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  • God Is Loving And Patient

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on Apr 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We think we know what we want. But everything is temporary. Only Jesus is the eternal life you're looking for and need.

    Jesus shares a story about a landowner who leases his vineyard. After he leased his property the landowner moved away. When it was time to harvest the grapes the landowner sent three employees to pick up his share of the harvest. The tenants decided they didn't want to pay rent so they beat up more

  • Living A Marked Life

    Contributed by Darrell Boone on Sep 11, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Let the work you do speak for the God in you

    Luke 19: 28-44: God’s Personal Visit. 28-31After saying these things, Jesus headed straight up to Jerusalem. When he got near Bethpage and Bethany at the mountain called Olives, he sent off two of the disciples with instructions: “Go to the village across from you. As soon as you enter, more

  • Words From The Proverbs About Our Words

    Contributed by Ray Swift on Jul 29, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Three different Proverbs are looked at and three practical applications are made about our words.

    FB, Lafayette July 16, 2017 Sunday Morning Words from The Proverbs About Our Words The Book of Proverbs Intro.: I read a story this week about the history and therefore the prediction of hurricanes in South Louisiana. Seems that though the actual number of hurricanes making landfall in our state more

  • Words From Proverbs About Our Words

    Contributed by Ray Swift on Aug 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Look at three Proverbs that teach us how to use our words correctly.

    FB, Lafayette July 16, 2017 Sunday Morning Words from The Proverbs About Our Words The Book of Proverbs Intro.: I read a story this week about the history and therefore the prediction of hurricanes in South Louisiana. Seems that though the actual number of hurricanes making landfall in our state more

  • The Fulfilment Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 21, 2017

    On God's part, the fulfilment of His promises is sure. On man's part, let us be driven by the desire to do God's will and glorify Him.

    1 Kings 5:1-18 THE FULFILMENT ES 21 May 17 1677 We are seeing in the first few chapters of 1 Kings the fulfilment of God’s promises. • First, the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham - 1 Kings 4:20 “The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore…” • The words the more

  • Mary: A Role Model For Today's Moms Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on May 22, 2017

    In this message we look at some of the ways Moms can identify with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She no doubt experienced some of the same problems Moms today do. She would have faced ridicule, her son was hated by many and she likely lived in poverty.

    FAMILY MATTERS “Mary: a Model for Today’s Moms” Luke 1:26-28 If you are not aware, for the past 16 years there has been an annual survey telling us how much money the average mom should receive for all of the jobs that she does. This is a bit of what that job looks like and what they do—of course more

  • God Of All Comfort Series

    Contributed by Richard S Cussons M.a. on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Chapter one may be seen as a template in dealing with disappontment

    2 Corinthians 1.1-22 Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is written about 6 months after the first, in the year 55, from Macedonia. The Corinthian church had been infiltrated by false teachers who were challenging Paul’s personal integrity and his authority as an apostle. Because more

  • Turning The World Upside Down Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 17:1-15 regarding the second missionary journey in Thessalonica and Berea

    Text: Acts 17:1-15, Title: Turning the World Upside Down, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/12/08, AM A. Opening illustration: our baseball team turns the world upside down every time we play B. Background to passage: Having been freed with some dignity after being so spitefully treated (1 Thess 2:2) our more

  • True Colors Series

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    An introduction sermon to a series on the Sermon on the Mount; overview of the beatitudes and how they describe true Christian living.

    True Colors Matt. 5:1-12 The word, “colors” has numerous meanings. An early use of the word is flag, pennant, or badge. Early warships often carried flags from many nations on board in order to elude or deceive the enemy. The rules of civilized warfare called for all ships to hoist their true more

  • Gaius, A Man Who Helped Much

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As a church leader, your behavior often determines the growth of believers and whether or not the church has a dynamic ministry for Christ. THIS is what the letter of 3 John is all about, leadership within the church.

    As we continue our studies in the writings of the Apostle John, we begin to look into the book of 3 John. My plan is to spend just two studies in this book. It is believed that John the Apostle wrote this book or letter around 85-95 AD. It was written to a man named Gaius in order to warn more

  • Proverbs: The Power Of Your Words Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 15, 2011
    based on 20 ratings

    Proverbs tells us that the power of life and death is in our tongue. That tells us that our words are powerful, and we need to use that power wisely.

    PROVERBS #3: THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS OPENING SCRIPTURE: “Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do!” (Proverbs 4:7a, NLT). • In May we are going on a month long journey through the Book of Proverbs. THE BIG IDEA: Proverbs tells us that the power of life and death is in our tongue. more

  • A Quick Tempered Man Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 31, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    Temper or anger is an universal human experience. Everybody feels anger from time to time though we may express it differently. It is important to understand our anger, realize what causes it, and how to control it.

    A QUICK TEMPERED MAN PROVERBS 14: 17; 29-30 There are many passages in Proverbs that depict a hot temper. They teach what a hot tempered person is likely to do and how we should relate to him or her. Rash outburst and action are said to bring unpleasant results. Thus great stress is placed more

  • Let Your Light So Shine

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    As Christians, we are to shine as light in the midst of the dark world. This will make others to see and be attracted to God in His kingdom, and His name will be glorified.

    LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE Study Text: Mathew 5: 13 - 16 Introduction: - Jesus, after telling us we are the salt, and we need to stay pure so we do not lose our saltiness, also says we are the light of the world. - Salt has to do with you and the Word and staying pure. Jesus said if more

  • Wrecking Ball (Fourth Sunday After Epiphany 2017).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020

    Sometimes what we learn is like a “Wrecking ball” that crashes against walls in much the same way that our new insights made the old ones obsolete. ... The Beatitudes can be like a wrecking ball as to how they can help us to grow where we thought we had arrived.

    WRECKING BALL Text: Matthew 5: 1 -12 Back in the 1800’s, the cleanliness factor involved in surgeries within the practice of medicine was far different than what is practiced today. Multitudes of people were dying shortly after their surgeries. There was one doctor who figured more

  • Leah And Rachel Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 25, 2024

    It’s very passionating to know the life history of great women in Israel. Leah and Rachel are sisters with different structure and different spiritual qualities. To know their real struggle please browse this sermon.

    Theme: Leah and Rachel Text: Genesis 29:16-29   Greetings: The Lord is good and His love endures forever! Introduction: We are meditating the Biblical leaders with a call to remember, to consider, and to imitate them. Today we are looking into two important characters of the early history of more

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