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Sermons on Isaiah 44:4:

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  • Faith When Your Future Looks Bleak Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jan 13, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    The fact that we live in time means that we tend to worry about the future. In this talk, we will examine some of God’s His attributes that can help us face an uncertain future. When we get to know God, we find greater hope for facing life’s challenges.

    The pessimist mainly complains about the wind. The optimist simply expects it to change. The realist wisely adjusts the sails. This is a talk for the optimist who just expects things to get better, but rarely is willing to take action. So, the future never really gets brighter. And it’s a talk more

  • A God Blessed People Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 14, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    God cared for His people even when they did not call out to Him. He would revive His lifeless people with His life giving Spirit and with a renewal of the promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:2; 13:16) that the nation would bless the world. None need fear that Go

    ISAIAH 44:1-8 A GOD BLESSED PEOPLE [Ezek. 36:24-28] The emphasis again shifts from the ill winds of 43:27-28, where God rebukes His people for trying to manipulate Him and become His god, to the glorious prospects He has for His people’s future. God’s more

  • What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Apr 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God Takes those who trust in Him and provides them with the opportunity to be what He wants them to be.

    April 20, 2008 Morning Worship Text: Isaiah 44:1-5 Subject: Stages of Growth Title: What I Want to be When I Grow Up One of the really special things that I have held on to as a dad is that as our children grew I celebrated the various changes that they went through as they grew. Yes, some of more

  • Pessimistic, Optimistic Or Realistic? Living With An Authentic Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 8, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    The pessimist says the glass is half empty. The optimist says the glass is half full. The realist knows there is water in the glass. Who are you?

    Pessimistic, Optimistic or Realistic? Living with an Authentic Spirit Which of these words would you use to describe yourself? Pessimist / Optimist / Realist Which would you use to describe yourself? The pessimist says the glass is half empty. The optimist says the glass is half full. The more

  • The Lord’s Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 10, 2013

    A study of the book of Isaiah chapter 44 verses 1 through 28

    Isaiah 44: 1 – 28 The Lord’s “Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant, and Israel whom I have chosen. 2 Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you: ‘Fear not, O Jacob My servant; And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. 3 For I will pour water on more

  • The Joy Of Redemption Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Nov 7, 2012

    What a day that was when eternal wisdom was revealed to man.

    The Joy of Redemption Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church 4 November 2012 "Sing for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the Lord has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in more

  • Taking Pride In God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 4, 2013

    We should gladly own Yahweh as our God, and we should take great pride in him!

    Taking Pride in God Isaiah 44:1-28 1. Sometimes it DOES take a Rocket Scientist 
 Scientists at NASA have developed a gun built specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea is to more

  • The Spirit Of Revival

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The Spirit of Revival

    The Spirit of Revival Isa. 44:1-8 I. THE SOURCE OF REVIVAL. 3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty Look at the "I" in these verses: Only God can give it. 2. THE SPIRIT OF REVIVAL pour water Through His Holy Spirit. more

  • Isaiah 44 Come Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Chuck Musselwhite on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Isaiah 44

    Isaiah 44 Come Holy Spirit Fill Us Up vs. 1-5 Take a Stand vs. 6-8 Remove the Idols vs. 9-20 Return to Me vs. 21-28 Intro: Unless the Lord Builds the House Geocaching You use your phone and satellites to find these hidden cases You put your name on a list that you found it The cases can be as more

  • Preparing For The End

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Aug 30, 2013

    If you believe the end is near, then what are you doing about it?

    September 1, 2013 Morning Worship Text: Isaiah 44:1-8 Subject: Revival Title: Preparing for the End You can’t go anywhere today where Christians are gathered without hearing someone talk about the imminent return of Christ. I can say without any doubt that the majority of us here today more

  • Jeshurun

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Sep 27, 2022

    The name Jeshurun means “upright one” or “blessed one.” In the parallelism of Isaiah’s poetry, Jeshurun is a replacement for Jacob in the previous line. So we see that Jeshurun is a poetic reference to the nation of Israel.

    Isaiah 44:1-5 1Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen: 2 Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen. 3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and more

  • The Future Restoration Of Israel - Part 5 - Scriptures In Isaiah Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 14, 2022

    The prophet Isaiah loved his own sinful people of his own time, but the Spirit of God moved him to write of their glorious restoration when they will come back to the Lord in a national repentance during the Tribulation. The people are restored and the land is restored.

    THE FUTURE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL - PART 5 - SCRIPTURES IN ISAIAH This is a continuing study on the restoration of Israel from both Major and Minor Prophets. Every Restoration passage is being covered, and I hope none has been missed. The series began with the book of Isaiah, and this is PART more

  • Tired Of God? (Isaiah 43:22-28; 44:1-5) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jun 13, 2024

    God's exiled people are tired of Him. God pushes back, and asks how exactly that's possible, and says He's the one who is tired by their burdens. Nevertheless, a better future awaits them.

    One of the most common questions that any human being can ask another, is this: "How are you doing?" And in my circles, there are a few really common answers to this: "I'm fine. I'm alright. I'm really busy." There's also one more: "I'm more

  • The Trumpets - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Apr 12, 2024

    Life for the Children of Israel was ordered by trumpet blasts – which were often accompanied by times of prayer.

    April 13, 2024 Revelation 8:2 begins a new vision that includes an introductory Sanctuary Scene. The vision beginning in the Sanctuary, sets the theological context for what is to come. John sees 7 angels with 7 Trumpets. As in the other visions, the symbolism of the 7 Trumpets is rooted more

  • The Spirit As Streams Of Living Water Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 27, 2025

    Another amazing role of the Holy Spirit is to be a stream of living water that flows from within those who put their faith in Christ. We must be thirsty and drink before we will experience the refreshment.

    A. The story is told about a man who got himself lost in the desert and began to search for water to quench his thirst. 1. After countless hours searching, he came upon a well with a big opening at the top. a. He peered down into the well, but couldn't see a thing down there. b. He looked more

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