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  • Andronicus And Junias Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 7, 2022

    Andronicus and Junia successfully brought many to Christ and demolished many temples of idolatry. The tradition holds that they were capable of performing miracles, by which they drove out demons and healed many of sickness and disease.

    Tom lowe 1/7/2022 Title: Andronicus and Junias Andronicus and Junia successfully brought many to Christ and demolished many temples of idolatry. The tradition holds that they were capable of performing miracles, by which they drove out demons and healed many of sickness and disease. Andronicus more

  • Choice

    Contributed by Moshood Oseni on Feb 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Choice, according to a word dictionary, is an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. As we live our lives daily, we are faced with challenges which require us making a choice. Some of us are in church today because we made a choice to be in church.

    It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will illuminate the word of God in the heart of his people today in Jesus' name. This morning I will be sharing with us on a message title: Choice What is Choice? Choice, according to a word more

  • Godly Generations Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 8, 2024

    The family tree is described as vine plant, olive trees in the Psalm 128. Humanity is compared with plants, trees, including the palm trees. This house looks like a green house with peace and prosperity.

    Psalm 128 Greetings: The Lord is good and His love endures forever. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!   Introduction: Psalm 127 and 128 has a focus on God’s work in and through a holy family. A family tree is a list of all the people in your family: grandparents, parents, husband and wife, children and more

  • This Man Should Not Be Alone

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 25, 2024

    If you meet a man who is not in His presence, not working, who cannot cultivate and protect you and teach you the Word of God, is it good for that man to be alone?

    Do you read the first marriage in history found in the constitution of our nation: Section Genesis sub-section 2 article 15-18; 21-23? 1. V. 15a - First of all, it says God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden. The word Eden is not referring to a garden of trees even though there were more

  • Intense Temptation Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 9, 2024

    Study of the life of Joseph. Series is based on my own study of Scripture as well as reading various books and sermons on the topic over the years.

    WHEN LIFE IS THE PITS: INTENSE TEMPTATION A. We are continuing the series on the Life of Joseph titled: “WHEN LIFE IS THE PITS”. 1. We realize that LIFE can be HARD—“THE PITS”—if you will. a. RELATIONSHIPS, EXPECTATIONS and CIRCUMSTANCES don’t always TURN OUT the way we WANT. more

  • Fruits Of The Repented Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 30, 2022

    The book of Romans is the longest, most structured, and most detailed descriptive theology of Paul. The core of the gospel message is salvation by grace alone through faith alone.

    Romans 07:01-06 Fruits of the Repented Introduction: The book of Romans is the longest, most structured, and most detailed descriptive theology of Paul. The core of the gospel message is salvation by grace alone through faith alone. In this chapter, Paul addresses the conflicts between law and more

  • Vision Series

    Contributed by Ed Young on Jul 7, 2022

    In this sermon, Pastor Ed Young teaches that God's vision for marriage is far more profound and much broader than today's culture can even begin to comprehend.

    7 SENSES OF MARRIAGE : VISION JANUARY 9, 2022, 9:30AM ED YOUNG There's a pandemic out there. Have you heard about that? It's everywhere around the world and there's obviously a serious side too at a life and death situation to it. But also on the other hand, there's a lot of smoke more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together Spirit Filled Living: A Husband’ S Love Ephesians 5:25-27 Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jan 21, 2025

    Today we see that God calls husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church (5:25-27). My big idea is pretty simple, Christ’s love for his church is the pattern for a husband’s love for his wife.

    We are continuing our series in Ephesians, Brought to Life; Brought Together. We are in chapter five, where Paul discusses marriage. So far, we have looked at God’s vision for marriage to display Christ’s relationship with his church (5:31-32). Then we saw that God calls wives to respect and more

  • Lesson From Sheriff Pat Garrett Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The decision to follow Christ and His ideals at any cost.

    Lesson From Sheriff Pat Garrett Matthew 10:34-42 Sermon Objective: The decision to follow Christ at any cost. Supporting Scripture: Joshua 24:15; James 4:4; Series Summary We finish a sermon series this morning called “Lessons from the Wild West.” In the first week we looked at: “Buffalo Bill more

  • A Portrait Of Love Series

    Contributed by Mike Gilbert on Jan 30, 2008
    based on 45 ratings

    Biblical view of marriage, and practical actions on part of husband, and on part of wife, to strengthening their marriage.

    Intro> This Thursday is Valentine’s Day (that’s a hint, might want to be making some plans). <>So today I want us to look at the Biblical instructions, the Biblical model, and gain a Biblical understanding of marriage, how we can succeed in our marriages, and how we can be the husbands more

  • Cains Way

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 18, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Description of Cains way and his wife’s choosing to follow it.

    Cain’s Way Sunday P.M. 03/18/2001 Intro: The question before us is where did Cain’s wife come from. We are told that after he killed able Cain dwelt in the land of Nod and Cain knew his wife. Genesis 4:16 & 17, "And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt more

  • Elijah On The Run

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 16, 2022

    Elijah is the ideal person to study when you study the subject of depression.

    Elijah is the ideal person to study when you study the subject of depression. WHY IS HE THE IDEAL CANDIDATE FOR THIS STUDY? Because of what the Word of God says about him. Look at James 5:17, we read, "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are…" Elijah represents us in that more

  • Husbands

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Jul 27, 2018

    Husbands have to honor their wives if they want their prayers to be answered or their offerings to be acceptable unto the Lord

    I found a scripture that could be of help to every husband and I thought I should share it with you. “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” more

  • What Must I Do? Love Your Wife And Respect Your Husband Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jan 13, 2014

    The Designer's instructions can breathe Good News, life and peace into a marriage.

    WHAT MUST I DO? LOVE YOUR WIFE AND RESPECT YOUR HUSBAND EPHESIANS 5:33 Big Idea: Whatever God’s Word says you MUST do, God knows you CAN do! INTRO: A few years back I decided to help Vickie with some household errands that are not in my “wheel house.” One of those was to do more

  • God's Plan For Marriage (Pt. 2) Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jul 10, 2009

    The second of two sermons preached on the topic of marriage and God’s ideal for it.

    God’s Plan for Marriage (Pt. 2) Text: Ephesians 5:21-33 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden, it’s not the invention of man. In-fact; I think we could make the argument from Scripture that marriage is the basic institution from which all other more

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