  • Guy De Swardt

    Contributing sermons since Mar 3, 2010
Guy's church

Lorraine Baptist Church
Port Elizabeth, *Province/Other 6070

About Guy
  • Education: Master of Theology
  • Experience: I have pastored two Baptist churches in South Africa. First Boksburg Baptist Church (seven years), Johannesburg, South Africa. Currently I am pastoring the Lorraine Baptist Church (nine years), Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Always preach for a verdict.
  • Hobbies: Fly fishing, cycling, rock and surf fishing.
  • What I want on my tombstone: He unashamedly preached the Word of God!
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Newest Sermons

  • In The Beginning

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What does Genesis teach us about God's grace? How does the account of Genesis refute the Evolutionist theories?

    Beginnings! In The Beginning!- Part 1 Reading: Genesis 1v1-2 When you start reading the Book of Genesis,…it gives you the beginnings of God’s work here on earth. It also tells us of the beginnings of the Doctrine of God,…something that was completely different to the more

  • Spending Time In The Furnace

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2012

    God often puts us through various tests/trials to grow our faith in Him.

    Spending Time In The Furnace George Muller once said: “God likes to test the faith of His children in order to make them stronger so that they can eventually be winners! Yes, persecution, trials and tests, even sometimes suffering defeat, are spiritual food for our faith and helps us to more

  • Life On The Run From God!

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Jonah ran from the calling of God on his life. We often do the same when God's us to be on Mission with Him.

    Life On The Run From God! Reading: Jonah 1v1-10 As you read the books of 1st and 2nd Kings,…you find that the nation of Israel was in a mess. In fact,…they were in a desperate crisis. King after king over Israel,…except Hezekiah and Josiah,…were corrupt and did not serve more

  • How Faith Works For God

    Contributed on May 31, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    By Faith, Noah went on mission for God. He believed God about the future and adjusted his life accordingly, and went on Mission for God.

    How Faith Works For God! Reading: Hebrews 11v7 Three weeks ago we had a look what faith is. Then we looked at the life of Abel and discovered that the life of faith begins with worship. Last week we looked at the life of Enoch and discovered what the life of faith consists of. Tonight more

  • The Need For Repentance Unto Holiness.

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Growing downward to grow upward into Christ.

    The Need For Repentance Unto Holiness Reading: 2 Corinthians 7v1; 9-11 I can remember well when I was a little boy,…that my parents used to measure my growth on the wall in our kitchen. Every now and then we three children used to line up against the wall,…and our measurement would be taken more

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Newest Sermon Series

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • What Would They Say About You?

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2011

    WHAT WOULD THEY SAY ABOUT YOU? I want you to imagine the following scene. You’re going for the most important job interview of your life. You’re nervous. In your hand you’re holding your all-important CV, and in the other hand you’re holding onto some of your best work samples. The interview more

  • John Macarthur Says, "The Fact That Many ...

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2010

    John MacArthur says, “The fact that many professed believers are popular and praised by the world, does not indicate that the world has raised it’s standards, but that many more

  • Its Like This Story Of A Frightened Soldier Who ...

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2010

    Its like this story of a frightened soldier who was running from sniper bullets. He dove into a bunker thinking that he was alone. To his surprise another soldier crawled into the bunker as well. The second soldier happened to be wearing a cross around his neck. “Thank goodness you’re here”, more

  • The True Story Is Told Of Anny Pennica, A 62 ...

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2010

    The true story is told of Anny Pennica, a 62 year old woman who had been blind from birth. At age 47 she married a man she met in her Braille class and for the first 15 years of their marriage he did the seeing for both of them until he also became completely blind. Anny had never seen a tree or more

  • Many Years Ago Now, A True Story Is Told Of Two ...

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2010

    Many years ago now, a true story is told of two identical twins who were working for their father. They were so close they even dressed alike. When their father died they took over the family business as everybody expected them to do. Their relationship with each other was considered by the town more