Sermon Series

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  • 1. Good News!

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2012

    An introduction to the Gospel of Mark.

    Mark 1:1 Good News! 5/28/00 D. Marion Clark The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Background Mark’s name first appears in Acts 12:12: When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had more

  • 2. Preparing For Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2012
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    Who is this Jesus? That is the question that underlines the gospel of Mark. He is a man like us and yet so much more. Throughout his gospel Mark raises that question and he begins in his opening passage about John the Baptist.

    Introduction Who is this Jesus? That is the question that underlines the gospel of Mark. He is a man like us and yet so much more. Throughout his gospel Mark raises that question and he begins in his opening passage about John the Baptist. The Prophecy 2 It is written in Isaiah the more

  • 3. What Jesus Experienced

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2012
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    Jesus’ first action is an act of humility. It is this act of humility that will reveal his greatness, and this act of identifying with the people will actually set him apart.

    Introduction We come now to Jesus’ appearance. Mark, in verse 8 sets us up to expect his coming in power, and yet, Jesus’ first action is an act of humility. John, who was not worthy to tie Jesus’ sandals, baptizes him as he does everyone else. But it is this act of humility more

  • 4. Jesus' First Words

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2012

    With his first words, Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God.

    Introduction We are now moving out of Mark’s introduction to Jesus’ life and ministry, and getting into the story of his ministry. In verse 1 he introduced the theme of his writing – it is about the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; verses 2-8 presented John the more

  • 5. What The Demons Know

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2012

    The demons know more clearly than we who Jesus is.

    Introduction Our action-movie director Mark is ready to show Jesus in action. Jesus has proclaimed the good news, called his disciples, and now we are going to see just what this man can do. The Teacher The scene begins tamely enough. 21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, more

  • 6. A Time For Healing

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2012

    Presents Jesus the healer.

    Introduction Jesus’ ministry has started with powerful action. No sooner does he start to teach than he has his first encounter with an evil spirit, i.e. a demon. With a mere rebuke Jesus casts the demon out of his victim shrieking in agony. As Mark will show in this passage, that was more

  • 7. A Time To Preach

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2012

    As much excitement healing stirs up, Jesus says what really characterizes his ministry - preaching.

    Introduction Jesus’ ministry has gotten off to a great start. Really, what more could you want if you are trying to make a name for yourself? In one day he has become a phenomenon through his preaching and especially through his miracle healings and exorcisms. He has a nice centralized more

  • 8. A Time To Cleanse

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2012

    We come to the most shocking act of Jesus in his brief career - touching an untouchable.

    Introduction I’ve coined a new name for Jesus. I call him Jesus the Great Gasper. He is the man who makes people gasp, who causes gaspers. Consider what he did in a twenty-four hour period. He amazed people by his teaching, just by his teaching! People are left astonished by the way more

  • 9. A Time To Forgive

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2012

    Jesus' most audacious act gives us personal hope.

    Introduction Last Sunday I introduced Jesus as the Great Gasper. He is the one who causes gaspers – making other people gasp. And he has done some pretty amazing things to make people gasp – casting out demons, healing the sick, even cleansing lepers. Sometimes, though, it is the more

  • 10. Jesus' Bad Company

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2012
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    The messy business of Jesus and the church is the invitation and welcome to sinners such as us.

    Introduction When Jesus begins his ministry, people are filled with wonder at what he can do – cast out demons and heal the sick. “Wow! I saw Jesus command a demon to come out of a man!” “That’s nothing, I saw him heal a man born blind.” “Well, I saw more

  • 11. Jesus' Negligent Disciples

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2012

    This passage presents the distinctions between Old Covenant and New Covenant religion.

    Introduction We’ve noticed that, while Jesus has gotten off to a great start amazing everyone with his teaching, healing and exorcising of demons, he has also started to create controversy. He first seems like he has all the markings of a special man of God – maybe a prophet, more

  • 12. Jesus’ Bad Sabbath Habits

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2012

    This text presents what the sabbath is about.

    Sabbath Conflict Our text today covers two stories, both of which focus on the matter of Sabbath-keeping. So, let’s take a moment to understand the place of the Sabbath in Jewish culture. That the Sabbath must be observed was not a matter of debate among the Jews. The observance was grounded more

  • 13. Managing A Ministry

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2012

    Jesus' ministry, though popular, was mostly misunderstood. Indeed, he was popular with the crowd precisely because he was misunderstood.

    Introduction Mark takes a break from confrontation stories between Jesus and his critics to give us an overview of Jesus’ ministry. It can be easy to lose sight of what actually is going on around Jesus. Mark reminds us that Jesus has become a superstar, and with that he has inherited more

  • 14. Jesus: Crazy Or Possessed?

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Has anyone ever considered you to be crazy? How about demon-possessed? If you have been accused of either of these conditions, take heart; Jesus received the same diagnoses.

    Introduction Has anyone ever considered you to be crazy? How about demon-possessed? I know some women who have suspected the first of their husbands and the second of their toddlers! If you have been accused of either of these conditions, take heart; Jesus received the same more

  • 15. Jesus' Family

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    In our passage, Jesus will use a family misunderstanding to give us greater understanding of his life and work.

    Introduction Mothers, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to have Jesus for a son. At first thought, it would seem wonderful. Just think, a child – a son, no less – who doesn’t misbehave. He never lies to you; he does all of his chores; he doesn’t get more

  • 16. Good Topsoil

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    The failure to live by the gospel is found in people’s hearts.

    Jesus’ Parables We come to our first parable this morning, so we ought to consider before we get into it, what is a parable? I’ll give you a starting definition. A parable is a picture with a point. The picture may be a story such as the tale of the good Samaritan. It may be an more

  • 17. A Time To Hear

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Jesus is saying, “I, the lamp, have come with the light of the gospel. Don’t cover me and my message over as many of you are doing. Let the lamp shine openly. The reason that you hide my light is that you really prefer something else which is less than

    Introduction We are back to the parables this morning. In contrast to our extended metaphor of the sower and his soil conditions, we now come to a collection of short images and sayings. Remember how I said that usually it is the context that makes the parable’s meaning clear? The more

  • 18. The Real Miracle-Grow

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    The kingdom of God is mystery. Whether we are asleep or awake, whether its seed seems small or large, it will generate life that is abundant and rich.

    Introduction A number of years ago at the prodding of a neighbor, who was also a church elder, my wife and I ventured into the mystical world of gardening. A section of our yard had once been a rose garden that one minister had lovingly cared for and another pulled up, so that it was bare when more

  • 19. The Terrifying Question

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012
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    The problem with the disciples is not that they didn’t have enough faith to trust Jesus in the storm. The problem is that their faith was not directed at the real Jesus.

    Introduction As we move along in our study of Mark, we would do well to review the purpose and theme of the gospel. Mark and the other gospel writers had an agenda, which was to tell the “good news” about Jesus Christ. They were not writing biographies to give insight into the man more

  • 20. The Terrifying Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    It is those who know what it is to tremble before Jesus who are those who learn the real peace that he gives.

    Introduction Why do we like to be scared? Why are we fascinated with evil? I mean real evil. Our adventure movies today don’t simply feature good guys battling bad guys; they take on the forces of evil – demons, vampires, spiritual forces of wickedness. Moviemakers do their best, more

  • 21. Waking The Dead

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012
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    We can have and must have faith in Jesus because Jesus is Lord over all.

    Introduction What miracle will Jesus do now? He has calmed a storm; he has delivered a man possessed by hundreds of demons; and he has healed a woman suffering from an illness of twelve years, merely by her touching his garment. Indeed, that happened while he was on his way to accomplish more

  • 22. Freed From Suffering

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012
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    Do you understand that that is what Jesus wants to do for you? He wants to heal the disease of your heart that alienates you from his Father and leads you to your eternal death. He wants to make you whole, not just feel better.

    Introduction There was a series of commercials that featured particularly embarrassing moments for individuals, followed by an announcer saying, “Need to get out of town fast?”, and a camera shot of an airplane flying overhead. The main character in our passage this morning (at least for a more

  • 23. How To Amaze Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Two types of people amaze Jesus - those who have great faith just by what they know about Jesus and those who lack faith even when they see him at work.

    Introduction Mark has made it clear how Jesus amazed people. He amazed them by his teaching; they were definitely amazed at his casting out demons. He amazed them by his healings; he amazed his disciples by calming the storm, and he amazed two parents by raising their daughter to life. The more

  • 24. The First Short-Term Missions Trip

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Short-term missions is mostly a modern concept, probably because technology and modern transportation makes it easy to do. Even so, it was Jesus who started the practice with his twelve disciples.

    Introduction Our missions chairman has made it clear to anyone who gets in earshot of him that he thinks short-term mission trips is one great idea. He likes them because he thinks they are a great means to convert Christians into lifelong missionaries, whether they travel to another land or more

  • 25. Haunted Herod

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Are you like Herod - haunted by your sins but you don't catch on that your hope is in Jesus?

    Introduction No doubt I now grew very pale; --but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased --and what could I do? It was a low, dull, quick sound --much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath --and yet the officers heard it more

  • 26. A Satisfying Meal

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    Following Jesus is not easy. Sometimes what he expects of us seems too difficult; sometimes it just doesn’t seem to make sense. It is then that we need to obey.

    Introduction You have heard the term Christ-figure. It is a literary term for a character in a story who is like a savior or sacred figure. Those of you who have read John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath might remember Jim Casey, a fallen preacher who helps migrant workers. It is no more

  • 27. The Miracle Worker

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    The miracles of Jesus are significant, not because they reveal a miracle worker, but because they reveal the glory of the Son of God.

    Introduction We come to yet another miracle. Jesus the miracle worker keeps pulling out one miracle after another. Even if our modern day magicians really were performing miracles with their tricks of illusion, they would have nothing up on Jesus. They might have pizzazz, but their more

  • 28. Inside-Outside

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012

    The condition of your heart is what determines your status with God, not the rituals and traditions you follow.

    Introduction Have you ever asked someone a question and found you had touched a raw nerve? The other person swells up with emotion and then unleashes a tirade. “I’ve had enough of people asking me…” “You want to know my opinion? I’ll be glad to give you my more

  • 29. Jesus Said What?

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012
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    Let us learn to examine ourselves in light of Jesus and not examine Jesus in the dim light of ourselves. It will cause discomfort, but how wondrous it is to serve a true King and to experience the mercy of a Lord that we truly fear.

    Introduction In the movie “The Kid,” Bruce Willis plays an image consultant. We see him racing in to save clients who have said or done something that makes them appear insensitive to people, which in their cases they actually are. “What did I say?” “What did I more

  • 30. Opened Ears

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2012
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    As spectacular as giving hearing to a deaf man may have been, what that healing signified was by far more wondrous than anything that life on earth has yet to experience.

    Introduction We read in our passage what is a common experience for us – the record of yet another healing. That was not common for the man Jesus healed. To him it was the most spectacular event of his life. And yet, as spectacular as it may have been, what that healing signified was by more