Sermon Series

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  • 1. Hoping In Humans

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2007
    based on 55 ratings

    This message is part of a series that parallels some characteristics of the favored nation of Judah with America. It points the way back to God as the only true hope for a God blessed people.

    ISAIAH 22:15-25 [HOPE FOR LIFE Series] HOPING IN HUMANS [LUKE 16:10] [After the gloomy view of Judah’s present and future, the prophet turns his attention to an internal matter in the affairs of Jerusalem during his own time. This segment serves to personalize the generalized more

  • 2. Raised Up For Righteousness

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    The Lord works sovereignly over the world & individuals because He created both the world & its people. It is His right as Creator & Sustainer. What God does He does in righteousness in order to bring forth righteousness.

    ISAIAH 45: 8-13 RAISED UP FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS The Lord works sovereignly over the world and individuals because He created both the world and its people. It is His right as Creator and Sustainer. Those created have no right to rebelliously question the Creator’s ways. more

  • 3. Promises For The Faithful

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2008
    based on 58 ratings

    Our future depends on our past & present attitude & actions toward God. Yet even if we have thwarted God’s purposes in our past, He is willing to restore us, for God is a God of redemption. He holds out gracious promises to those who turn to Him.

    ISAIAH 48: 17-22 PROMISES FOR THE FAITHFUL [Jeremiah 50:4-8] Had Israel responded to God in their past, their present life and circumstances would have been considerably different. Instead of being enslaved and going into exile they would have walked in more

  • 4. Listen To God

    Contributed on May 15, 2008
    based on 47 ratings

    Chapter 51 is an exhortation, a call to the faithful remnant to listen to God. It is a message of hope, of joy, of salvation to the righteous, to those who seek the Lord. Even in difficult times, listening to God & remembering our history with Him renews

    ISAIAH 51: 1-8 LISTEN TO GOD! [2 Peter 3:3-13] Chapter 51 of Isaiah follows on the heels of what is known as “the third Servant Sermon.” In chapter 50, we heard the Servant speak of the suffering, pain, humiliation, and death more

  • 5. The Lord Establishes His People

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    Security comes to the redeemed from the Creator. Instead of fearing that man will take your security away, trust in the power that sets free the captives & provides for His own. He is the One who establishes what cannot be broken.

    ISAIAH 51: 9-16 THE LORD ESTABLISHES HIS PEOPLE [Luke 12:4-5] God is called upon to demonstrate His strength as in the days of old that His people’s sorrow might become joy. God then tells His people not to be afraid more

  • 6. Our God Reigns Supreme!

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 51 ratings

    A new awareness of what God is going to do bursts upon God’s people. Those who understand it as good news will celebrate in its glory & joy. Such news would be cause for the greatest joy & the greatest glory is for who causes it to become reality.

    ISAIAH 52: 7-12 OUR GOD REIGNS SUPREME! [Romans 10: 11- 17] A new awareness of what God is going to do bursts upon God’s people. Those who understand it as good news will celebrate in its glory and joy. As marvelous as more

  • 7. Future Glory

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2008
    based on 75 ratings

    God establishes His disciples in His righteousness. We can be established b/c He promises to guard us in His righteousness & keep us secure

    ISAIAH 54: 11-17 FUTURE GLORY [Revelations 21: 10, 18-21] In the midst of adversity, God speaks through Isaiah to foretell of renewal, revival and a flourishing time to come. However bad the people of God’s present situation, more

  • 8. The Free Offer Of Mercy & Grace

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2008
    based on 66 ratings

    All people are called to listen & receive God’s wonderful new covenant. The gods of this world extract a high price for what eventually turns into dust & ashes. God’s free offer though is a covenant relationship that will never end. Come & partake.

    ISAIAH 55: 1-3 -5 THE FREE OFFER OF MERCY AND GRACE [John 4: 10-14] People everywhere are called to listen to and receive God’s wonderful new covenant. The gods of this world extract a high price for what eventually turns into dust and more

  • 9. God's Wonder Working Word

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2008
    based on 54 ratings

    After the call to come & receive God’s satisfying salvation free of charge, the passage instructs us to come in repentance also. We are called to repent of doing things our way b/c God’s ways & our ways are immeasurably different.

    ISAIAH 55: 6-13 GOD’S WONDER WORKING WORD After the call to come and receive God’s satisfying salvation free of charge, the passage instructs us to come in repentance also. We are called to repent of doing things our way because God’s ways and our ways are immeasurably different. more

  • 10. The Opportunity Of Godly Living

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    God saves people so that they might know Him & the only way they can truly know Him is to become like Him. As people chose to live in obedience to God, He empowers them that they might become the servants of God.

    ISAIAH 56: 1-8 THE OPPORTUNITY OF GODLY LIVING Chapters 56-66 are the third section of Isaiah’s book. The section opens with promises of a grand salvation yet to come. God saves people so that they might know Him and the only way they can truly know more

  • 11. Promised Blessing

    Contributed on Aug 28, 2008
    based on 44 ratings

    The passage reveals what God will do for those who take refuge in Him. God promises to revive, lead, heal & encourage His humbled people by doing for them what they cannot do for themselves. He enables us to be the righteous people He has called us to be.

    ISAIAH 57: 14-21 PROMISED BLESSING Here the Lord promises forgiveness and reviving and so much more to His humbled, repentant people. This section many be an elaboration upon the promise in the last part of verse 13. "But he who takes more

  • 12. True Fasting

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2008
    based on 65 ratings

    Though the people wanted the blessings of God, they were not interested in allowing God to change their heart, their attitude & their actions. They wanted their religion to gain them special favor with God so that they would win the dog eat dog struggle

    ISAIAH 58:3-12 TRUE FASTING Job 32:17-20 / Matthew 23:13-36 Going through the motions of religion, even those of sacrifice and fasting, does not move God. A true and vital relationship with God does not come through external religion and ritual. What brings the response of God into life more

  • 13. Thankful Praise For Delieverance

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    It may seem that the people who ruthlessly bully themselves into power and wealth have done something worthwhile. But God has determined long ago that He will reverse man’s outcome according to His plan. God has the last word.

    ISAIAH 25: 1-5 THANKFUL PRAISE FOR DELIVERANCE Isaiah now describes the situation which will exist when the kingdom of God is established on the earth. Yahweh will win the great victory when He overthrows His enemies and causes all men to fear Him. Chapter 24 closed more

  • 14. Symptoms Of A Society's Sinfulness

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2008
    based on 32 ratings

    Sin separates from God, be it the sin of a person or of a nation. God demands righteousness on the part of the people with whom He enters into covenant relationship. The fault of rejection is not the Lord’s but His peoples’ choice of the ways of sin.

    ISAIAH 59: 1-8 SYMPTOMS OF A SOCIETY’S SINFULNESS [Romans 3:4-18] There are always reasons if God’s promises are not being fulfilled. It is not because God cannot fulfill His Word or does not want to fulfill His Word. Here God states He is not fulfilling His promises and delivering His more

  • 15. An Honest Confession

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    God’s victory over sin (59:15b-21) is not provided until genuine repentance is entered. The outpouring of God’s grace in our lives awaits our humble honest admitting to the hideousness of our sins & our powerlessness to save ourselves from them.

    ISAIAH 59: 9-15a AN HONEST CONFESSION This section continues describing the people’s sin, but now its seriousness, their helplessness to change, and the effects of their sins become realized by people. Isaiah has just boldly confronted the people more

  • 16. The Armored Almighty

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 12 ratings

    Who or what is truly defeating Israel? Sin. Sin is the great enemy that defeats them & hold them captive, keeping them from living the life of righteous. Sin is the undefeated enemy against whom God comes to make war.

    ISAIAH 59: 15b-21 THE ARMORED ALMIGHTY [Isaiah 53: 4-12 / Romans 11: 25-29] The people have just acknowledged and confessed their personal and corporate [national] sins. God now responses with a promise of salvation and more

  • 17. The Messiah's Mission

    Contributed on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 97 ratings

    Here it is predicted that the people of YAHWEH will be empowered by His Spirit to bring the good news of salvation to mankind. Because of the Messiah’s redeeming work light will fill His people, who in turn are to shine forth, as a spiritual light

    ISAIAH 60:1-3 THE MESSIAH’S MISSION [Matthew. 5:14-17] Here it is predicted that the people of YAHWEH will be empowered by the Spirit of God to bring the good news of salvation to mankind. Because of the Messiah’s redeeming work (59:19a, 20-21), light more

  • 18. The Righteous Redeemed Recognized

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    God is in control of history & He will accomplish His plan & fulfill His promises. For those who follow God He also weaves the events of life together into something that will one day truly be amazing.

    ISAIAH 60: 10-18 THE RIGHTEOUS REDEEMED RECOGNIZED [Matthew 25:31-46] God is in control of history and He will accomplish His plan and fulfill His promises. For those who follow God He also weaves the events of life together into something more

  • 19. When God Is Your Glory

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    What a glorious God of splendor we serve! The city which God establishes will not be darkened by human failure or natural inadequacy. The presence of God in Zion will create external & internal light. God’s splendor will be seen & experienced.

    ISAIAH 60:19-22 WHEN GOD IS YOUR GLORY [Revelation 21:23-24; 22:5] What a glorious God of splendor we serve! The city which God establishes will not be darkened by human failure or natural inadequacy. The presence of God in Zion more

  • 20. The Messiah's Ministry

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    Not only does the passage state the mission of Christ, it also relays the mission of the Church. What God did when He became flesh in Jesus Christ was to identified with man. Believers are to identify with Christ also.

    ISAIAH 61: 1-3 THE MESSIAH’S MISSION [Luke 4: 18-19] The Messianic Servant was appointed to bring the good news of God’s salvation to mankind. He would be empowered by the Spirit of YAHWEH to minister the accompanying blessings of salvation also. The Messiah’s most potent instrument for more

  • 21. Promises To God's Faithful Servants

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2008
    based on 50 ratings

    The Messiah has returned to bring to fruition the promises of redemption to His people. The outcome will be the exaltation of the Lord & His saved people fully appropriating His righteousness. God will fulfill all His promises to His people &

    ISAIAH 61: 4-11 PROMISES TO GOD’S FAITHFUL SERVANTS [Revelation 19:6-8] The Messiah has returned to bring to fruition the good promises of redemption to His beleaguered people. His wondrous presence will draw the astute people of the nations to come to His glory. The glory of the Lord more

  • 22. Forsaken No More

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 36 ratings

    God has a wonderful end in mind for His people. Long ago He purposed the redemption, righteousness, & restoration of the people of Zion. They may anger Him by their sin & hard heartedness, but God stands ready to save & make them holy.

    ISAIAH 62:1-12 FORSAKEN NO MORE [Revelations 2:16-17, 3:11-13] God has a wonderful end in mind for His people. Long ago He purposed the redemption, righteousness, and restoration of the people of Zion. They may anger Him by their sin and hard heartedness, but God stands ready to save more

  • 23. You Are Our Father

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Isaiah has just recounted some past experiences with God when He moved & acted on behalf of His people. He now pleas with God to remember that He is their Father. It is a call for their God of power & love to take action on their behalf. In spite of the

    ISAIAH 63: 15-19 YOU ARE OUR FATHER Isaiah has just recounted some past experiences with God when He moved and acted on behalf of His people. He now pleas with God to remember that He is their Father. It is a prayer elicited out of their sorrow and desertion. It is a call for more

  • 24. Trust In God's Protection

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2007
    based on 57 ratings

    The prophet Isaiah reveals yet another portion of the future that awaits man-kind. It is a future that will demand the utmost trust in God. But for those who focus their life on God, they will find extraordinary peace for whatever they face.

    ISAIAH 26:1-6 TRUST IN GOD’S PROTECTION Philippians 4: 6-8 Because of God’s victory over the city that ruled the world through oppression the prophet pens a song that will be sung by the redeemed when the Messiah establishes His millennial kingdom. Isaiah more

  • 25. The Made Righteous Plea

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    What do you do when the church sinks to the level of the world, leaving its high calling, quitting the path of being a separated people, & becoming like those whom God does not know? After the entreaty to remember the pitiful spiritual condition of His pe

    ISAIAH 64: 1-12 THE MADE RIGHTEOUS PLEA [Exodus 19:16-19 / Mt 24:36-44 / 1Corinthians 2:9] What do you do when the church sinks to the level of the world, leaving its high calling, quitting the path of being a separated people, and becoming just like those whom God does not know? After the more

  • 26. A Future & A Hope

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2009
    based on 59 ratings

    God here contrasts the future of those who forsake Him with those that are faithful to Him. The effects of His faithful servants’ sinful condition will pass away & the blessings of YAHWEH will be theirs instead. The future for the faithful shines in bri

    ISAIAH 65: 8-16 A FUTURE AND A HOPE Habakkuk 3:17-18 In the preceding verses YAHWEH declared that He always stood ready to respond to Israel, but they had scorned His invitation (65:1-2). Not only had they failed to respond, but they had provoked Him to wrath by their shameful practices more

  • 27. Thy Kingdom Come

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2009
    based on 51 ratings

    The previous age has passed away & the glories of a new millennia has dawned. The glories of the renewed age will mean that the past is completely forgotten & left behind. It will be a time when God Himself will minister through His people.

    ISAIAH 65: 17-25 THY KINGDOM COME [2 Peter 3:10-13] Here we begin the final section of the Book. The previous age has passed away and the glories of a new millennia has dawned. The glories of the renewed age will mean that the past is completely forgotten and left behind. It will be a more

  • 28. God's Humble Servants Honored

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2009
    based on 66 ratings

    God has had enough of people who do not listen to His word & despise those who do. God will one day judge those who are depending on externals to establish their relationship with Him, who delight in their way instead of the Lord’s way.

    ISAIAH 66: 1-6 GOD’S HUMBLE SERVANTS HONORED As the climax to the book, this chapter describes the Lord fulfilling some of the promises He has made. The Lord had promise to distinguish between His true people and those who honor Him with their lips but whose hearts are far from Him more

  • 29. Rejoice Because Of God's Promises

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    Nothing can prevent YAHWEH from accomplishing His purpose. In light of God’s promise concerning His people’s future, they are told to rejoice. They will know comfort & plenty. They will be protected, for God will execute His judgment upon the wicked.

    ISAIAH 66: 10-17 REJOICE BECAUSE OF GOD’S PROMISES [2 Thess. 1:7-9] Nothing can prevent YAHWEH from accomplishing His purpose of repopulating Jerusalem with new life. In light of God’s promise concerning His people’s future, the faithful remnant in Zion is told to rejoice. They will more

  • 30. God Glorified

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 26 ratings

    Isaiah closes by describing the conditions that will exist after the restoration of earth & God’s people. The mission of Zion has always been to declare the glory of God to all the inhabitants of the earth. During the millennia His glory will be revealed

    ISAIAH 66: 18-24 GOD GLORIFIED The last section of the Book describes the conditions that will exist after the restoration of earth and God’s people. The mission of Zion has always been to declare the glory of God to all the inhabitants of the earth. During the millennia the glories of more