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  • Jesus In The Law Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on Dec 2, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    The Old Testament points toward the New. The Old Testament points toward Jesus. This week we look at the Pentateuch.

    Intro.: I remember when I was a Boy Scout many years ago. 1.One of the skills that we had to learn was to follow tracking details left by our scout leader. 2.The three of us on our team got lost. 3.Actually we got set up – because the team that went before us had taken the clues and changed them more

  • The Righteous Brach Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Apr 24, 2022

    The Old Testament prophets used the imagery of a stump as a prophetic promise. Jesus Christ is Lord our Righteousness and he came to save sinners. Jesus takes our punishment and becomes the LORD Our Righteousness, (‘Jehovah-tsidkenu).

    What do you think of when you see a tree stump? Well, for one thing you probably think that tree has seen better days. The glory days for that tree that is now just a stump lie in the past not the future. You would probably not look at that stump and think that great and wonderful days of fruitful more

  • The Search Of The Magi Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Jan 6, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    This series looks at the 5 stories after Jesus was born and the one thing whic unites all of them: their search for the Christ. This sermon looks at the search of the Magi for the Messiah from both a historical and theological perspective

    The Search of the Magi Matthew 2:1-12 Advent is the season we prepare for the birth of Jesus and as we look forward to His return and when He calls us by name and welcomes us home. Typically during this time, we look at the stories leading up to Christmas but this year, we looking at the stories more

  • The Whakapapa Of Jesus

    Contributed by Michael Treston on Jun 10, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    how Jesus’ geneology (whakapapa) reveals his nature

    MATTHEW 1 - verses 1 to 17. The whakapapa of Jesus. Today we are going to continue on the advent theme by looking at Matthews account of the birth of the Christ child. Matthew starts his account with a geneology If we are being honest with ourselves many of us would never had read this more

  • Jesus Incognito

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The two disciples walking on the Road to Emmaus that first Easter had experienced devastation; their faith had been shattered. They had no idea that their walk to Emmaus would end up becoming a walk of faith.

    Jesus Incognito (Luke 24:13-36) 1. Death was handled differently in the ancient world… An archaeologist was digging in the Negev Desert in Israel and came upon a casket containing a mummy. After examining it, he called the curator of a prestigious natural history museum. "I've just more

  • The Birth Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Harry J. Colegrove on Sep 7, 2012

    This is my introductory message to a series I am currently preaching on the Gospel of Luke. This message was preached on Sunday, December 25, 2011 and covers the birth of Christ

    The final portion of this sermon is copied from a message that I found here on Sermon Central. I do not remember the author of the sermon. The Gospel of Luke Chapters 1 & 2 Today we are starting a new series on the Gospel of Luke My goal is to start today with the birth of Jesus and end on more

  • A Slave For Christ Part 10 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Jun 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Part 10 focuses on Paul's conversion and his ability to prove that jesus was in fact the true Messiah.

    A Slave for Christ Part 10 Scriptures: Acts 9:18-31 Introduction: Several weeks ago I shared with you a story of a man who had abused and murdered people and got away with it. He was never arrested or paid any recompense from his crimes. Before many of you found out that I was referring to the more

  • Your Revelation Of Christ PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 8, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores our understanding of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of recognizing Him as the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

    Hey there, friends! I'm so glad you're here with us today. We're about to get into something really special. I've got three big ideas to share with you, and they all revolve around one central question: Who is Jesus? But before we get into that, I want to share a quote with you. It's from A.W. more

  • Both Lord And Christ Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 24, 2022

    God’s plan to save us centered around declaring Jesus both Lord and Messiah.

    Both Lord and Messiah Text: Acts 2:22-36 Introduction 1. Illustration: “The cornerstone of God’s plan is the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Hugo Montoya). 2. As God always does, he had a plan B. He set us up with paradise, but that wasn’t good enough for us, we had to have more. So, we more

  • Who Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 17, 2024

    This is a study of the gospel of Mark regarding the life of Jesus. It is based on my personal study and research of Scripture and many books and sermons I have read over the years.

    GOSPEL OF MARK: GOD’S SERVANT IN ACTION WHO IS JESUS? A. WHO IS JESUS? That was the question that was asked on the streets of New York City. (VIDEO) 1. There are a lot of OPINIONS out there about who Jesus is, aren’t there? ILLUSTRATION: Some believe that he was a fictional character—that more

  • Room For Jesus

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 12, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Is there room for Jesus in our lives? There was no room for Him when He was born

    INTRODUCTION  Have you ever looked for something to only find that what you were looking for was right under your nose? TALK ABOUT SCREWDRIVER IN HAND.  This was the situation before the birth of Jesus. The world that Jesus was born into was a very religious world. The Jewish more

  • Finding Jesus

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Sep 26, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    May people find Jesus in your decisions, language, devotions, kindness and compassion

    Sermon - “Finding Jesus” Luke 2:1-10 I. Mary’s Story II. The Search Continues A. Introduction - Scholars B. Our Search 1. Like the Jew 2. In Our Everyday Life 3. Finding Jesus C. Others Search 1. Where Will They Find Him? 2. Can They Find Him in You? III. The Challenge A. Let more

  • The Suffering Servant

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Sep 14, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    Israel believed that the Messiah that was to come would be a conquering Messiah. The sermon discribes the Messiah as the Suffering Servant who offers the hearers an informative tongue and helps the people by being the Suffering Servant.

    Isaiah 50:4-9 The Suffering Servant They longed for a victorious Messiah, not a suffering one. The image of the suffering servant went underground, as it were, lying dormant for centuries. Then, in a very dramatic scene early in his ministry, Jesus quoted from one of the servant more

  • Finding Jesus Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jun 21, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    (PowerPoint slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing Understanding the profound revelation behind Nathaniel’s confession on who Jesus Christ was - this is a ’wow’!

    Journeying with John, It’s a Trip (JWJ-10) Finding Jesus John 1:43-51 I had to smile this week as I came across some cynical statements that I thought you would enjoy - a few of them I had not yet heard.  If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.  For more

  • Jesus Trial Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Mar 15, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Every single one of these men - Judas, Peter, The Sanhedrin, believe that they are faithful, and they appear faithful to those around them. But appearing to be spiritual, appearing to be faithful is neither spiritual nor faithful, it only appears to be.

    Jesus, an innocent man, is arrested in an olive grove and now stands ready to be condemned to death – there is no doubt about the outcome. How did it all come to this? How did it come to this, that the most theologically adept men of the day sat ready to condemn an innocent man, they sat ready to more

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