in Fairbury. Her neck was broken and she died almost instantly. She more

  • "when Christmas Showed Up! Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Oct 28, 2020

    There is perhaps no other time of the year when we experience the diversity of emotions that we have at Christmas.

    DEFEATING THE HOLIDAY BLUES “When Christmas Showed Up!” John 11:1-44 There is perhaps no other time of the year when we experience the diversity of emotions that we have at Christmas. In just 10 short days we will once again celebrate Christmas and the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 10 days. more

  • Lessons From Lazarus

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Apr 6, 2021

    Next in series on John. Looks at lessons to be learned from the resurrection of Lazarus

    John 11 (1) You parents and grandparents, aren’t there some accounts from the Bible you love telling your children about? Like, David standing up against the giant Goliath, and whipping him with a stone. Jonah being swallowed by a great fish, Moses parting the Red Sea, Noah and the Flood, Jesus more

  • The Dead Hear His Voice And Live

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on May 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The day will come when all the graveyards and all the cemeteries in the world will be emptied out. They will give up their dead, who will live again. And those who have believed in Christ will live forever with him.

    The apostle John records seven miracles (or signs) from Jesus’s public ministry. Today we come to the seventh sign, and it is without question the greatest sign. For in John 11, the Lord Jesus powerfully restores the life of Lazarus. And it’s actually a miracle that we can relate to, in the sense more

  • "I Am The Resurrection And The Life” - Presentation In The "I Am Series Of John’s Gospel” Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 27, 2022

    One of the greatest of all statements made by the Lord Jesus was the one we are going to consider today - "I am the Resurrection and the Life". Every future blessing depends on this fact. He is risen and so shall He raise all His own. Great blessings are ours.

    “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE” - PRESENTATION IN THE “I AM SERIES OF JOHN’S GOSPEL” PART 1 We continue with the seminar series of the “I AMs” in the Gospel of John. Today we look at another glorious truth with eternal applications, just like every one of the “I AM’s” in the Gospel. [A]. more

  • "I Am The Resurrection And The Life” - Presentation In The "I Am Series Of John’s Gospel” Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 27, 2022

    The dynamic of Christ's resurrection is the utter guarantee of our future resurrection through being changed from death to life. The power that emanates from the Lord's resurrection empowers us to live our lives here and now for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE” - PRESENTATION IN THE “I AM SERIES OF JOHN’S GOSPEL” PART 2 We will continue on from PART 1 and examine this great saying of the Lord declaring Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life. We began to look at what this means in PART 1 and did ([1] – Christ is more

  • Your Plans-God's Plans Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Sep 6, 2022

    Jesus gloried God! He wanted people to see God’s holiness, His power, His mercy, His heart, His longsuffering. And that’s why He went to the cross. It not only manifested the depth of our sin, it also manifested the magnitude of God’s love for this world.

    Maybe you know someone who always has a plan. They don’t make a move without a plan for the day, for the week, even for months ahead. They check the weather, know the timetables for public transport, and plan for all possible contingencies during the day. They have a solution or back up plan just more

  • Which Shepherd Are You Choosing? (Pt. 2) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 19, 2022

    This exposition of Zechariah 11:7-17 examines Zechariah's prediction of Christ's rejection at his First Advent and the consequences of that rejection. The timeless truth taught is: when the leadership God sends is rejected, the judgment that follows is bad leadership.

    Intro We concluded last week with God instructing Zechariah to take on the role of a shepherd. Follow with me as we read Zechariah 11:4. “This is what the Lord my God says: ‘Shepherd the flock marked for slaughter.”i That is the assignment God gives Zechariah. He is to represent the Lord as a good more

  • I'm Glad I'm Not There

    Contributed by Imelda Mesa on Oct 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We don’t have all the answers to life’s hard questions, but God has. His ways are higher. His thoughts are greater. He fights our battles even those ones that we don’t know about.

    It's Labor Day in NSW tomorrow. That gives some people time to take their families on a long drive out of the city. It's perfect timing because it's also school holidays here in NSW until 07 Oct. We've done a few long drives during school holidays when our children were little. I more

  • Four Days Late

    Contributed by Michael Stark on May 29, 2021

    When Christ delays answering our pleas, how shall we respond? God is merciful, even when it appears that Heaven in silent.

    “Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill. So the sisters sent to him, saying, ‘Lord, he whom you love is ill.’ But when Jesus heard it more

  • When God Doesn't Make Sense Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jun 16, 2021

    Maybe the Lord didn't show up when you needed Him. Maybe there was absolute silence in response to your most desperate prayers. It's happened before, and to people Jesus loved dearly. What could account for Jesus' seeming uncaring response?

    Boy, we live in some tumultuous times, don’t we? Earthquake and tsunami in Japan. A nuclear disaster there as a result. Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and Libya. Our nation involved in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. And wasn’t it only a few months ago that a huge earthquake more

  • John Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Oct 22, 2021

    The Deity of Jesus ---- The Great I AM

    October 23, 2021 Today the book of John. Once again, the author of the book is not identified within the text. Early church tradition identifies John, “the beloved disciple” as the author and it is widely believed that it was the final book of the New Testament to be written = between 95-100 AD more

  • "jesus Wept"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 3, 2021

    A sermon for All-Saints Sunday.

    “Jesus Wept” John 11:1-7, 17-44 The Monday or Tuesday following our first-ever online Easter Worship Service, due to the Brand New Covid Pandemic, Justin DeFriese called me as he often did. The tornado had just torn through parts of Chattanooga. I remember that I was out on the Red Bank more

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