
Summary: Jesus demonstrates His power over death.

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SERIES: Miracles with a Message #7

TITLE: Life in Place of Death

TEXT: John 11:1-16

INTRO: Three friends were discussing death, when one of them asked, "If you were to get run over by a truck this evening, what would you like for people to say about you?" The first replied, "I would like people to say that I was a faithful Christian, a good husband and a good father"’ The second replied, "I would like people to say that I was caring, compassionate and made a real difference in this world." The one who asked the question then said, "I would like people to say look, he's still moving."’

We have seen, in John's gospel, how Jesus:

1. Turned water into wine

2. Healed the nobleman’s son

3. Made a lame man at the pool walk

4. Fed the 5000 with only 5 loaves of bread & 2 fish

5. Walked on water & stilled the storm

6. Opened the eyes of a blind man so he could see

7. And, today, we see Him raising a dead man back to life

I. THE SICKNESS (vs.1-10)

A. Lazarus Became Ill

1. Jesus often visited in the home of Lazarus in Bethany

2. He was very close to the family

B. The Family Sent Word to Jesus

1. He was on a preaching tour across the Jordan

2. He delayed going to Bethany

-We often get in a hurry, but God never does

-Sometimes our prayers are answered with a "yes,"

sometimes with a "no" & sometimes with "wait"

II. THE SADNESS (vs.11-37)

A. The Disciples Misunderstanding

1. In (v.11) Jesus says: "...Our friend Lazarus sleepeth;

but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep."

2. The disciples thought He meant Lazarus was resting &

would get better

3. But (v.14): "Then said Jesus unto them plainly,

Lazarus is dead."

# A man passed away and a letter was sent to his address by the Department of Social Services. It read as follows: "Your food stamps will be stopped effective this month because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances."

B. Jesus is Met Outside of Bethany

1. First by Martha, who said: (v.21)

2. Jesus replied: (v.25-26)

3. Then Mary arrived and said: (v.32)

4. Jesus grieved over their grief: (vs. 33-35)

III. THE SAVIOR (vs.38-45)

A. Jesus Mighty Miracle

1. Jesus had the stone taken away from the tomb and


2. We should always pray before undertaking any great


3. Then, "...He cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come

forth." (v.43)

# Augustine in the 4th century said that it was good that Jesus called Lazarus by name or else the whole cemetery would have come out of the grave.

(Joh 5:28) "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice"

B. Lazarus Unbound

1. Lazarus who had been dead four days, came walking

out of the tomb

2. Jesus said, "... Loose him, and let him go." (v.44)

3. Mankind is bound with the shackles of sin. Only Jesus

can make us free from sin and death.

4. Many of the Jews believed on Him from that day


C. Seven Times in the Gospel of John Jesus Said "I Am"

1. I am the bread of life (6:35)

2. I am the light of the world (8:12)

3. I am the door of the sheep (10:7)

4. I am the good shepherd (10:11)

5. I am the resurrection and the life (11:25)

6. I am the way, the truth, and the life (14:6)

7. I am the true vine (15:1)

CONCL: A family moved into a new community. They were promptly visited by two deacons and the pastor of a nearby church who cordially invited them to attend the services on the Lord's Day. The man assured them that he would come just as soon as he got straightened out. Several months passed, and he still hadn't put in an appearance, so the minister called again and repeated his invitation. But he received the same reply. The fellow hadn't yet gotten everything straightened out. A few weeks later he died, and his widow asked to have the funeral services in the church. The preacher graciously agreed. It was indeed a sad affair. Later when a member of the congregation asked the pastor if the man was a Christian, he answered, "He never attended services here, and no one can recall ever hearing him give a testimony of his faith in Christ, so I can't say. I only know he was a man of his word. He promised to come to church just as soon as he got straightened out - and he did!"

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